Friday, November 30, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Vayishlach 5773

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Vayishlach
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

(Translator’s message: May the inspiration gained from this message be for a blessing for the soul of my loving mother, Gertrude Adler, of blessed memory, who departed this world 9 weeks ago and is sorely missed. A sweet, long life to all the readers)

The King of kings, the Holy One blessed be He, personally directs this world. Everything begins with Him and ends with Him! Choices made – are in human hands!

Tzahal left Gaza just in time! If they didn’t agree to a cease-fire with Hamas, Tzahal would have placed its foot soldiers fighting from house to house, in the mud, they would have entered, God forbid, an indescribable trap, which would have caused, God forbid, heavy toll of life and injury. They have nothing to lose – these are their homes, they prepared everything in advance, the Hamas of 14 years ago is not the Hamas of today. They have many scientists and people from all over the world who are helping them with operating the rockets and the weaponry. No Jewish mother would have wanted even one soldier to be killed or wounded – this is the nature of the Jews.

This could have been a year of war, with many casualties and wounded for no reason, given the fact that two months after Tzahal would leave Gaza, everything would go back to where it was before and the Gaza strip would fill up again with weapons as before – and even more. This would have caused Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Jordan and Egypt to battle against Am Yisrael. For them this would have been the opportunity to release their rage, anger and hatred on Am Yisrael. Had Tzahal gone into Gaza, there would have been even more malicious protests against Israel around the world.

Thank God that the Holy One directed the war and ended the war! Every rocket that was fired from the ‘Iron Dome’, which in Heaven is called “Golden Dome,” was under the personal supervision of the Holy One! All the rockets that flew over Israel were directed by the Holy One! Which rocket will fall in an open area, which rocket will be intercepted by ‘Iron Dome,’ which will fall in Gaza and which in a neighborhood or a building! No one in the world believes that all the firings of the rockets didn’t accomplish anything! There were huge miracles! Miracle of miracles! Everyone feels and says that there is supervision from above!

Don’t blame the government of Israel or the general command of Tzahal, that they stopped the war – they left with tremendous honor! The air force and marines, destroyed 70% of the infrastructure and weapons in Gaza! Even the foot soldiers were inside, but in secret. This was the best and most advantageous way, the best and exact time to agree to a cease-fire, to stop the war with Hamas. That’s leadership! That’s strength! This was the very best route for Am Yisrael!

Let’s not forget, the Holy One, He conducted the war, He started it and stopped it! Bnei Yisrael needs to continue to be lead in a natural way, continue thanking the Creator, continue the reciting of Tehillim in all synagogues in the Land, continue with acts of kindness in Eretz Yisrael with Jews, and to be exceedingly happy that we “gained” life – a lot of life, with healthy and whole soldiers! Please, Am Yisrael, this is not an embarrassment, it is a show of strength! Hamas got the strongest blow – and the soldiers of Tzahal are healthy and whole!

The United States was involved in the efforts of a cease-fire – she wants to keep her place in the Middle East.

Egypt allegedly helped in the process, but continues to bring weapons and ammunition into the Gaza strip – they put the cat in charge of the dog. Egypt allegedly made a big public step to effect the cease-fire, but it was not a clean step. Egypt wants to fight against Israel, and the Holy One caused confrontation between Morsi and his nation! Egypt will have a revolution unlike any ever in the world!

Iran provoked the rockets that Hamas sent to Israel, they wanted to know what to do to prepare it has an encounter with Israel – she got is all backwards! Iran is scared to death of the Jewish state, knowing she is the strongest nation in the world! The cease-fire doesn’t say anything, the Jewish state benefitted greatly from it!

The President of Turkey is crying crocodile tears! He has no pain that Syria is being erased, he is crying allegedly regarding Hamas – it’s his ‘dirty trick!’ What pains him is that Egypt took “center stage” and he was not involved.

Syria will continue to be erased. With Assad or without him – it will continue to be erased.

The government of Jordan is scared to death. They are afraid that Hamas, the Palestinians and the refugees coming from Syria will topple the government – this will happen, be patient.

Nasrallah – in just a bit the Holy One will get to him, he shouldn’t worry!

The Sudanese infiltrators must be returned to their country! This is a cold war of the goyim whose aim is to destroy Am Yisrael, similar to drinking hard liquor and taking drugs.

There is a huge group of Arab gangs within Eretz Yisrael, who want to kidnap soldiers. Soldiers of Tzahal, beware!

All the political parties must unite! They must not be posturing because the goyim don’t differentiate between right and left, they want to erase all of them from the world. The economy in the world will continue to fall and topple!

There will be many hard challenges from terrible forces of nature. The hatred and anti-Semitism against the Jews in the world will grow and grow to the point of forcing the Jews out of the diaspora into holy Eretz Yisrael, whether they want to or not, it won’t help them – this is God’s plan!

The economy in the Jewish state will never ever collapse, it will only get better and better!

All the Rabbis must unite and get together, no matter if it’s Ashkenazim, Sephardim, or Charedim! All need to approach Am Yisrael with great shouts and crying! They must strengthen the masses and return everyone back to their Father in Heaven, to cleave to Him and believe in Him! Go from place to place, in order to save the Jews! It’s worthwhile that you should have the merit with the Holy One of saving Jews before the revelation of Mashiach ben David!

Every Jew and Jewess who transgressed, or did things that were not clean, all will be revealed one after the other, from aleph to tav – be patient.

Every Jew who does one small mitzvah – is worth millions, on earth and in Heaven! Keep the 10 commandments! This is the secret and strength of Am Yisrael – “the voice is the voice of Jacob!”

The revelation of King Mashiach has not stopped – on the contrary, it’s speeding up! The world is on a “reef” and we need Mashiach in order to save Am Yisrael the Jewish people and the entire world – those who will be left!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

1 comment:

  1. Whata brilliant speech!!! Absolutely superb and enlightening! Such hope and strength created by Rav Nir ben Artzi. Thank you so very much, Rabbi Adler, once again, for your dedication to Truth and your translation efforts. You will surely be blessed in Shamayim for your selfless efforts!
