Friday, June 29, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Chukkat 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi    Parshat  Chukkat
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He is doing things in order to shake up the entire world. Each day the world is more shaken than the day before. Currently in the area of earthquakes, nearly 40 locations around the world are shaken daily. There are places with greater intensity and those with less intensity. Terrible forces of nature such as hurricanes, floods, fires, volcanoes and extreme heat are all in order to awaken the entire world and Am Yisrael to teshuva, and in order to stir Jews living in the diaspora – to arrive in Israel. Harsh things are happening in the world that go unreported. People in the world go about as usual, as though things make sense, and we’re in a phase that will pass. The Creator of the world will not stop shaking up the world! He will raise the intensity of the shocks more tomorrow than yesterday. The anti-Semitism against the Jews in the world will increase daily, in order to expel the Jews from the diaspora into Eretz Yisrael. There are Jews who live with the illusion that everything is in order, the Creator of the world will not give up on anyone! The Creator of the world is begging, wake up!

The government of Israel should not be in conflict! You may not be a bleeding spirit and sweep problems under the rug. Don’t blame anyone for mistakes or problems. Every creation of the Holy One makes mistakes, don’t look for blame, you must investigate and learn for the future.

Yasher Koach to the government of Israel on the compromise reached with the Ulpana neighborhood, golden mean was found! There must be nice and pleasant dialogue, and understanding to be able to reach a compromise. The Holy One despises conflict, it leads to destruction and baseless hatred, and at the end of the day all of us want the best for the state of Israel.

All those who are doing acts that are not nice, lying and cheating, improprieties, taking and giving bribes, everything will come back in their face. These people have no derech eretz (consideration) and think to themselves: my strength and the labor of my hands has done all this for me.

Israel’s Defense Forces must be prepared for all scenarios and be assisted by helicopters! Arial help a lot in the desert!

Am Yisrael and the government of Israel, we have to make a major push for our youth regarding their gangs and use of knives. They’re being influenced in a bad direction! We must have lectures throughout the media, in schools, on the internet, on radio and television in order to warn about the dangers of using knives! There must be a law forbidding the use of knives! It cannot be that in Eretz Yisrael they should take the law into their own hands to protect themselves because they are minors!

It is forbidden for Jews of either gender to assimilate with the goyim. This is a catastrophe for Am Yisrael! Jews and goyim do not have the same type of soul, spirit or blood!

The government of Israel should not trust or believe anyone – only in itself!

In Jordan everything looks nice and pleasant from the outside – inside everything is rotten. They are scheming quietly with the leadership of Hamas against Am Yisrael.

The Iranians making fun and turning away from everyone! There are countries in the world that support Iran, not openly, therefore she feels empowered to ignore the whole world!

Syria will continue in its current ways until it will be erased! They will fight each other and Assad  won’t give up! This is a Godly strategy, as the Holy One strengthens his arrogance and hardens his heart!

Lebanon and Hezbolah are dependent on Syria and are waiting for instructions from Iran!

Egypt is bubbling! There will be a civil war! Everyone wants to be in power and they will never have peace because everyone there thinks they are right! The next problem in Egypt – the hardest economy in the world!

In Gaza, there are gangs working against Hamas or other factions that want to take over the leadership. They want a slice of the leadership in Gaza and want a seat in the government! This is the reason they are sending missiles into Eretz Yisrael, in order to pressure and gain a foothold in the government – which will not happen!

All the nations of the world are struggling and fighting to stabilize the economy in order to survive! The Holy One is creating huge obstacles for them so they will deal with each other and leave Am Yisrael alone!

We don’t need to show a pleasant face towards the infiltrators! They have their own countries and they came to take slices of Eretz Yisrael – this is a cold war! Whoever is responsible to return them to their lands has to do it in a lawful way and not stop, to return them as quickly as possible in order to purify and clean Tel Aviv!

The Holy One sent messengers so that we can be helped by them through the use of speech. They speak through angels! The ways of Hashem direct the world!
It is forbidden for Jews to make protests! During protests Jews may not battle the security forces! Whoever wants to protest, has to do it in a lawful way and enter a dialogue with the government of Israel and the department that deals with solving the problem! God forbid there should be a civil war! The police in the Jewish nation are clean and pure! All who protect Am Yisrael are messengers! This is not the right way and not the address to confront them during protests and power struggles. There are lawful ways to confront leaders of the government. Why should we give the goyim around us the ability to make fun of us, considering we learn from them?! Jews are a singular people who are wise and intelligent!

Yasher Koach from above to all the Gedolai Yisrael, the Rabbis and leaders, who are working towards the unity of Am Yisrael and organizing prayers for the protection of Am Yisrael – be blessed from the mouth of the Above! This is the joy of the Holy One that luminaries of Am Yisrael, Rabbis and leaders, join together and unify and give spiritual protection to the people! Am Yisrael’s strength is in its mouth – with prayer, and not with physical strength. Am Yisrael is heard through the strength of its prayers.

The Creator is very close! They will understand from the challenges faced in this world that the Holy One blessed be He, He is the ruler and director of the world!

Jews who are living outside of Eretz Yisrael, stop angering and teasing with the Holy One. Don’t fight the Creator! It’s not good for you! The time has come! You will cry and the Holy One will not listen to you! JEWS, THE TIME OF YOUR REDEMPTION HAS COME! Come immediately to Eretz Yisrael! Give up on the materialism, is it vanity of vanities! Come and cling to Holy land and the Holy One! Don’t say “until now nothing has happened,” don’t wait for something to happen! They will throw Jews from their homes and cars in the middle of the day in sight of everyone, and no one will mix in or bat an eye! You will come to Eretz Yisrael bent over, embarrassed and ashamed! Don’t take the Creator to task! The Master of the world loves the Jewish people , gives them all that is good in the world, and IS CALLING US TO COME TO THE LAND – YOU MUST LISTEN TO HIS VOICE!

Mashiach is working and doing for the sake of Am Yisrael! He is involved with all the Arab nations that surround us! He is working to bring every Jew in the world to Eretz Yisrael!

Mashiach’s revelation in Israel and the world is imminent!  

 Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Shelach-Lecha 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Shelach-Lecha
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the world is telling all the Jews in the Land and throughout the world, to come together and unify. What a pity for all the arguments, the protests and the debates. Any matter that has personal interest and is dealt with in a physical or verbal way – will not succeed! Any matter that is discussed pleasantly and nicely and without personal interest – blessing and success upon it! The unity that is found today in the government of Israel is a Godly move. Therefore, all that comes from its mouth – is spoken through the voice of God!

The Creator of the world took his cues from the President, the Prime Minister, and all the ministers and is holding everything in His hand. The world is in chaos, in extremely harsh judgment, and the Creator is “worried” for his son called Bnei Yisrael. The entire plan, from the time of the unified government, is the direct intervention of the Creator, the Master of the world is leading and directing them!

What a waste of time in terms of all the opposition, who make waves for nothing – they are directly interfering with the Creator! Every Jew, even a child, understands that there is a Godly plan in the government of Israel, so why do grown people mislead? To show they understand? Pity! Humility is needed!

The big step that the government of Israel took, is because the entire world is against us. The entire world is imposing terrible threats on Am Yisrael and Am Yisrael is on a hairsbreadth against the entire world, against Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey. Don’t worry, Jews, the saving of Am Yisrael is at hand, everything will belong to Am Yisrael! Pity for all the protests and fights among Jews in Eretz Yisrael which angers the Holy One. All those who plan the protests, and cause fights and hatred – are not Jews, they receive money from Arab countries in order to create disturbance within Am Yisrael, and God forbid, to lead Israel to an exploding point, like it happened in Syria, Egypt and Libya.

The Holy One is informing everyone: with Me, this will not happen!

Yasher Koach to the ministers and staff who found an opening in the law that makes it possible to remove infiltrators from Eretz Yisrael. If not, millions would enter Eretz Yisrael, God forbid, in a very short period of time, to Tel Aviv – the hub of Israel, and from there would spread from Eilat to Metullah. They don’t need specific housing conditions, or electricity or water, they came from the desert and do not need these things. They are under no laws, there is no judgment or judge. This is a black stain on a white sheet! All the Arab nations are complicit in this plan and are helping the infiltrators enter holy Eretz Yisrael in order to expel all the residents of Tel Aviv from the hub of the land. They start from the middle and spread throughout the country – another kind of war that happened very ingeniously.

The economy in the diaspora, in Europe, North and South America, and countries surrounding it, will continue to weaken from day to day, and much quicker each day. The Jews who live outside of Eretz Yisrael, continue to await a salvation and miracles that will never be seen, a salvation that will only be seen in holy Eretz Yisrael when they make aliyah to the Land. The Creator of the world says to them: You are stubborn – I am your Father, and therefore surely more stubborn than you! Pity your stubbornness. Those of the generation of the desert didn’t want to enter the Holy Land of Eretz Yisrael – and I left them in the desert!

There will be no way of fixing the economy and social problems in Spain, Italy, or Greece, or any country in Europe.  

Turkey – is on its way to a nice, big upheaval!

Iran in the meantime is using the agonizing “whip” in order to educate Am Yisrael, so that they shouldn’t forget their Father in heaven. Their plague will come upon them shortly!

To the economists in Eretz Yisrael, the knowledge to deal with the economy – comes straight from the Creator. Eretz Yisrael will thrive economically and spiritually – from every measure. Eretz Yisrael will be the richest country in the world, though camouflaged.

All the wealthy and tycoons who are ready to fall – you have one more chance in your life to make a change, despite the tough times. You must give contributions to the needy, the building of mikvaot, establishing synagogues and study halls, building hospitals and helping Torah scholars – this is where the education of Bnei Yisrael is from A to Z! If you do this without waiting and make an accounting for your money and say “you are going all the way with this” – you will see, in a short amount of time, miracles in your bank account. Then you will continue to contribute a tenth of your money in a generous way and then everyone will understand the verse “test me with this, says Hashem” (Malachi 3:10) as well as the ways of Zevulun and Yisachar. This is the way of the world and this is the desire of the Creator. Don’t be smart and find excuses and ways out – be upright and whole!

Soldiers of Tzahal, don’t “tremp” and don’t get friendly with strangers who can then help sets traps for soldiers of Tzahal. Soldiers be careful and cautious of “tremps.” There can be costumes and men and women wearing them – be warned! It’s better to be patient for an hour or two and gain life forever.

Egypt will be smitten with blow after blow, things will never ever be peaceful there. The Holy One has taken their steering wheel and will never return it! They are “riding without a steering wheel!”

Syria will disappear from day to day!

Lebanon cannot do anything – it leans on Syria. 

Jordan is quietly doing things against holy Eretz Yisrael. The Holy One is creating trouble and confusion in all the Arab lands, so that they will leave Eretz Yisrael alone!

Tzahal must be alert in their observations. There are many gangs of snipers that we don’t know where they’re coming from. Don’t believe in anyone.

The senior soldiers of Tzahal need to be unified, helping each other and having compassion for each other – this is not the time for games!

Anti-Semitism is growing with great force each day, some openly, some hidden, some to be revealed later. Pity on the Jewish men and women who are assimilating, they will be hit very hard! They shouldn’t think and shouldn’t say, “this won’t happen to us!”

All Great Ones of Israel – leaders in spiritual and other matters: It’s the desire of the Creator of the world – that all should be unified with one heart, go in the proper path, with unity and love, and in this way give merit and strength to all Am Yisrael and bring it together! Right with right, left with left, and each with the other! This is the most important thing in the world! When right and left can be together – this will provide endless joy to our Creator!

Destructive forces of nature continue their activity without foreseeable end. The Holy One is the one who establishes when, where and what!

The Creator is the “steering wheel” of the entire world and what a pity on all who contest his workings. The Creator is leading the world personally and intimately and his leadership is felt everywhere, don’t be confused! This is not a human leading the world – this is the Creator and his intentions are only for good! Listen to the voice of the Holy One’s leadership, keep the ten commandments, and run away from assimilation like you would from fire!

The salvation of Am Yisrael and the revelation of Mashiach is close at hand! Let no one from Am Yisrael think or say in his heart or express verbally, God forbid, “it is my strength and my effort that has created all this for me!” In this world we are nothing – all is in the hands of the Creator! He is the steering wheel and the leader, the nurturer, the feeder, the provider, who gives life and takes life, who bestows wealth and makes one poor, who brings low and who elevates!

Please, dear Jews, flow with the King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He!

 Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat B’haa’lotcha 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi     Parshat B’haa’lotcha
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the world is not misleading the earth! The earth – the oceans and the dry land, the winds and fires, can no longer absorb the intense impurity in the world, they are simply emitting, vomiting out, and absorbing the impurity and grinding it.

The oceans, that have been tolerating the impurity for thousands of years, are raging and noisy. This is the calm before the storm; they want to swallow and engulf the world of impurity to dismantle it. The earth was born in holiness and purity, and those who live on the earth – they are the ones who contaminate it! The end of end times has arrived for all impurity and the “other side” in the world. If there were no holy Eretz Yisrael – the world would disappear. The entire world exists only because of the merit of the holy Land and the holy Jews.

The Creator of the world is shaking the world every second, in all respects and in all ways: earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, fires, terrible winds and hurricanes, with hatred and anti-Semitism against the Jews of the world, with the dismantling and destruction of the world economy step by step, level by level. Each day the Master of the world is raising the bar. In holy Eretz Yisrael, the economy will be strongest of all economies in the world with a livelihood for all! Whether they believe or don’t believe. The believer will win out, the non-believer will fall.

The Master of the world is angry at and hurt by the Jews who live outside of Eretz Yisrael, who prefer the impurity and materialism and not the holy Land and the Holy One. How pitiful! All will read in the newspapers and see in the media, how the goyim will throw Jews out of their homes and cars. The entire world is a stage and everyone is an actor. The entire performance is a forgery. Only the Jews in holy Eretz Yisrael, they are real people – real Jews!

Jews who live outside of Eretz Yisrael, the Holy One is speaking to you eye to eye, saying that the Master of the world will not halt the destructive forces of nature and the crumbling of the world economy, except for that which is in the holy Eretz Yisrael. The Holy One will continue to dismantle the European economy, with earthquakes and harsh floods and anti-Semitism. The same for the United States and areas around it – there will be hatred against the Jews and the downfall of their economy. The Creator knows how to build worlds and how to destroy worlds, without even harming one Jew who lives in holy Eretz Yisrael!

From the heavens come great blessings for the unity created in the Israeli government! In the meantime, you are in place of the Sanhedrin. All of Am Yisrael must listen to the voice of the Israeli government and to follow its laws. Don’t make illegal demonstrations or any at all. Instead of protests and demonstrations, you have to send representatives to the Israeli government who will speak with them in a pleasant and nice manner. It’s forbidden for Jews to fight among themselves, woe to one who instigates arguments. There are laws and we go according to them. The whole world is against Am Yisrael! The government knows exactly what it’s doing in order to protect Am Yisrael from world opposition.

The illegal immigrants, who invaded Eretz Yisrael and are living in Tel Aviv – the hub of the country, their strategy is to spread and take over Tel Aviv and its vicinity! They have no problem living anywhere under any circumstance. If they are not stopped and a solution in the law is not found, one which will move them back to their country – Tel Aviv will turn into – God forbid – a whole different place! The government of Israel cannot stop looking for a solution, and must urgently find one concerning these illegals that will have them return to their country.

Syria is being wiped out, with Assad or without – the war will continue there without end!

In Egypt there will be a huge civil war, it doesn’t matter who will lead the government. The lost the steering wheel, the ground is shaking under them, there will never ever be a solution! The next problem Egypt faces – the harsh economy which has no solution!

In Gaza some big canons have emerged that are fighting against the leadership. The wars will spread and there will be destruction in all of Gaza and its vicinity!

Iran finds itself on alert at this time, after the discussions in Israel’s government.  

The government of Israel should not speak openly. Let them decide whatever they like – without publicity. That which is hidden from view enjoys blessing and success!

Jordan is like a snake spitting venom in all directions, heating up the area very secretly is if nothing is happening!

Hamas and its leadership are making problems in Gaza and nearby Jordan and throughout the world.

Lebanon, all the while that Syria is embroiled with its own problems, can’t do anything and is utterly confused!

All Arab countries and their leaders, who want to harm the government of Israel and Jews in general, this is what Hashem said: their swords will enter their own hearts and their arrows will break and their bodies will be stilled! The entire world will see with acute clarity the power and strength of the Master of the world.

Soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces who protect Am Yisrael and in whose merit Am Yisrael lives, breathes, eats and sleeps – don’t underestimate the terrorists in the Gaza strip. The terrorists of 30 years ago, are not the terrorists of today. They are training 24 hours a day for a war against Tzahal! They are experts, they’ve learned it all, they have modern weapons and ammunition that haven’t been used yet. Soldiers of Tzahal, don’t be complacent and don’t underestimate the terrorists, you must be extremely cautious! From today on, with every shooting, Tzahal must fly a helicopter and inspect to see where it came from, so that no soldier will be hurt for no reason. In an incident that occurred, the terrorists took cover and fired, and soldiers of Tzahal in their innocence were hurt. A helicopter would have solved the problem and saved lives!

All the illegals who get into Eretz Yisrael by way of the Sinai desert – no one stops them. Egypt does nothing in order to stop them. For the leadership of the goyim, this is their most deadly weapon. The government of Israel must deal with this situation, for the security of Eretz Yisrael, before anything else! After that, the second area to deal with is the youth who drink heavily and get drunk and destroy their spirits and their souls. We must guard and protect our young children, our youth who are the next generation of Am Yisrael.

King Mashiach is involved and working and will reveal himself – when above and below there will be a true connection! 

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Naso 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Naso
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the world deals with this entire world, with the globe of the earth, with people who live on the earth and with Am Yisrael, and is correcting them with a “tweezer”! Repairing the world from the time of Adam’s sin has come to an end! And when this tikun (repair) comes to an end, it is time for redemption and the revelation of King Mashiach ben David, who will close the previous world – a world of sin and evil, and will open a new epoch – of holiness and purity, a world that contains no evil impulse. This is the time! This very moment! Fortunate is the one who believes! Only faith will sustain a Jew at this time! A Jew who believes – will live, be successful in everything, will be safe and protected! This is the time when the “other side” (sitra achra) “runs rampant” and expresses itself in multiple murders, arguments, and general hardships and difficulties. Together with this, the Creator is dismantling the evil in this world through terrible forces of nature.

The Holy One is happy with the government of Israel, that Likud and Kadima joined together, they are blessed from Above! All of the religious parties must now also come together and join as one. The religious parties, do not look for honor or seats or cameras. Look for self-sacrifice like Moshe our teacher, who sacrificed himself for Am Yisrael and the Holy Land. The Holy One says: When the government of Israel is united, she has greater strength to make strong and critical decisions for the success of Am Yisrael!

The government of Israel must make much greater efforts, in order to close and secure Israel’s borders, hermetically, due to the invaders. If they don’t do this and don’t deal with illegal people who have found shelter in Tel Aviv, their numbers will become three times as many Jews as there are in Israel, in a very short time!

The government of Israel must open establishments that will provide work for those in the Negev, Binyamin, Shomron and northern Israel, so that the economy will be strong and there will be a place of work for everyone. This development must begin in the Negev! Jews! Stop crowding into the center of the country, there is no advantage there. In the Negev there are many deep secrets and its residents will be blessed with good health and a long life!

Tzahal and its officers, do not trust in any of the Arab nations, don’t believe in any of the stories that occur in the world and don’t become complacent!

The leader of Iran presents himself like a little baby, likeable and adorable so that people will “get off him” and be able, God forbid, to do what he will not succeed in doing, and afterword he will kick everybody!

Egypt will continue to collapse. A strong government will not be established in Egypt and everything is crumbling for them. Their economy has crumbled and tumbled and has evaporated – without the possibility of revival!

Syria will continue to be erased. The Holy One will not forget what Syria did to Am Yisrael during the Yom Kippur war, the Six Day War and the War in Lebanon! The Creator of the world is repaying their debts for what they have done to Israel!

Lebanon is gripped with fear, frightened and bubbling beneath the surface. The threats coming from there are designed to scare Israel. Lebanon depends on Syria, and when Syria is falling Lebanon gets scared – no one has her back.

Gaza and the West Bank is happy at all the unclean things that are happening in Eretz Yisrael. They are happy that in Eretz Yisrael there are protests and conflicts with Sudanese who have taken over Tel Aviv.

All the Arab nations that surround us, Hezbollah, Gaza, the West Bank, and leaders of Hamas are waiting for signals from Iran about “when to press the buttons,” they’re not interested in talks – it’s all a show!

Earthquakes will continue like the ones last week – except even more. The oceans are waiting for the Holy One to give them a signal, to do its work and to cleanse the world. There could be a tsunami at any moment! The economy in the diaspora will take a particularly hard fall!

All Jews living outside of Eretz Yisrael, without exception, have nothing to pin their hopes on, there is no reason to hope that things will be better in the diaspora, everything will fade from day to day, particularly in places where Jews live. The work of the Creator can be trusted to be for the benefit of the Jews. The Master of the world will pressure every Jew, each according to his nature and desires – exactly there the Holy One will pressure, so that you will run away and escape from the diaspora and come to the holy and protected Eretz Yisrael!

All those family members who were killed and burned in the accident outside of Teveria, are all truly elevated souls of the righteous. In their deaths they annulled a terrible decree on Am Yisrael and saved hundreds of thousands of Jews. Their souls were given joyously and freely, at the request of the Creator, and they decided to part from this world, in order to save hundreds of thousands of lives in Eretz Yisrael! The girl that was saved – an angel saved her! Each day that Am Yisrael will see this little girl – will remember the terrible tragedy that happened. All of Am Yisrael must know, that this family cancelled a terrible decree that was placed upon Am Yisrael!

If all of Am Yisrael who are Jews will be united with love among them, and do acts of kindness, keep the covenant, not assimilate with the goyim and keep the ten commandments – the Shechina will protect them and no Jew will be harmed. It’s not easy to be a Jew, though it is the best thing in the world! The Creator protects Am Yisrael in every way, if they will attach themselves to Him and believe that there is no one else besides Him! We must understand that the world is a play and we are all actors. Jews who are Jews, they are the real ones, they have taken a part of the Holy One!

Am Yisrael, we have to strengthen our support for the Israeli Defense Forces as well as the Police, and bless them every day! We can sleep, eat, work, be happy and feel fortunate to enjoy ourselves, in the merit of Tzahal and the Police who protect and defend holy Eretz Yisrael!

Jews, children of the Creator, don’t delay. We must have full faith and confidence in the Creator. The world is in chaos and Eretz Yisrael will thrive and flourish! In all less-populated places in Eretz Yisrael good Jews will live. Mashiach is working, doing, directed by the Master of the world and has set his sights, to the big day when he will be revealed for all to see – quickly and soon! May there be redemption with mercy! (G’ula b’rachamim)

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.