Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Vayechi 5773
[We are running a week behind. Rabbi Ben Artzi rarely directly mentions something from the parsha.]
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land
and throughout the world
(Translator’s note: May the
inspiration gained from this translation be a spiritual benefit to the memory
of my loving mother, Trudy Adler, aleha ha-shalom, who was kissed into the next
world on the first day of Sukkot)
Father in
Heaven, Creator of the world, fashioner of mankind, is in total charge of the
world and Am Yisrael. Father in Heaven has chosen the Jews – those who are true
Jews, who proclaimed “we shall do and we shall listen” – as His treasured
The world is
not in anarchy. Without Jews in the world and without holy Eretz Yisrael, the
world would not exist for even a second – it would be destroyed! The world
exists and is sustained in the merit of the Jews who live in holy Eretz
Yisrael. Holy Eretz Yisrael is the source of all blessing: blessing for life,
blessing for livelihood, blessing for healing, blessing for spirituality and
attaching ourselves to the Master of the world.
Father in Heaven will destroy and
dismantle in the world, all the evil and impurity, which are hatred, jealousy
and arrogance. He is destroying and will continue to obliterate until he brings
this world to repair, a world that all in it will be good, pure and holy. In
holy Eretz Yisrael there will be baseless love, Jews will love other Jews
regardless of personal interest, only groundless love!
What a shame
for all those Jews who live outside Eretz Yisrael. They are squandering their money and their life, they must come to
Eretz Yisrael now. And if there is a stronger word than “now”, they should
use it.
Jews who are true Jews, who live in
holy Eretz Yisrael, are protected and safe, the Holy One covers them and the
Shechina protects them. All new immigrants or veteran olim, who live in holy
Eretz Yisrael, will be protected and safe by the Holy One.
Outside of Eretz Yisrael, no Jew is
safe. Those Jews who remain living outside of Eretz Yisrael, are not fulfilling
the verse “and you shall carefully guard your souls,” they are not listening to
the voice of Father in Heaven, they take risks and wait for his salvation. Father
in Heaven is letting you know, ‘I will not save you, only if you live in holy
Eretz Yisrael!’ All Jews living in the diaspora, should come to Eretz
Yisrael; there is nothing to look for there, no one in the world will help them
there or protect them there – only in holy Eretz Yisrael will they be safe
and protected.
The ice at the
North and South poles, which is
melting at an extremely fast pace, will create strong waves of a tsunami that
will cover many countries in the word that will not have yet worked on mending
themselves, something that will be like a flood!
King Mashiach ben
David, is now in holy Eretz Yisrael and until his revelation – very soon he
will be crowned and anointed – conducts himself simply and with humility, and
at the same time is working for and protecting Am Yisrael, is fighting against
all the goyim around us and against all nations working against the state of
Israel, and is doing so without words and weapons – only with the force of his
If the righteous decree and the Holy
One carries it out – for sure, absolutely and positively when Mashiach decrees
against a nation, the Holy One sustains it, does it and ensures it and
destroys it! Everything in its time – have patience.
Syria continues to be erased and will be erased from the world. The Holy
One works so well and so precisely – at each stage and level. Who would have
dreamed that the Syrians would have attacked Palestinians in Syria!
Every country
and its leaders, who will speak ill about Am Yisrael – the Holy One will take
them to task, will fill them with disasters, and cause conflict among them so
they leave Am Yisrael alone.
In Egypt the turmoil and chaos will continue. They don’t want peace. Everything will become like Sodom and Amorah.
Fatah, Hamas,
Gaza, Shechem, Ramallah, Chevron and its leaders, want to destroy Eretz Yisrael. All the money they receive goes
right into their pockets and they don’t care about their nation. They sow
hatred among their citizens against the Jews and are threatening that if
Benjamin Netanyahu is re-elected, they will make lots of trouble for Am Yisrael
– they are liers! It doesn’t matter to them who gets elected; they have harsh
“contingency plans” to attack Am Yisrael.
Hezbollah cannot do anything – it has no backing from Syria and Iran.
In Turkey and
Jordan they are scared to death, they seem
to “like” the Palestinians and want to make some order – it’s all a show! They
are afraid that the Palestinians, who are escaping Syria, will go into Jordan. They “are hungry”. We’ll take care of “their appetite”.
Turkey will also be entered by Palestinians. Turkey is in line to be just
like Egypt.
Iran cannot do anything because of fear of the state of Israel, from
the Jews. Their leader knows that in his
seven nuclear facilities, there are those who are “planted” who can destroy all
the reactors on their own! These are the ones designated to press the buttons
to send the missiles. Ahmadinejad, Father in Heaven is saying, ‘Go find the
“plants” in the seven facilities.’ Ahmadinejad is hiding like a rabbit in
the bushes, he knows that Israel “exposed” him that he is sending weapons and
ammunition to Hezbollah. Iranian citizens need to wake up and change the
leadership! He is pouring money like water into making atomic weapons because
of his arrogance and harming and doing great damage to the Iranian economy.
Government of
Israel, don’t be afraid of any country in the world. Finally the time has come, to cause to blossom, widen and increase
Jerusalem and its environs specifically, and all of the State of Israel in
general. Jerusalem is the life of each and every Jew, every Jews that protects
Jerusalem- lives and breathes. All nations that judge the building in Jerusalem
and its vicinity – this is external and not internal, there is nothing to be
afraid of, this is Hashem’s plan and with His blessing. Don’t worry about
any country; all countries draw their sustenance from Israel and not the other
way around!
We’ve said in the past, anyone
who does evil things – will be exposed! It makes no difference if one is
rich or poor, religious or not, with the Creator everyone is the same! It’s
worthy to be on the straight path and to repent from the heart, before the
Holy One exposes them in their nakedness and they’ll be filled with
The religious
parties – must unite! Give honor to
the Holy One, you are his banner! The Holy One will reach each and every
one of you, also separately, get together and unify! There is great value
for the right and left to be with one heart and establish one strong
Soldiers of
Tzahal, be wary of terrorists living in
Eretz Yisrael, there are those among them whose design is to kidnap soldiers,
copying what happened with Gilad Shalit, in order to exchange for money or
prisoners. Soldiers of Tzahal should not take tremps – be warned!
Hosts of Hashem
from Heaven, are connected to Tzahal, particularly when Am Yisrael is united.
Don’t be overcome by fears or fantasies; no one can win against Eretz Yisrael.
We must have full faith in the Holy One and keep the Ten Commandments.
All terrible forces of nature will
continue, in order to shake the world and bring about its repair.
forces of nature are sent as warnings in the direction of Eretz Yisrael, so
that all Jews will be together and unified and be as one, should love each
other for no reason and keep the Ten Commandments!
All will
continue this way, until King Mashiach is revealed! Patience pays off! Mashiach
will be revealed and will lead the world in mercy!
what a shame to say that