Friday, January 25, 2013

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Beshalach 5773

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Beshalach
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

(Translator’s note: May the inspiration gained from this translation be a spiritual benefit to the memory of my loving mother, Trudy Adler, aleha ha-shalom, who was kissed into the next world on the first day of Sukkot)

The Master of the world has compassion on all the children of Israel; He loves Am Yisrael and wants all Jews to believe in Him – without seeing and without hearing. This is what was planned from the beginning of the world and so it will be, like it or not, pity for the Jews to be stubborn! Am Yisrael is duty-bound to thank the Holy One, every morning and each day, for all the wonders and miracles that He does for Am Yisrael. Each Jew must give praise and sing and acknowledge the Holy One, for all the miracles and awesome occurrences that the Master of the world does for me, each and every minute of each and every day!

It is forbidden to speak ill of Am Yisrael. Each person in the world, every country, head of state, president or leader who will use soiled words against Am Yisrael – the Holy One will give a terrible blow, also sickness, and will create discord between the person and his nation. Every head of state, president or leader who will speak well of Am Yisrael and protect it – will have good health, peace with his people, a good economy and success with everything.

The world is going through harsh throes of complications and difficulties, an economy that is disintegrating in a downward progression, and ten plagues like there were in Egypt in their order, each day everywhere in the world. In holy Eretz Yisrael will be only good. The economy is stable and strong, and the Jews of Am Yisrael will all engage in complete repentance.

The exposure near kibbutz Nir-Oz of a tunnel was a miracle from the Holy One. There are other tunnels from Gaza, some in preparation stages and some close to being completed. The Holy One revealed the tunnel to Am Yisrael like a father protecting his children. This is a miracle like those of Chanuka and Purim. The intentions of the heads of Hamas are only evil, they want to enter Israel only to destroy and kill. If God forbid they had access through the tunnel, they would have done terrible things and there would have been a terrible catastrophe. The Holy One preempted the illness with the remedy and didn’t give them the “pleasure” to harm his children. The Holy One says, ‘Whoever is for God come to Me’ – he is the one who will be safe, protected and successful. All the kibbutzim in the vicinity of Gaza, that have the possibility to make walls in the ground in order to eliminate the possibility of tunnels and pathways – should do it.

The Arabs surrounding us do not lack land, they want to take every slice of land from Eretz Yisrael, because their purpose is not peace. The government of Israel must be on alert in this regard. The plan of the Arabs is to erase Am Yisrael and all they are doing is one big show.

Syria will continue to be erased until the end, until it is all empty.

The rain that fell in Jordan was for them a curse. Soon they will have more rain and will harm Jordan very strongly. Jordan will be called a nation of chaos and confusion, everything will be mixed up in it and will no longer be called Jordan.

Egypt will have its turn with force. They have confusion, will have worse chaos, and they will have their ten plagues again. Everything we’ve said about Egypt will happen! The Aswan Dam will open and create flooding, so that they should see and they should fear and not speak against Am Yisrael.

Turkey is preparing against an invasion from Syria and Jordan, they understand and know the Syrians to be cruel and evil.

Iran will not be able to actualize its threats, because there are “plants” operating through the hands of the Holy One. Ahmadinejad is like a bird that flaps its wings and flies around and returns to its nest. He knows very well, that the Holy One protects and safeguards Am Yisrael, and is scared to death of the Jews. Before he presses the button – they will kill him, whether someone from his nation or the Holy One.

Lebanon and Hezbollah can’t do anything – Syria and Iran complicate matters.

Israel is opening up its eyes very wide to all the Arab nations to see what is happening with their weapons and ammunitions, in order to prepare the remedy before the illness.

All European nations, the United States and all countries in the world, are involved in very difficult problems. Each country and its problems, whether dealing with harsh forces of nature, or problems of refugees, or conflicts between Muslims and Christians and anti-Semitism against the Jews, the Holy One is creating it all so that all the Jews will come to Eretz Yisrael, and they will come! Millions of Jews are on their way to Israel in various stages.

The government of Israel and all the parties must come together, they should all be one group with one heart and insist on baseless love. They have no choice, this is the will of the Creator of the world and a Force which has no match in strength.

We’ll repeat and say: whoever steals, lies, covets, is unfaithful or does any awful deed, the Holy One personally will reveal him in his deceit before the entire world! Therefore it is desirable for every Jew to repent, so they he should not be revealed and embarrassed, and to acknowledge the Holy One by saying, “How wondrous are your deeds Hashem…”

All Jewish parents of Am Yisrael, take care of your sons and daughters between the ages of 10-18. Explain to them, in every which way, that it is forbidden to believe in the goyim; everyone should “respect and suspect” them! Parents, make a huge effort, pity the havoc that has no repair, the goyim are tempting the daughters of Israel and through this want to erase the Jewish race, they will never ever succeed!

Am Yisrael, Jews who are true Jews be involved with acts of kindness and reading many chapters of Tehillim, because Tehillim are the garment that protects the Jews.

All the terrible forces of nature and what they leave behind, and all that happens with cars and planes and ships are all under the supervision of the Creator, he controls the world, in which every day is harder than the one previous. The Creator uses the forces of nature, as well as anti-Semites which is part of these forces – against those who just plainly hate Jews.

All Jews, who are true Jews, who live in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Australia, and in European countries, please, the Creator is begging and pleading with you, the place for Jews is in holy Eretz Yisrael. Don’t anger the Holy One, pity, don’t say ‘this will never happen to me’, anti-Semitism has gone out of control. The Creator will not stop, will continue to dismantle the world, and will not take into consideration any person in the world, except for the Jews living in holy Eretz Yisrael. In Eretz Yisrael there is livelihood and work for everyone.

Real estate in the Land will continue its momentum, in order to accommodate the needs of millions of Jews who are in various stages of aliyah. Millions of Jews are on their way to Israel and millions of Jews buying houses in Israel in order to populate in stages the Negev, the north, the Shomron and Binyamin.

There is redemption for the Jews and for the entire world. The entire world is being cleansed, being purified! The source of blessing for the entire world is holy Eretz Yisrael! Everything is in preparation for the crowning of King Mashiach ben David who is working and doing!

All the goyim around us know that Mashiach exists and is working, and the Holy One says to the Jews: Wake up! 

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.     

Friday, January 18, 2013

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Parshat Bo 5773

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi  Parshat Bo
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

(Translator’s note: May the inspiration gained from this translation be a spiritual benefit to the memory of my loving mother, Trudy Adler, aleha ha-shalom, who was kissed into the next world on the first day of Sukkot)

Father in Heaven is a good and loving Father! All of Am Yisrael should acknowledge this goodness and give thanks to the Holy One and say “How manifold are your creations Hashem! How manifold are your creations Hashem in holy Eretz Yisrael and in the entire world!”

In Eretz Yisrael there were rains of blessing, rains of joy, rains of purity, rains of cleanliness, rains that filled the Kinneret with water! Kinneret is like the harp (kinor) of David and the Kinneret gives purity to all the bodies of water in the world.  

Everyone worried about the Kinneret and the Holy One extended His hand and gave a huge blessing and a huge gift to Am Yisrael!

The Holy One is showing Am Yisrael, that there is Someone in the world that is directing and leading all of Am Yisrael from top to bottom. Just like life and death are in the hands of the Holy One, so too is rain.

Life and water are exclusively in the Hands of the Holy One and in none other. The Holy One is showing the whole world that the Kinneret – Kinor David – will never ever dry out! The Kinneret, in which is found the Well of Miriam, is the blessing and is the essence of the state to the world! All the spigots go from the Kinneret to the whole world!

Father in Heaven is saying to those among Am Yisrael who complain about the damage from the storm, “Why didn’t you prepare the drainage infrastructure as needed? Didn’t you believe that in Tevet there will be rains of blessing!” The rain, hail and snow gave life to the Jews and joy in their hearts. The Holy One allowed the Jews to feel a sense of spirituality, every Jew breathes into his lungs and says, “How manifold are your creations, Hashem!”

The elections in Israel, we have said that any party that shames or slanders – will fall, all who promise things and are lying – will fall. A party that deals with truth and righteousness, with clean words and for the benefit of Am Yisrael – will rise and be successful. The government of Israel need not rely on any country, only on itself and the Holy One. Every country and government works out of personal interest.

In Syria, Assad continues to destroy his people, which is a Godly plan. The Holy One is giving back to them with the same measure, what they did to His children in Israel’s wars. Let’s not forget we are the children of the Holy One! All the nations know that the Jews are a treasured people, chosen by the Holy One. The terrible way the Syrians dealt with Israeli soldiers, really angered the Holy One, and like the Syrians were cruel – their leader is cruel to his people. The Creator will not let them stop fighting among each other until Syria is totally destroyed. Syria will be crippled, the Creator will break their back, their neck and their legs and Syria will be no more.

In Egypt there will be a “celebration” among them, no less than in Syria. The Egyptians are smuggling ammunitions on a regular basis to Hamas and Fatah. Once in a while they catch someone, to appear as though they are helping Israel. Just as the Holy One promised, the Aswan Dam will go into action and lots of water will pour over Egypt. This can happen at any time. Neither prayers nor preventive actions of the Egyptians will help, this is part of the purpose of the Creator.

Hamas, Fatah and the Palestinians happy and dancing, they think the state of Israel is weak, God forbid.

The state of Israel is the strongest in the entire world! The army commanders didn’t want to ‘waste’ the might and the soldiers of Tzahal on Gaza and the Palestinians. Tzahal knows when to put their hands on the enemy, this is understandably also a Heavenly plan. The Holy One entered the minds of the commanders and because of this they are working to protect the state of Israel.

The Jordanians are big talkers, they have chaos with the refugees. The Palestinians together with Hamas, will create major havoc to take control of the government. The King of Jordan finds himself scared and fearful and asks, ‘What is this edict that has fallen on me!’ He has no solution! Rains of blessings in our areas – for Jordan they were rains of curses.

Iran, “figuratively,” is quiet. They are on alert and scared to death – they are scared to make a mistake. There are “plants” put there by the Holy One who are in the atomic reactors in Iran and Ahmadinejad knows that if he makes a mistake, even a tiny one – Iran will become islands of rubble! Whether because of the Creator or those who oppose Ahmadinejad.

In Lebanon, Nasrallah has no back, no shoulders or weapons, they are eating each other up.

So no one will make a mistake, the Defense Minister chosen in the United States, will not oppose the state of Israel! He will work from the interests of the United States which are a support to Am Yisrael. The Defense Minister likes Israel and is for the state of Israel. President Barak Obama is very smart, from Heaven he is being helped to be wise – most of his advisors are Jewish! Remove the fear from your hearts and bless the new Defense Secretary and his work.

The whole world is in chaos, with all kinds of terrible forces of nature. In Australia it’s 50 degrees warmer – in China it’s 50 degrees colder.

There will be strong wind storms, colorful, nice and spectacular like the storm that occurred in Australia that came from the ocean, like hurricane Sandy in New York that harmed Jews in New York who don’t want to listen to the Holy One and come to Israel. Soon another “Sandy” will come, very strong, like the one in Australia. Many Jews live in Australia and they will come to understand the message from the Creator to come to Eretz Yisrael. There will be earthquakes so that the world of impurity will decompose and so that the Jews ‘will be shaken out’ and come to Eretz Yisrael.
The polar ices are melting and all the islands have horrors and abominations taking place in them will disappear. The world has not gone crazy, the purpose of the chaos is to purify the world – except for holy Eretz Yisrael!

The world is receiving its ten plagues regularly each day, until the world will be pure and holy! All ten plagues, every day, across the world – every place has its own plague: storms, cold, heat, darkness – there is everything! (In Egypt there is a plague just about every month). This is to prepare for the revelation of King Mashiach ben David in mercy!

Moses our teacher was the first redeemer, with great difficulty speaking. The final redeemer will be a copy of Moses our teacher, the same person but with stronger powers.

Mashiach is found in holy Eretz Yisrael, is working and doing in holy Eretz Yisrael, protecting the soldiers of Tzahal, gives them a chance ‘to rest’ and is doing their work against the Arab nations as well as the whole world! Mashiach will not stop until he is crowned shortly, in this generation!

Blessed is the generation that merits it! And for a generation to merit it, it must change bitter into sweet, to love without reason, do kindness and say Tehillim.

The economy of Am Yisrael will never fall, and real estate will continue to grow and expand beyond bounds.

Two millions Jews are on their way to Eretz Yisrael, one million actually and another million are buying or are preparing to buy homes in Israel.

Am Yisrael, the time for your redemption has come! Rejoice that Mashiach will be revealed and ask that he be revealed this year!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.   

Friday, January 11, 2013

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Va’era 5773

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi  Parshat Va’era 5773
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be he, Father of mercy, is wondering in heaven, ‘until when,’ until when will Jews who are true Jews, living in the diaspora, will they not understand my clues! Don’t they understand they have to make aliyah to the Holy Land, a Land that has blessing and protection, the most protected and safeguarded forever?

Jews living in the diaspora, please, don’t wait, don’t wait. Anti-Semitism is increasing incrementally and dramatically and they will run after you with knives and guns. Your lives are worth all the wealth in the world. Don’t wait, come to your home, your basic and original home – holy Eretz Yisrael.

Eretz Yisrael is guarded and protected, although there is the anger of the Creator – this is Father in Heaven, this is a Father who is upset with His children in order to be raised with, and behave according to, a civilized way and go in the way of Hashem.

The Jews in Eretz Yisrael should read chapters of Tehillim every day. Each Jew should read according to his ability for his friend and for himself. Reading Tehillim is like a garment that protects the body of a person from everything!

Those running for Israel’s Knesset think that Israelis don’t understand and don’t know what’s happening. Every person in Israel knows exactly who to vote for and no one can convince him otherwise.

The Holy One promises and says: Any of the parties running for Knesset, who do not shame others in public –their party will be victorious. Any candidate or party who shames another party in the Knesset – their party will lose and come apart. Anyone who shames others, shames and attacks – that person’s party will go down and come apart in shambles!

Soldiers of Tzahal don’t accept tremps! The only purpose of the terrorists is to trap.
We should not have pity for nor believe the leadership of Hamas who only want to kidnap and in their minds just to destroy holy Eretz Yisrael and the Jews.

In the United States they thought everything would get resolved between the parties and they would be able to reach a compromise – this is just the external. From the inside, the economic situation is in deep trouble, where for sure 100% there will be chaos economically. They’re not dealing with the root of the problem, they are only dealing with the branches and the flowers , but the roots – nothing.

The Holy One is beginning to give the ten plagues that He gave in Egypt, to the entire world, in huge measures. Today, the whole world is Egypt, the Jews are scattered throughout the world and the Holy One is helping the Jews, with great mercy, to come and live in holy Eretz Yisrael.

All of the infiltrators need to be returned to their countries at once, lawfully. Don’t wait until after the elections so that it looks good, don’t relax and don’t give in! The refugees need to be organized in another location, so that they will not destroy the Holy Land, the youth and the daughters of Israel.

The government of Israel, we must immediately help our youth! We have to think of how to help them, to nurture them before enlisting for the army, so they shouldn’t be unemployed. Our children are the salt of the earth. They are the generation that’s building Am Yisrael for ever and ever!

All the terrible deeds and the heavy sins, that are being done in holy Eretz Yisrael – will be revealed in their nakedness. From the biggest to the smallest, everything will be revealed in huge quantities. Every bad deed, sin or other terrible thing – all will be revealed, from A to Z! If its citizens, or soldiers in the army, or Torah scholars, government officials, in the rabbinate or anywhere else. The Creator is cleaning and purifying the entire world. Jews who will repent wholly from the heart – will not be revealed in their nakedness. Real teshuva, be careful not to joke or play games with the Holy One!

Syria continues to erase itself, and this is a Godly plan. The Holy One says ‘If I stop the war between the Syrian army and the rebels, they will “dress up” God forbid on the north. I will not give them that pleasure!’ Their swords will enter their own hearts, their arrows will break, and their leaders will kill their people!

Egypt is in chaos and the day is close that the Egyptians will be worse than the Syrians. They have no judgment and no judge, they are starving for bread, their economy is destroyed and they will never have resolution.

The King of Jordan will do everything so that they will not take his ruling and authority.

Jews living in Iran, it’s true that the hatred toward Ahmadinejad is strong, but the hatred toward Jews is increased manifold! Jews, this is a final warning – run away from Iran and come only to Israel! They will not show mercy on any Jew, especially if he is rich – they will murder him.

Turkey is on big alert in relation to Syria. They don’t want refugees coming to Turkey, but they are coming and more will come soon.

In Lebanon, there is no one to help Hezbollah, it relies and depends on Syria and Iran which are now fighting each other. All the ammunition of Syria and Iran are used to kill each other.

Every official and leader in the world, who speaks or works against Eretz Yisrael, the Holy One promises: within 14 days you will have an illness, you will be involved exclusively with yourself in care, and you won’t have time to speak ill of Am Yisrael.

Leaders of all nations that will stop working against Am Yisrael, will have calm and good health. Because the state of Israel is like a diamond that spreads its light throughout the world. The world draws from and lives from the state of Israel! Israel is a holy state, the Holy One made her holy and she is the center of the universe! The entire world draws from and lives from Am Yisrael, the entire world lives due to the merit of Eretz Yisrael – the skies, the oceans and the land!

The whole world knows how precious holy Eretz Yisrael is, and citizens of Israel are not aware of her preciousness! The Holy One has given every Jew a diamond in the hand – the holy land of Eretz Yisrael – to hold onto strongly and not throw it away!

Mashiach ben David continues and will continue to protect Am Yisrael, to “deal with” and harm any country that wishes to disturb Am Yisrael.

All Arab countries as well as other countries know that King Mashiach is working and doing and they are afraid, scared to death, that their day will come!

Jews in Eretz Yisrael, you must keep the ten commandments and turn bitter into sweet, in order to merit eternal life!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.