Friday, December 14, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Miketz Shabbat Chanukah 5773

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi  Parshat Miketz Shabbat Chanukah

A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

(from the translator: May the inspiration gained from the translation of this message be a blessing for the soul of my mother, Shvartzel Tova bat Moshe Yeshayahu and Glicka, who would have celebrated her 65th anniversary today with my father, who should live and be well)

The King of kings, the Holy One blessed be He, says that the entire world, everything that lives and breathes on this earth, is joined to the Holy One! Some are linked openly and others in a more subtle fashion, yet everything lives by the merit of holy sparks that invigorates the entire world to life, the waters, the land, people, living creatures, as well as the winds blowing in the heavens and the earth.

We, human beings, don’t fully understand the powers of the Creator. The Holy One says, ‘There is no time precious Jews, it’s getting close, very close! Our righteous Mashiach ben David has to be revealed, must stop his secretive work and begin working out in the open.’ There is pressure in Heaven to already reveal King Mashiach, even more than that which we find on earth!

The entire world is against the Jewish state – Israel. Whoever is for Am Yisrael, has a Jewish spark. The whole world is not interested in Jews, it is only interested in the Holy land – the holy Eretz Yisrael.

All Jewish mothers and fathers, you need to have heart-to-heart talks with your children to warn them, not to answer messages or telephone calls from goyim who are seducing young Jewish girls for evil things. They destroy their lives, this is part of the cold war waged by the goyim, in order to destroy Am Yisrael, like drugs, and alcohol and the infiltrators who come here in order to destroy Tel Aviv. Parents must be prepared to deal with these problems with explanations and not force, pity on our children!

All the leaders of Hamas are actors. They present themselves as good and sweet people – they are fakers and liers! They receive hundreds of millions of dollars for the people of Gaza and its surroundings, they take the money for themselves with part going for weapons – and the people suffer. Citizens of Gaza: Don’t trust the Hamas leaders, they should stop rescuing you! Citizens of Gaza wake up – leaders of Gaza are stealing from you and cheating you!

Hamas of today is Amalek of the past – and more cruel!

In Iran it’s the same story with a different shade, with all the taxes that are taken from the people and all the money that comes into the country, their president and his advisors are sinking it into atomic weapons. The Master of the world is preparing a surprise for them that they never dreamed of. Everything will blow up in their face! The Iranian people must wake up and create a revolution in order to change the government.

Iran in the meantime is quiet, their president thinks he has been forgotten. Sorry to tell him he hasn’t been forgotten at all! They are planning for him a major blow that he never dreamed of, from down here as well as in heaven. Let him continue to dream, that’s good for him. His own people are pursuing him. All the money he is sinking into weapons and atomic activity – is a bottomless pit. The economy is collapsing in Iran. Ahmedinejad can’t do a thing, it’s all a show with scenery so that they will say another one wants the power.

In the United States they know the plans of all the large countries and what they are conspiring.

Morsi thinks he can out-wit the Holy One. Egypt will continue to be in chaos, as it was during the time of the flood and the tower of Babel. They will receive the 10 plagues again! Citizens of Egypt wake up!

Syria will continue to be erased. The Syrian soldiers are not stupid, even if they will be ordered to send chemical missiles, they won’t – they know it will all fall on them! Assad is afraid, he is having dreams about Ghadafi and knows deeply that his turn will also come like Ghadafi’s! In the meantime, let him live and continue his work!

Turkey is afraid of Syria and Russia, because the Syrians are cruel people, they have no semblance of humanity. The Turkish are afraid that the Syrians ‘will surf’ into Turkey and create an uprising – be patient, they will also have an uprising!
In Jordan they know that Hamas and the Palestinians want to conquer Jordan, they are digging a ‘hole’ for their king in order to hide him and his government.

In Ramallah they’re celebrating, having received a sort-of approval from the UN, nothing will help them, there are plans of the Holy One – they will fall!

Hezbollah is like a parrot in a cage, it is confused all the while that Syria is thorny. A parrot without wings just talks. Their swords will enter their own hearts and their arrows will break, this includes Iran.

The government of Israel and all members of Knesset, stop slandering and bad mouthing each other. Speak nicely and the people will choose who they wish, the people are not stupid. All the slanderers and gossipers will not be elected. When there will be unity and togetherness in Israel’s government – no one will be able to speak badly about Am Yisrael. The world sees the problems between the parties and play on the weakness of the Israeli government – against Israel. The slander must stop immediately. Don’t speak in the media against the government. If is forbidden to gossip, and measure for measure has not ceased from the world. Whatever a person does returns to him – good or bad!

The Holy One has promised our forefathers, going back many generations, that holy Eretz Yisrael belongs to the Jews. Only the Holy One will decide who will be in the government. All the talking does nothing, up above they check the heart and not the mouth!

Tzahal must not rely on anyone. The armed forces must fulfill its obligations  as assigned and not, God forbid, to get involved in politics. It doesn’t matter who will be elected – everything will be the same. Am Yisrael can sleep at night, it exists and remains in the merit of Tzahal!

All forces of nature will continue, the Holy One is shaking out the entire world so that the Jews will come to Eretz Yisrael and so that the goyim will stop bothering Am Yisrael!

Anti-Semitism will grow in a way that was never seen since the beginning of the world. Government of Israel – don’t get excited by any nation in the world.
Real estate will grow and expand without end, the economy of Israel is the best in the world and will never collapse.

Am Yisrael will continue to increase kindness, will continue to produce and build baseless love. No one in the world can help the Jews in Am Yisrael and in the world – only the King of kings, the Holy One blessed be He!

The world is hanging on a ‘hair strand’, on an ‘explosion’ from which there is no return. Mashiach is working is secret, for the protection of Am Yisrael and for the good of Am Yisrael. This is the reason that Am Yisrael sees all the nations around her in conflict while Am Yisrael sits and watches!

Am Yisrael, don’t be ungrateful. We must thank the Master of the world and fulfill the ten commandments in their entirety. Don’t delay!

All that is written in this message is happening and will happen exactly. You can check it out! It is a mitzvah to spread this message everywhere in the Land and outside of it!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic speech! Deeply moving and soul-inspiring.
    Thank you again so very much for posting this translation....
    May the rabbi`s words be heard and read by Yidden all over the world...!!!
    Johun Hellmann
