Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat B’haa’lotcha
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land
and throughout the world
The Master of
the world is not misleading the earth! The earth – the oceans and the dry land,
the winds and fires, can no longer absorb the intense impurity in the world,
they are simply emitting, vomiting out, and absorbing the impurity and grinding
The oceans, that have been
tolerating the impurity for thousands of years, are raging and noisy. This is
the calm before the storm; they want to swallow and engulf the world of
impurity to dismantle it. The earth was born in holiness and purity, and those who
live on the earth – they are the ones who contaminate it! The end of
end times has arrived for all impurity and the “other side” in the world. If
there were no holy Eretz Yisrael – the world would disappear. The entire world
exists only because of the merit of the holy Land and the holy Jews.
The Creator of the world is shaking
the world every second, in all respects and in all ways: earthquakes,
floods, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, fires, terrible winds and hurricanes, with
hatred and anti-Semitism against the Jews of the world, with the dismantling
and destruction of the world economy step by step, level by level. Each day the
Master of the world is raising the bar. In holy Eretz Yisrael, the economy
will be strongest of all economies in the world with a livelihood for all!
Whether they believe or don’t believe. The believer will win out, the
non-believer will fall.
The Master of the world is angry at
and hurt by the Jews who live outside of Eretz Yisrael, who prefer the impurity
and materialism and not the holy Land and the Holy One. How pitiful! All
will read in the newspapers and see in the media, how the goyim will throw Jews
out of their homes and cars. The entire world is a stage and everyone is an
actor. The entire performance is a forgery. Only the Jews in holy Eretz
Yisrael, they are real people – real Jews!
Jews who live
outside of Eretz Yisrael, the Holy One is
speaking to you eye to eye, saying that the Master of the world will not halt
the destructive forces of nature and the crumbling of the world economy, except
for that which is in the holy Eretz Yisrael. The Holy One will continue to
dismantle the European economy, with earthquakes and harsh floods and
anti-Semitism. The same for the United States and areas around it – there will
be hatred against the Jews and the downfall of their economy. The Creator
knows how to build worlds and how to destroy worlds, without even harming one
Jew who lives in holy Eretz Yisrael!
From the
heavens come great blessings for the unity created in the Israeli government!
In the meantime, you are in place of the Sanhedrin. All of Am Yisrael must
listen to the voice of the Israeli government and to follow its laws. Don’t make illegal demonstrations or any at all. Instead of
protests and demonstrations, you have to send representatives to the Israeli
government who will speak with them in a pleasant and nice manner. It’s
forbidden for Jews to fight among themselves, woe to one who instigates
arguments. There are laws and we go according to them. The whole world is
against Am Yisrael! The government knows exactly what it’s doing in order to
protect Am Yisrael from world opposition.
The illegal
immigrants, who invaded
Eretz Yisrael and are living in Tel Aviv – the hub of the country, their
strategy is to spread and take over Tel Aviv and its vicinity! They have
no problem living anywhere under any circumstance. If they are not stopped and
a solution in the law is not found, one which will move them back to their
country – Tel Aviv will turn into – God forbid – a whole different place! The
government of Israel cannot stop looking for a solution, and must urgently find
one concerning these illegals that will have them return to their country.
Syria is being wiped out, with Assad or without – the war will continue
there without end!
In Egypt there will be a huge civil war, it doesn’t matter who will lead the
government. The lost the steering wheel, the ground is shaking under them,
there will never ever be a solution! The next problem Egypt faces – the
harsh economy which has no solution!
In Gaza some big canons have emerged that are fighting against the
leadership. The wars will spread and there will be destruction in all of Gaza
and its vicinity!
Iran finds itself on alert at this time, after the discussions in
Israel’s government.
The government of Israel should not speak openly. Let
them decide whatever they like – without publicity. That which is hidden from
view enjoys blessing and success!
Jordan is like a snake spitting venom in all directions, heating up the
area very secretly is if nothing is happening!
Hamas and its
leadership are making
problems in Gaza and nearby Jordan and throughout the world.
Lebanon, all the while that Syria is
embroiled with its own problems, can’t do anything and is utterly confused!
All Arab
countries and their leaders, who
want to harm the government of Israel and Jews in general, this is what
Hashem said: their swords will enter their own hearts and their arrows
will break and their bodies will be stilled! The entire world will see with
acute clarity the power and strength of the Master of the world.
Soldiers of the
Israeli Defense Forces who protect Am
Yisrael and in whose merit Am Yisrael lives, breathes, eats and sleeps – don’t
underestimate the terrorists in the Gaza strip. The terrorists of 30 years ago,
are not the terrorists of today. They are training 24 hours a day for a war
against Tzahal! They are experts, they’ve learned it all, they have modern
weapons and ammunition that haven’t been used yet. Soldiers of Tzahal, don’t be
complacent and don’t underestimate the terrorists, you must be extremely
cautious! From today on, with every shooting, Tzahal must fly a helicopter
and inspect to see where it came from, so that no soldier will be hurt for no
reason. In an incident that occurred, the terrorists took cover and fired,
and soldiers of Tzahal in their innocence were hurt. A helicopter would have
solved the problem and saved lives!
All the
illegals who get into Eretz Yisrael by way of
the Sinai desert – no one stops them. Egypt does nothing in order to stop them.
For the leadership of the goyim, this is their most deadly weapon. The
government of Israel must deal with this situation, for the security of Eretz
Yisrael, before anything else! After that, the second area to deal with is the
youth who drink heavily and get drunk and destroy their spirits and their
souls. We must guard and protect our young children, our youth who are the
next generation of Am Yisrael.
King Mashiach
is involved and working and will reveal himself – when above and below there
will be a true connection!
Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.
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