Friday, August 31, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Ki Teitze 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi    Parshat Ki Teitze
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Creator of the world leads the world, because He created the world! He is our Father, our King, and the time has come to purify the world! During the time of Noach, the Holy One saved only Noach and his family and one type of every living thing. In our day, the Holy One will cleanse and purify the entire world, will return all of Am Yisrael in repentance, and only “whoever is for Hashem, come to me” – that person will be meritorious! Am Yisrael will cling to the Master of the world and all the goyim that will remain on earth, when the evil inclination will be abolished from the world – they will help all the Jews! This is the absolute truth! This has already begun and will continue day to day, until the entire world will become the Holy of Holies!

All the flooding in the world – the hand of Hashem is in every aspect of them! These are small “tsunamis” that flow in rivers and streams and cause floods that no one would have expected. There are tsunamis whose waves are above 10 meters and more and there are tsunamis that come from underground springs that fill the rivers and streams and fill them to overflowing. The wonder is, that they don’t know it all comes from deep within the earth!

Flooding will continue and increase in the world, in order to purify the world. All terrible forces of nature will continue – all of them are listening to the voice of the Creator to purify and cleanse the earth! In America and surrounding areas, there are earthquakes, floods and hurricane winds, the Holy One is telling the Jews there: “Jews, my children, escape from there before you will experience destruction! Come to holy Eretz Yisrael! Stop chasing after money and materialism! The ground of America, and Europe and all places in the diaspora – is not holy!”

Antisemitism against the Jews is ready to burst, with a harsh hatred. After the destruction of the Second Temple, the Jews were exiled from Eretz Yisrael by the hands of the goyim, and by the hands of the goyim they will return to Eretz Yisrael!

There is overt and covert antisemitism. Hints began to appear with insisting that Jews stop circumcising their children. The Brit is a symbol of the pure Jew and the ten commandments. The goyim speak of it in a voice of sophistication, “they play with it” that it pains the baby, it’s all lies and a show! The goyim want to erase the Jews from the world! This kind of thing will spread throughout the world! It’s a must to come to Eretz Yisrael. Here are found the Shechina and the Holy One who are protecting the Holy Land and the Jews!

The last seated Sanhedrin terminated in Tverya, and the first to re-start will convene in Tverya to complete the circle, and then will be moved to Yerushalayim!

It is forbidden to have assimilation within Am Yisrael, not in the Holy Land and not outside of it! All parents must give their children the message of what it means to be a Jew! We are a nation chosen from all other nations and they are jealous of us and hate us. All people who have lost their jobs, it’s not written on their foreheads that they must find work in their own field, no kind of work embarrasses its doer! They think the government owes them, they don’t realize that they are wholly guilty.

We must not believe Iran! She is “playing it” as it were, with the senior officials of the UN whose majority are leaders of the goyim. Iran is scared to death, more than any other nation. The powers will destroy Iran and will not let it become a power.

Am Yisrael, the Holy One is asking: pray to Me! All those giants of Torah and those who are not, need to coalesce huge gatherings of prayer at the Western Wall, in synagogues and the graves of the righteous, to request of the Master of the world who can do anything, to make an earthquake in Iran, that the earth should open its mouth, and swallow and destroy all the atomic materials! Do this! This is a huge Kiddush Hashem in the world! The Iranians cannot do a thing with those bombs, the Holy One will terrorize them with fear and will turn the tables on her! Am Yisrael must continue to pray hard, continue to say Tehillim and pray to the Creator that their swords will enter their own hearts and their arrows will break!

Government of Israel and Tzahal, it is forbidden to reveal secrets of the government or of the Israeli Defense Forces! Everything must be kept within the government, in secret, without public knowledge!

Tzahal must be vigilant that the Egyptians don’t put tanks and other weapons in the Sinai desert. They brought an entire army and ammunition towards the border, they brought an elephant to kill a fly! Egypt is in the midst of deep trouble and is on the way to having the problems of Syria, therefore it is better to solve their problem at the border of Israel so they don’t “pounce on us”, God forbid.

Syria continues to get wiped out, and won’t help anyone! No one can stop Syria’s continued erasure, they don’t give foreigners the ability to come in and get involved, because they are not human!

Hezbollah suckles from Syria and Iran. There will be issues and arguments between them, it already started, it’s on a low flame and is beginning to get bigger. There are people in Iran against the regime, also in Lebanon and Egypt, these nations are on their way to revolution!

In Gaza, outwardly they appear to be quiet in order to get Egypt’s trust – it’s all a show!

Jordan will get “her share” in very short order!

The Holy One has a set of priorities in affecting matters, the Holy One is eternal, everything will happen in its time, but He has a plan by which He will execute everything!

The Sudanese are taking away jobs from the Jews who cry out that there is no work. Don’t give them work through the back door, you won’t have blessing from it.

All those who gave and took bribes, who stole, cheated, and did immoral things, the Creator has promised to reveal their acts one by one “with tweezers!” One betrays the other, even regarding activities that took place forty years ago! In the holy Eretz Yisrael everything will come clean!

Regarding all the great and famous wealthy Jews, in Eretz Yisrael and  outside of it, you should give a substantial tithe (ma’aser) for the purposes of building mikva’ot, synagogues and study halls, to support those who learn Torah and those who are needy. Just like you pay for the accountant and insurance agent, arnona and electricity, which are all part of life, so too is ma’aser and money for charity part of life! Every wealthy person that will go in this way and give tzedakah and ma’aser with a full heart, will never fail, in fact the opposite – they will become richer! Do not say “it is my might and the strength of my hands that has done this for me,” the Holy One gave you all your money, so that you could be true emissaries and contribute to the needy and those who study Torah, because without the needy and Torah scholars the world cannot be sustained!

The government of Israel is fine, we need to join with her! All those who cause disturbances want to be on television and be written about in the newspapers!
Hashem’s plans will all be achieved!

The Creator of the world is preparing the world for receiving Mashiach ben David! Great mercy on those who don’t want to understand, and when they understand it will be too late!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Shoftim 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Shoftim
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

Father in Heaven is asking all of the leadership of the Jewish people, the spiritual leaders – the giants of Torah, the elected officials  - in the Knesset and the government, and from all Am Yisrael – the Jews, to understand His clues, His leadership, and what the Holy One desires from us!

The new President of Egypt made an “exercise”, he brought tanks and artillery and rockets into the Sinai desert in order to show his party and the Egyptian nation that “look, we have returned to Sinai after 1967, with the strength of an Egyptian army.” Don’t trust him! Government of Israel, you have to be alert and not allow him to bring great power into the Sinai! Because of the situation in Iran, Egypt can, God forbid, “turn” on Israel and go on the offensive. Don’t believe the leaders of the goyim, their thoughts are to trap Am Yisrael.

All Arab countries, without exception, are waiting to see what will happen with Iran. If there will be an offensive on Iran, all are ready to attack Israel. The government of Israel needs to use discretion to guard and protect the secrets of the State and our security and not talk too much! We’re talking about human lives! Security matters must be conducted in extreme confidentiality – this is not a wedding or birthday or any other kind of gathering – this is about human life! Everything needs to be in secret, there is blessing on the hidden and unrevealed. None of the nations is concerned about Am Yisrael, all of them want the Holy Land of holy Eretz Yisrael! The government of the United States doesn’t want to enter and help Am Yisrael with the problem of Iran. The government of Israel must conduct itself with extreme caution regarding the Iranian situation!

The government of Iran is frightened and “scared to death” of an Israeli attack but hides it, therefore it threatens and curses, like a dog that barks but doesn’t bite! Their swords will enter their own hearts and their arrows will break and their leaders will continue to destroy their country! The economy in Iran is weakening daily. If the nations of the world would “tighten their belts” and not be involved economically with Iran, she will continue to topple! Then there would be such a revolution in Iran just like in Syria, and after that they could take apart the atomic apparatus with peace of mind! The government of Israel must work quietly and without publicity. The government of Iran knows that Israel has the courage to take care of the operation. The Creator of the world has created a major earthquake in Iran but not where the atomic materials are! The Master of the world is hinting to the giants of Torah of the Jews: ‘You organize mass prayer and I will make an earthquake that will swallow up all the atomic materials. I have already hinted to you that for sure it is I Who is personally making earthquakes and can alter their locations by hundreds of kilometers or by small millimeters!’

Jordan is waiting and expecting to see what will be in Iran in order to begin an attack. She doesn’t realize she is next in line, after Syria.

Syria continues to be erased as long as they continue to fight among themselves! The Holy One is keeping an angel in the body of Assad, he is doing holy work – quiet in Israel!

Hizbollah cannot do anything because of the situation with Syria and Iran – and is waiting.

All leaders of Arab countries, are waiting to come to the aid of Iran, this is their plan. None of them are righteous, all are of one mind against Israel.

Am Yisrael are Jews and the Creator of the world desires their prayers, their mouths that should pray to Him! The Creator brought the problem with Iran closer to our times, when Am Yisrael is filled with prayer! The month of prayers for forgiveness and mercy, Rosh Hashanah and Yom HaKippurim! Prayer is the power of Am Yisrael! The Creator cannot refuse the prayers of the giants of Israel and the plentiful prayers of Am Yisrael and therefore will swallow the atomic materials in Iran! We have a very small mind, which understands only sleep, money and food. Besides that, whatever goes on in Heaven, the mind is small to understand because there are not enough who cling and connect to the Holy One and believe in Him. If we will believe in the Master of the world and understand the clues and hints he creates in the entire world – Father in Heaven will absolutely listen to our voices! Am Yisrael is a treasured nation chosen by the Holy One! No one should say, ‘this would never happen to me’, if one does – it will happen to that one first!

The Creator is telling Am Yisrael and the Torah giants ‘arise and pray to Me! I will do many more miracles than I did in Egypt! Please, arise and organize many prayer sessions! I brought the sickness – I have the cure! In order to receive it, pray to Me, believe in Me – I cannot ignore your requests! Precious Jews, pray and see that I open the ground and take all the materials into the ground! All the Arab countries are on alert, hundreds of missiles will fly through the air after the air force will destroy the place! What would you rather have, dear Jews, what is preferable to you, to tear apart the Gates of Heaven with prayers, or to accept the decree and be silent? The Creator knows, Heaven forbid, who will bear responsibility!’

Antisemitism in the world is vibrant, growing and breaking out of bounds against the Jews.

The rise in prices in Israel is designed to safeguard the future of Am Yisrael. All nations will fall economically, they have no blessing. Am Yisrael has blessing in productivity! The rise in prices is for the good of Am Yisrael!

Jews who are living in America and Europe, come urgently and now to Eretz Yisrael! The Creator will never forget you, don’t upset Him! There has never been a person who prevailed against the Holy One or escaped from Him! Why suffer and be tormented, to come here embarrassed with “heads in the ground” without a drop of dignity? Come urgently now and make the Holy One happy as well as the Jews of Eretz Yisrael and rather anger all the goyim around us!

Why is it just the Jews of Eretz Yisrael who must protect and secure the holy ground? Why do you live outside of Eretz Yisrael and benefit from all that is not good? You’re also Jews! Become partners in the redemption of Am Yisrael , feel a part of Am Yisrael’s Jews, a part of the Holy Land! Exile was terminated in 1948, no words or responses will stand before the Holy One! Jews living everywhere else in the world, will come to Eretz Yisrael whether they like it or not! Let them come urgently with strength and restore and revive the wilderness of the Negev, the North and Shomron! Eretz Yisrael is your place! There is blessing here, a life of spiritual and material plenty! One shekel in Eretz Yisrael  is worth millions in America and Europe – everything is contaminated there! Very soon, antisemitism will in a scary way, they will come after you on all fronts, you won’t even have a shekel left!

Government of Israel, it’s forbidden to argue and publicize matters about Knesset members and government officials. You must solve the problems of Knesset members and government officials in the Knesset, there is no gain in publicity, quite the opposite, it cheapens their honor. The Master of the world, Father in Heaven is asking: ‘Please behave like parents to children and not like children to parents.’
Soldiers of Tzahal, don’t take tremps! Every Jew should bless the soldiers of Tzahal 24 hours a day!

Eretz Yisrael will be the biggest in the world, the most pure and holy! Real estate will continue to expand and will never ever stop, this is a promise from the Holy One!
Am Yisrael that is in Eretz Yisrael, be together and unified among each other! The Holy One envelops you in glass -  you see everyone, though they cannot see you and cannot touch you!

Mashiach is in Eretz Yisrael and is doing his work! Mashiach doesn’t need need tanks or aircrafts or weapons to do his work! Mashiach is doing everything verbally, and with his heart and thoughts! Mashiach is close to his revelation!

 Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Ekev 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi    Parshat Ekev
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, with every hour, day and week that go by, is causing am Yisrael and the world, with greater strength, to feel the pull of the Creator’s pull! Sooner or later, every Jew will feel that the Creator of the world is increasing his power, glory and splendor on the entire world, and on the Jews even more!

The establishment of a unity government, with Likud and Kadima, this was totally the influence of the Holy One! The Holy One desired that with this example, all the religious parties would similarly unite and they would all be with one heart, without exception. The dismantling of unity between Kadima and Likud, after only 70 days, is not the plan of the Holy One, the Holy One cried at the dismantling of unity! What helped this dismantling was the other side (sitra achra). The Creator doesn’t do bad, He doesn’t make arguments and separations between people, the Creator only creates unity, love and peace! In the Heavens they don’t identify Jews by head coverings, rather, by what’s in the heart, their righteousness and truth. The size and color of a hat establish nothing. In the army, yes, as every soldier has a different colored cap.

The economy of Israel will never ever collapse! There are those who protect from Above and those who work below – guided by Above! This is the assurance of the Holy One! Am Yisrael needs to understand the head of Israel’s government, who is continuously concerned with Am Yisrael and not opposite! His makes sure that Am Yisrael is never dependent on any other country. In the Israeli government it’s known that all Europeans budgets as well as the American will cease and they don’t want to rely on a human goy! Therefore they decided to deal with the economy in a good and precise way! Am Yisrael is responsible on for the other! Please, Am Yisrael, we need to go with the flow with the economic decisions that the government is making, as everything is being done for the good of Am Yisrael!  

No Jew will lack a living – as long as one wants to work! There is an abundance of work for every Jew coming from all over the world. Eretz Yisrael can absorb every Jew, from every part of the world, and give them a livelihood! Eretz Yisrael, that stretches like the hide of a deer, is the one place for Jews which is the safest and most protected in the world! The nations of the world have always tried to trample upon and destroy the Jews, especially in our days! This will only get worse day by day until the very last Jews – who are Jews – will leave their countries and come to holy Eretz Yisrael!

The protests made by Jews in Eretz Yisrael, a third of them are influenced and financed by goyim and money flowing here from outside the country. Precious Jews, pity for the energy sunk into these protests, these are the works of the goyim, don’t learn from them! The goyim want us to be, God forbid, like Syria. Through the agency of a cold war, the goyim wish to harm Eretz Yisrael and holy Am Yisrael! Don’t be seduced! These protests plant seeds of baseless hatred for no reason! If there is a problem, representatives need to be send to the government of Israel – the Israeli government welcomes everyone. Derech Eretz comes even before the Torah! The Holy One is now leading Am Yisrael towards baseless love! This may seem like a hallucination, with the Creator nothing is a hallucination! The second Holy Temple was destroyed because of baseless hatred – the third one will be built by baseless love!

The Iranians, the Syrians, and all Arab nations are the “whip” whose job it is to reunite Am Yisrael with their Father in Heaven!

The Syrians continue to “celebrate” so much murder, no need to get excited by them, this is a Godly plan to harden the heart of Assad so that He can continue His work of ridding Syria from evil!

America and Syria will not allow Iran to become a power, they will fight her in order to dismantle her nuclear plans. The Americans are on high alert and so is Tzahal! The swords of the Iranians shall go into their own hearts and their arrows will break and all the missiles they want to send on Eretz Yisrael, should land in other places and not holy Eretz Yisrael! And that’s how it will be. The Creator will confound them, they are the “whip” that needs to bring Am Yisrael to a complete repentance!

Gaza is taunting Israel, either with explosions or threats or harsh language, with the purpose of preparing the fronts for war. Government of Israel, gird yourself with much patience in order to avoid a flareup on the borders!
The government of Egypt is “dying from fear” that Egypt will become like Syria. The government is trying to calm its citizens but there is no calm and never will be! They are in a situation of “eating” one another and there is the beginning of civil war. In the meantime the citizens are waiting for what the government will say next, but when they see how acute the economic situation is and that everything is a game – Egypt will become like Syria! This, too, is a Heavenly plan!

Jordan is like a snake! They set up a refugee camp between Jordan and Syria, so that no Syrian will successfully enter Jordan! The Jordanians are quietly planning activities with Hamas.

Turkey thinks of itself as a modern country, the Turkish government will not think twice and attack Syria the moment Turkey is harmed!

Lebanon “has no wings.” The Lebanese government checks to see where the wind is going in Syria. Without Syria, Nasrallah cannot function!

All Jews who are traveling outside of Eretz Yisrael, are a potential target! It’s better to delay trips than to become a reason for an attack. Antisemitism against Jews in the world is increasing by huge proportions! It will just be a matter of time before all Jews will feel “atomic pressure” to escape from countries in the exile and run to their homeland!

Jew living in Eretz Yisrael and throughout the world, don’t invest your money to buy a place anywhere else in the world! You will fail tremendously! You are going against the Master of the world and think you are very smart! Invest in the real estate of holy Eretz Yisrael and be blessed from the mouth of Above!

Government of Israel, continue the efforts to return all the infiltrators back to their home countries, they are creating lots of chaos among Am Yisrael! You have to continue to make the budget available to protect our children, our youth, the future of Am Yisrael, so that they won’t abuse alcohol, and won’t use knives and drugs! They are the future of holy Am Yisrael!

The floods across the world will continue to increase, 24 hours a day, even in places one wouldn’t expect it. The Creator of the world is showing everyone that he can do anything! No person and no power in the world can stop the floods! Because of this, it’s clear this is the work from Above, with its purpose being to cleanse the world of all kinds of impurities. The terrible effects of the forces of nature will continue, and they will interfere greatly with air and sea travel.

Before the world will turn into a complete catastrophe, return to chaos – Mashiach the son of David will be revealed now, very soon! 

 Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Va-etchanan Shabbat Nachamu 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Va-etchanan  Shabbat Nachamu
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, is raising the pressure significantly in the world by the agency of the forces of nature. From last Friday, floods have begun that will continue regularly, 24 hours a day, throughout the world, even in places that no one would ever imagine there could be floods. This is like a kind of tsunami, but more regular and more calm, because waters cleanse the earth! This won’t be like the floods that cleansed the earth during the time of Noach, but it will be a cleansing of a more pleasant nature. The waters are noisy and turbulent and the effects of the floods will not cease. There will be floods without pause, each time in another place in the world. There will be more earthquakes, more volcanic eruptions, more hard rains, harsh winds and hurricanes in all places around the world. These conditions will affect air travel as well as all vessels on the seas.

After Tisha B’Av, the Holy One will increase the regularity and intensity of the forces of nature in all ways and directions in order to purify the world as a preparation for the revelation of King Mashiach!

The government of Israel must focus on major matters and not trivial ones! The government of Israel, when they want to get something done or plan for the future, must do it in secret! All that is hidden from the eye – has blessing! If one opens his mouth, and speaks and publicizes, he ends up provoking the enemy as well as giving him ways to measure his next steps. The government of Israel must get together and unite. When the enemy sees the government so splintered, God forbid, he gains courage against Israel.

The second Holy Temple was destroyed because of baseless hatred! The third Holy Temple – will be established through baseless love! Whether they desire it or not, the Holy One will bring Am Yisrael to baseless love – the very best ever!

For the Jews who live in the Land, there is nothing to look for outside Eretz Yisrael! They have no protection, let them stay in the Land and not accept negative challenges. A Jew outside of Eretz Yisrael is a potential target for the enemy!

In Eretz Yisrael, the economy will never fail. Notwithstanding rising prices of goods, don’t be worried! Everything will be fine, because the Holy One gives wisdom and intuition to the economic advisors of the State of Israel!

The economy across the world is collapsing! Looking from the outside it seems everything is fine and good – the exact opposite is true!

Our soldiers of Tzahal must not be complacent regarding Egypt, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and east Jerusalem! It’s true that Tzahal finds itself in an extremely pressured situation, even though, they must be alert and not work from panic! The Master of the world is with you!

Syria will continue to be erased! The world is afraid about the chemical weapons that Syria has. This is unfolding according to a heavenly plan whose goal is to remove all the evil in Syria. Their swords will enter their own hearts and their arrows will break and their leaders will be silent! The leaders of Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Gaza have evil plans to harm Am Yisrael. The Holy One confused them so they should turn on each other. Hezbollah finds itself in a situation where “her wings have been clipped.” She relies on Syria, Syria is in turmoil – Hezbollah is fallen and broken! Iran is ‘barking.’ She wants to be like the major powers, one of them, equal to them! The major powers will not allow Iran to become like one of them! Jordan, like a ‘sleeping cobra snake’, occasionally bites without others ‘jumping’ on her. She works quietly, along with Hamas and the west bank, to disturb Israel.

Do not trust any high official coming to Eretz Yisrael – respect suspect!
Eretz Yisrael, if you can say so, is a small country, yet, for the Creator and as seen by the rest of the world she is the greatest! Greatest in security, greatest in power, greatest in money – economy, greatest in spirituality – the source of blessing for the entire world! The spirituality of Eretz Yisrael – wraps itself around the entire globe! The Land of Israel, the State of Israel, the armed forces of Israel are the strongest in the world! No one in the world can harm them! The threats against Am Yisrael are over! From the Holy Land salvation will flower to the entire world!

For the Jews in Eretz Yisrael it’s forbidden to create dissension and to organize protests, this is an embarrassment! Let’s not learn from the goyim, this is idol worship! We must send emissaries to the government; only in this way will problems be solved.

Jews in the Land and throughout the world must understand, that if there will not be unity and groundless love, no one in the world will help them! There are 7 billion people in the world; no one is ungrudging to the Jews!

Jews who are true Jews, who live in the diaspora – come to Eretz Yisrael immediately! Don’t wait until you’re well established and the economy will recover! The Creator of the world says to you: ‘Pity for every second that you waste in the lands of the diaspora, I am more stubborn that you! I will go ‘head to head’ with you, and will not give up until the very last Jew who is a true Jew arrives in Eretz Yisrael!’ It’s best that you come now, with the little bit of money you have left, rather than be chased out without money, ashamed, lowly, worthless and without honor – to the holy Eretz Yisrael, because you have angered the Holy One! The Creator of the world is speaking with you eye to eye, don’t underestimate Him!

The economy will disintegrate in Europe, America, her surroundings and in  Australia, because there are Jews in these places! You cannot defeat the Holy One! All Jews need to understand that all the plans that the Holy One is unfolding is for their benefit! This is the vehicle through which the Holy One speaks with the entire world and with the Jews! It’s worthwhile for the Jews to come to Eretz Yisrael, husbands and wives, their children and all their possessions! Let them come to live in the north and cause the Negev to blossom – this is their repair. This desolate area, the Negev, will become the most blossoming place in the world!

Tisha B’Av has passed and the Holy One is hurrying and accelerating the revelation of King Mashiach the son of David! This will be felt by the entire world, and in Eretz Yisrael more strongly than anywhere else! The light of Mashiach and his revelation will take place, notwithstanding the scoffers who make fun. All the scoffers who make fun, will come straight before the Master of the world for judgment – face to face, for they scoffed and mocked the light of Mashiach and his revelation as King Mashiach son of David. We can only have great mercy upon them!

The revelation of King Mashiach is close! Believe in it or not, desire it or not, Mashiach is on the way to make order in the entire world! All who believe in King Mashiach will be the first to encircle him! 

 Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.