Friday, April 27, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Acharei Mot – Kedoshim 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Acharei Mot – Kedoshim
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Holy One is conveying to Jews everywhere that everything that happens in the world is with His personal guidance and supervision. All the workings of the forces of nature, the instability of the economy, the rise of antisemitism and the clash between nations – the Holy One is doing it all in order to remove the impurity and evil from this world. He says, and He does, and will continue to do so! There will be a new world. A good, new world that will see the revelation of King Mashiach and the building of the Holy Temple!

The Holy One is greatly pained by the Jews who fight and battle with each other – the right and the left. The Creator loves those on the right and those on the left! He very much loves all Jews who are Jews, without exception, from the youngest to the oldest! Let no Jew think he is better than another Jew. The protests and the battles and power struggles between the right and left have a negative impact in Heaven. They wage political wars and it is a bottomless pit! The Creator wants peace between the right and the left without fighting, it is forbidden to fight. No one can judge someone else! Am Yisrael finds itself in a competition between the right and left behaving like nursery school- and for nothing. It’s a shame that this is happening! We have to pity all the members of the Knesset and the various ministers, poor them, who have no day and no night! Every Jew needs to protect every piece of Eretz Yisrael and not be steeped in the lust of the nations. For if, God forbid, something will happen – no one will even look at the Jews. It could be worse than what happened in the Holocaust! The Jews need to stop being disillusioned and worry only about themselves! The goyim operate only for their own interest and not beyond that. They attract and destroy the Jews out of their own interests, using their snake-like strategy. Don’t be tempted. Don’t be persuaded. Don’t be taken in by pleasant word – they know how to persuade!

Precious Jews! The nation chosen by the Holy One. Father in Heaven says: whether you are on the right or left, I want Am Yisrael to come together, be unified, to love each other and protecting Eretz Yisrael.

Our government does not need to “look pretty” for other nations. Our government needs to protect and safeguard its soldiers – the soldiers of Tzahal – with ten fingers and more. They are the pillar of the State of Israel. Without them Eretz Yisrael could not possibly exist!

It hurts the Holy One, hurts Him very much, when we malign the soldiers of Tzahal and insult them. This officer did a Kiddush Hashem for the safety of the homeland! Instead of protecting the soldiers and officers of Tzahal, they went against him in order to “look good” to the world. We don’t need to “look good” in the eyes of the goyim! We need to intensify our support for the soldiers of officers of Tzahal – they spearhead the safety and protection of the Holy Eretz Yisrael. Soldiers and officers of Tzahal! Don’t lose your purity, don’t lose your morale, don’t be hurt by what people say. Keep guarding the homeland, the Holy Eretz Yisrael, and from Above you are blessed and will be blessed!

The Rabbis in Eretz Yisrael – continue to organize massive prayers and pray for an end to assimilation and for the safety and security of the State of Israel. The quiet in the Arab countries is the lull before the storm.

The government of Israel: Don’t rely on any other government, only on the Creator and on yourself! Work secretly! Do things without publicity! The Creator covers us quietly like a “kippah” on the State of Israel.

Jews in the diaspora – you will miss the train! The Creator is using every way to appeal to you: antisemitism is ready to break out in huge measure. You will run away in order to come to Eretz Yisrael! The nations have an extreme jealousy of every Jew. They know the Jews are a treasured people, chosen by the Holy One, and therefore succeed in everything. It’s a shame that the Jews don’t understand as clearly as the goyim, that the Holy One chose us as a treasured people, never to be replaced.

Any Jew that cries, that has an inner cry – should direct it to the Holy One that He should send the righteous Mashiach in mercy! We need to increase our acts of kindness, to mend ourselves and prepare ourselves for the redemption of the world.

The entire world, except for the Holy Eretz Yisrael – is not steady. Not regarding the economy, or security, and not in increasing antisemitism. The world is in chaos. The world is gripped with fear and trembling from not knowing why this is happening.
In Egypt – the economy will dwindle to nothing. The Creator will create dissension among them without end. In Syria – Assad continues his deeds. Syria is  embroiled within itself without end. Lebanon – on its way to being taken over and will be taken over. Gaza – there is a secret takeover. Hamas is conspiring with Jordan to create havoc, God forbid, by way of Jerusalem. Iran will swallow itself with internal strife and confusion.

Turkey – confusion and strife. “ Their swords will enter their own hearts” and in not too long the rest of the verse will take effect, “and their bows will be broken.” In the meantime, they use their weapons against themselves. In a little bit, their weapons will explode in their faces! All that they devise against the Holy Eretz Yisrael – will happen to them! There will be an explosion!

The economy in Europe – even if they get all the money in the world – it will sink without end. It will sink along with the floods that will occur there. Even the sun in the sky wants to purify the globe, even it is working according to plan! Jews who are Jews – including everyone without exception – will have to escape from Europe! Whoever is not a Jew will have no benefit from coming to Eretz Yisrael!

The economy in North and South America and her neighbors – will have a severe collapse. The Jews will escape from there! All the millions of Jews who live in New York, in places of luxury, will come to live in the Negev. On holy ground, in a fresh atmosphere, a clean place, the most beloved place of the Holy One blessed be He! They will come to live in Chevron, Yerushalayim, Tiberias, Eilat, Kiryat Shemona and Metula. It seems like a fantasy that millions will live in the Negev, but all will live in the Negev and the Negev will blossom and grow! Even the Shomron and the north will become populated with many Jews. Tel Aviv will empty out and its Jews will disperse throughout the country! Anything that is impossible in this world – with the Creator everything is possible and will happen!

The economy in Eretz Yisrael will blossom and increase with no end! The Creator promises: Eretz Yisrael has blessing. The economy will blossom and increase! This is signed and sealed by the King of Kings the Holy One blessed be He. All the clowns who make fun – their private wealth will come to an end. Real estate will grow without end. Roads will open and everything will blossom, contrary to human reasoning and understanding  - piles of miracles from the Holy One!

Severe and destructive forces of nature will continue. Every week something new and significant will be felt! In every place where there were earthquakes, and it “seemed” as though nothing happened – the Creator warns and warns again and the third time comes a huge blast so that the Jews will come to the Land.

Soldiers of Tzahal – be extremely careful when you “tremp” (hitchhike)! There are gangs that want to kidnap soldiers – be careful! Gilad Shalit is a one-of-a-kind. Soldiers of Tzahal should not get involved. Jews who go to Jordan and the Sinai desert – be careful. Everything is “hot.” So much hatred against the Jews. Escape from all these places and come to Eretz Yisrael! Endure a year and live here for a lifetime!

Am Yisrael – keep the Ten Commandments! This is not a joke and not a game. The Creator of the world says: I hope that until now you have started to awaken and begin to understand my plan and what I desire. Left and right should be united with one heart. I direct the government of Israel. The soldiers of Tzahal get their orders from the Heavenly Tzahal. All soldiers of Tzahal who are Jews – are holy and righteous. The light of Mashiach purifies and refines the world. And Mashiach – be patient. In just a little bit of time Mashiach ben David will be revealed in mercy!

 Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Parshat Tazria- Metzorah 5772

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi    Parshat Tazria- Metzorah
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the world, the King of mercy – loves Am Yisrael! He desires and would rejoice in all Jews making aliyah and coming to Holy Eretz Yisrael! The Master of the world will guard and protect all of Am Yisrael – He won’t help others at all!

All the Arab countries will continue their problems, with chaos and arguments and difficult complications! Once again – their swords will enter their own hearts! They won’t listen to anyone, to any country or advice! They will do whatever they want and whatever comes to their mind – their swords will enter their own hearts! They think they are the strongest in the world, but they don’t realize that those who fight against Am Yisrael – declares a war on the Holy One blessed be He! They don’t realize that the Holy One, in one second, can change everything to their detriment! In one second the Holy One will turn their world upside down!
Precious Jews, Bnei Yisrael, we need to unite! To cleave to each other and to love every Jew who is a Jew! To believe only in the Master of the world who can do everything!

The anti-Semitism in the world is growing and spreading every day more and more! Whether openly or hidden! The goyim don’t like the Jews and hate them because they think that the Jews take their livelihood, their lives, their minds! Anti-Semitism in the world is spreading like wildfire in a field of thorn bushes! Because Am Yisrael is different from all nations – a chosen nation, the Holy One loves Am Yisrael very much, He will not help others at all! Anyone who speaks ill against Am Yisrael, who will curse or abuse the Jews in Eretz Yisrael- blood is on his head! He will experience all the plagues that happened in Egypt – on his flesh! Because of the jealousy that consumes the goyim, they want to assimilate with the Jews in order to eliminate the Jewish race from the world.

Jews and Jewesses, you have a neshama that comes straight from the Holy One! Don’t assimilate! It is forbidden to assimilate! Whoever assimilates now, in these harsh times, has no way out!

The government of Israel must respect itself! To speak only secretly, in privacy! Don’t tell anyone in the world what we plan to do! And no one should dictate to the government of Israel what to do! The government of Israel will dictate for itself, not others for it!

Our enemies are planning to kidnap Israeli soldiers in a frightening way! The soldiers of Tzahal are our children! They protect Am Yisrael! They stand above all else in Am Yisrael – above all! Because Am Yisrael can sleep quietly at night, live, eat and drink through the merit of the soldiers of Tzahal, who guard and protect Holy Eretz Yisrael! They do the work down here, and because of that the work is done above – the protection of Am Yisrael! Every Jew in Am Yisrael has to feel that the soldiers of Tzahal are our children! Don’t knock them – just bless them! Don’t lower their morale – rather strengthen and lift it! Tzahal is the strongest army in the world because there is Tzahal in the heavens as well! The army here in the Land is the army of Hashem in heaven! Our armed forces should not be complacent! The quiet of the Arab armies is dangerous! They are waiting for a signal from the Iranians in order to attack Israel from all sides! Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan – aimed at Jerusalem! This is the goal of the leaders of the goyim! The Holy One will confuse and overturn them, as he overturned the generation of the Tower of Bavel! He will have them turn on each other, in order to turn away from the Jews in Eretz Yisrael! Once again – their swords will enter their own hearts!

All Jews, that the Holy One has chosen as his agents by transforming them into people of means and affluence – let them do significant things for the Jews in Holy Eretz Yisrael! Let them give Trumah and Ma’aser to synagogues, mikvahs, study halls, Torah students, the needy and the sick. The rich and affluent, be careful! Be warned! Don’t contaminate your money with folly – the blessing of Hashem in it – you will surely fall! What was, was, now the warning comes into effect! Try and see! Beginning from this moment, I don’t recommend that any wealthy Jew to fight with the Master of the world! The Holy One gave you, in order that you should give!

Eretz Yisrael – the Holy Land, has great blessing in all the works of her hands! She has money without end! We can’t imagine how much money is in Eretz Yisrael – without end! We can’t imagine how much work is available in Eretz Yisrael – without end! There is work for everyone – those who want to work! The blessing is found in Eretz Yisrael, and you are everywhere in the world – with all you think you need!

Jews who are Jews in Eretz Yisrael – let baseless love have dominion over you! The Government of Israel is investing money to close all the places where our youth become drunk and get ravaged. Invest in education!

In Eretz Yisrael the real estate and home building will continue to expand in the Negev, the Shomron and Galilee. Very, very soon hundreds of thousands of Jews will arrive! Hotels and tzimmers in the Land - will be filled to capacity! Hundreds of thousands of apartments will be built, roads will be paved and Eretz Yisrael will grow and grow, contrary to the wiseguys and clowns who mock! The Holy One is doing miracles in secret! He could make anything from nothing! From one small seed he created the globe, from a drop in the womb a human is created – wonders and miracles!

If you have paid attention, the forces of nature have seriously increased like plagues on the globe. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and fires! Don’t be complacent that there has not be a tsunami – when they will minimize the possibility, the tsunami will come! The chaos in this world is becoming greater and greater!

The Creator says: Let the whole world repent, to bring about a pure and holy world, a world of unity and peace! Whoever doesn’t want this – has no place in this world!

Precious Jews who are in the diaspora, don’t battle the Holy One! Today a tornado – tomorrow will come more difficulties across the world that could have hardly been imagined in your life! The Creator of the world has begun a war, the cleansing of the globe! Don’t delay! Don’t miss out! Don’t be a clown – you will lose everything!

Jews in the diaspora, “come down from the tree”! You are clinging to the tip of the tree – the Creator will uproot the tree together with you! Don’t ignore what the Holy One is doing! The Creator is expending all efforts without end to give hints and clues, to all Jews in the diaspora, to come to Holy Eretz Yisrael! Leave the materialism, the emotions, the past! Wealth can give life as well as kill! When you can divest from wealth – you can begin to live! Come to Holy Eretz Yisrael with Hashem’s pride, without embarrassment! Be embarrassed that you are there! It’s an embarrassment to have clowns in this generation! It’s not an embarrassment to come to the Holy Land! This is Hashem’s pride and joy!
Jews, Am Yisrael in the Holy Land, there is nothing to fear! All the threats from Arab nations and Iran – the Holy One promises: their swords will enter their own hearts! We must unify, come together, and do much kindness, in love and peace!

The Holy One is asking Am Yisrael: Keep the ten commandments! I’m coming down to earth – you will all feel my presence! The Creator is increasing, at every moment, in huge measures, the levels of anti-Semitism and destructive forces of nature, against the Jews in the world. He is using all his tools, “the pleasant and the good,” in order to pressure the Jews in the diaspora to come to Holy Eretz Yisrael! To reveal King Mashiach in mercy!

 Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Chag HaPesach 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Chag HaPesach
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, redeemed Am Yisrael from Egypt. Just as then there was antisemitism, in the heart of Paro and the Egyptians towards the Jewish people (Bnei Yisrael), due to their being a treasured nation with success and huge numbers, so too it is today! The entire world is Egypt and the Jews are scattered throughout the world! The difference is, that at the time of leaving Egypt, Eretz Yisrael was not yet ready for Am Yisrael, and Am Yisrael was not yet ready for Eretz Yisrael. But in the year 1948 the Holy One established the state of Israel and prepared the holy Land to signal an end to the final exile and to accept all the Jews scattered throughout the world!

Just as then the Holy One wanted Paro and the Egyptians to drive out Bnei Yisrael from Egypt into the desert and ultimately to the holy Eretz Yisrael – so too today! There is a harsh and heavy antisemitism and hatred of Jews in the world, driving out the Jews from all of the impure lands and the Jews have no choice but to come and make aliyah to the holy Eretz Yisrael – against their will! When the gentiles see the Jews scattered throughout the world, the hatred against them grows because – the Jews’ place is in Eretz Yisrael! All the clowns and big talkers say: “We will not leave the impure lands, we will prove to them that we are strong and courageous!” They are making a huge and bitter mistake! The Holy One will not give up on them! This kind of thinking and talk go against and neutralize all that the Holy One is doing, hinting to the Jews through disastrous forces of nature, that it’s necessary to come to Eretz Yisrael, because the Master of the world is redeeming them from exile and we stand at the edge of the revelation of King Mashiach and the building of the Temple! This is what Hashem is saying: “All the Jews that I have exiled and scattered throughout the world, come and make aliyah to the holy Eretz Yisrael!” We are living in Eretz Yisrael with every right! This is our country! The Holy One promised it to our ancestors and is keeping his promise to them – that all Jews will be here!

We have to make every personal effort to serve the Holy One, to repair our character, to keep the Ten Commandments, and to pressure Jews in the Diaspora to make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael as quickly as possible! There is no time!

Am Yisrael is a singular nation, a treasured nation! The Holy One has caused hatred and antisemitism against the Jews in order that there shouldn’t be assimilation and mixing with the gentiles! In Egypt, as the Egyptians hated all the Jews – men and women, so too do we find antisemitism throughout the world where the gentiles hate the Jews, because the place of the Jews is in the holy Eretz Yisrael! Am Yisrael is on one side – the gentiles are on the other side!

The Holy One occasionally gives Am Yisrael a “shove” in order to wake them up, to not forget the Creator and believe in Him! We the Jews must cry and petition before the Creator – like a child grabbing the tzitzit strings of his father – that He should protect us from the Arab nations that surround us and from all harm!

The government of Israel and the Armed Forces of Israel – get moving! Have no fear! Quietly! Only we have the power to protect our own Land! We must be vigilant in the security of Eretz Yisrael! Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, they constitute one ring, waiting for their commands from Iran! Tzahal must be vigilant! We must protect our souls and our nation, we cannot forget the Holocaust, no one will save us, only the Master of the world protects us! The Holy One taunts the gentile nations, creating confusion and arguments between and among them everywhere, so that they should not focus on Am Yisrael and harm them! Once again, their swords will enter their own hearts! In Eretz Yisrael, the Jews need not fear any enemy! When in the government of Israel, everyone will be of like mind, with one heart and work secretly – there will be only huge success! When Am Yisrael is united, unified, love each other and keep the Ten Commandments – the Holy One brings down the Shechina which surrounds them and protects them from harm! Eretz Yisrael will be protected and safe!

Antisemitism is very strong in the world! It is boiling with bubbles! All Jews must come to Eretz Yisrael urgently without delay! In the entire world except for in Eretz Yisrael – everyone claws at the other! In Eretz Yisrael – the economy is good, the most dependable and reliable in the world!

After the Pesach holiday, the Holy One will turn up the pressure and tighten the belt on Jews across the world, in many significant ways, to cause them to run away from the Diaspora and come to live in Eretz Yisrael!

Debased cruise ships got their warning! In not too far a time, they will begin sinking in the sea – only the ones with Jews on them! Terrible forces of nature will continue and increase so that impurity and hatred can be destroyed in the world! The economy in Europe will continue to crash! The economy in America will continue to crash! All for the purpose of Jews coming to Eretz Yisrael! Nothing will help them!
Jews in the Diaspora: Instead of stubbornly remaining there – be stubborn and come to the holy Eretz Yisrael to live here!

On this Pesach we must be extremely happy, to gladly welcome many guests and do many deeds of kindness!

All giants of Israel, on all levels and in all sectors, you need to work and labor for unity and love among Am Yisrael, a unity among Jews in Eretz Yisrael and the Diaspora, and to put pressure on Jews living there to come to Eretz Yisrael! Pity for every second they lose by living there!

Anyone who gets in the way of Jews coming to Eretz Yisrael, will go straight to the Master of the world for judgment! Don’t ignore the hints and signs of the Holy One – the Creator of the world!

From this Pesach holiday, the intense light of Mashiach will be felt even more! If King Mashiach will not be revealed now – 7 billion people in the world will disappear! And the Creator of the world promised that he will never again destroy the world! Therefore, Mashiach is waiting to be revealed so that there will not be a third world war and not be massive destruction!

Jews! Come to Eretz Yisrael, and build a world of love and kindness! Change the bitter to become sweet! To build the Holy Temple! The world is on its way to redemption with mercy and the revelation of Mashiach ben David!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Tzav and Shabbat Hagadol

Later than usual, but here is Rabbi Ben Artzi's message from Parshat Tzav and Shabbat Hagadol 5772.

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Tzav and Shabbat Hagadol 5772
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the Universe says to Am Yisrael - the Jews: the small children are prophesying that Mashiach is found and the light of Mashiach is found! They cannot explain what they know and what they see! They are talking about Mashiach and the Holy Temple! They are so pure and their enlightenment and knowledge comes from their neshama! The adults Jews – they want to see “hard evidence”! The young Jewish children are grounded in spirituality, purity and faith in the Master of the world!

The whole world is noisy and raging and everything feels chaotic! The world seems in fear, trembling and awe from the King of Kings! The Holy One blessed be He is moving and shaking the world, his desire is to cleanse it from impurity, evil and hatred and bring the world to the repaired state of love, peace, unity, revelation of Mashiach and the building of the Holy Temple! The Holy One doesn’t want to do what He did in Sodom and Amorah during the time of Noach, for he swore nothing like that would happen again in the world! Earthquakes will continue without stopping, as well as other destructive and unpredictable forces of nature that will scarily spread throughout the world!

Anti-Semitism is spreading at the speed of light! In Morocco – the Jews received a dire warning! In France – they received a dire warning as well as throughout Europe! Aliyah can be felt by way of home purchases in Eretz Yisrael – French Jews are preparing for a huge aliyah!

The Holy One is “crying” for his children who were murdered in the vile atrocity in France and is begging all the Jews in the world , to come urgently to the Holy Eretz Yisrael! The Holy One is asking and pleading with every Jew in the world, to come immediately to Eretz Yisrael! There is no protection for Jews living with their families in the diaspora!

The Holy One does not like the assimilation of the Jews in the world! Assimilation destroys the direction and identity of the Jews! The Holy One designated the mission of the Jews in this world! It hurts the Holy One that there is such assimilation and he wants the Jews to make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael!

The terror in the diaspora will grow and widen in scope and the Jews will have to escape from there! The Holy One is warning: Precious Jews, my children, be careful about escaping from Europe to the United States or any other country, and to the contrary! It would be a shame to leave yet another country! Come straight to the Holy Eretz Yisrael! I am waiting for you! Don’t make more mistakes! Don’t escape to another country – there too they will hate Jews! The Jews’ place is in Eretz Yisrael, to settle the Negev, the Shomron and Galilee!

The Holy One is taunting the Arab countries that surround the Holy Eretz Yisrael! The Holy One is confusing them as He confused the generation of the Tower of Babel! In Syria the mess will continue! The President of Turkey will wane and conflicts will arise there – just like in Syria! In Iran there are severe differences of opinion and they are on their way to major conflicts among themselves – like in Syria! In Egypt the dire conflicts will continue! In every Arab nation, their swords will enter their own hearts!

The economy of the world will crumble, even though there are reports of a revival, there is no revival! They want to calm people so there will be no panic! There is no solution to the world’s economic problems – except that all the Jews should come to Eretz Yisrael! In Eretz Yisrael – there is blessing to no end! It’s written in newspapers and spoken in the media that the economy in Israel is growing and flourishing!

Our government must continue to work in absolute secrecy! For only regarding this kind of secrecy does the blessing of the Holy One preside.

The soldiers of Am Yisrael must believe in the Creator of the world and not believe in any nation! They must be vigilant and obey their superiors, so that they can always be prepared and ready to guard our homeland! The soldiers must be careful wherever they find themselves, whether tremping or other places,  especially near suspicious objects – respect but verify! Let no soldier say, God forbid, “This can’t happen to me”!

Real estate in the Holy Eretz Yisrael will never cease! There will be livelihood for all Jews in Israel and for all newcomers! There is tremendous movement of Jews who are preparing to arrive in Eretz Yisrael, with more requests for housing and jobs in Eretz Yisrael! The Creator will bring everyone to the Holy Eretz Yisrael! As the Creator says – it is sealed and it will happen! In every generation there are clowns who make fun of the Holy One, and in the end, they will be brought low and will have grave regrets! A shame, better for them to save their honor than fall!

During Pesach – it is good to increase in contributions, acts of kindness, welcoming guests to our homes, and spreading money to those in need without keeping account. It hurts the Creator so much when families are in such desperate need or guests who have nowhere to live. On Pesach the Holy One wants to rejoice with the Jews and doesn’t want anything to spoil the happiness with His children!

Precious Jews: Repair your character, leave your bad traits, and don’t wait for hard evidence!

The Creator of the world is cleansing the world of its impurity! The Heavens are working together with the earth, to “vomit out” and burn out all the impurity, dust and abominations from this world!

Pity on all the Giants of Israel who want to see “hard evidence” from the Master of the world, in order to understand that the generation and time has come for the redemption of Am Yisrael from all their trouble and agonies! It is time for the revelation of Mashiach and the building of the Beit Hamikdash!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.