Friday, March 16, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshiot Vayakhel-Pekuday and Shabbat Parah 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshiot Vayakhel-Pekuday and Shabbat Parah
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

Thank you to the Holy One blessed be He! We thank Him all the time! We owe our very life to Him! Great miracles occurred since last Friday and Shabbat: we had a great miracle, that the Holy One gave the ability to Tzahal on Purim to destroy the head of a terrorist organization who was planning many terrorist attacks and thanks to the Holy One for removing him! In addition, more than 200 various rockets were sent to Israel and targeted Jews – and not one Jew was hurt! Let this great miracle continue always and may the Creator never abandon us! Let us all pray that this great miracle will continue regarding each and every Jew, to be protected from all the surrounding nations!

The Holy One is doing good things and great miracles – revealed ones and hidden ones – for Am Yisrael! The Holy One desires that Am Yisrael should make changes for the better! The Holy One wishes that Am Yisrael will return to Him in teshuva! The Holy One wishes that Am Yisrael recognize and thank Him for all the good that He does for us! Am Yisrael – without the Holy One’s guarding and protection – could not exist! Am Yisrael will continue to exist with exceptional strength! When Am Yisrael understands what the Holy One desires from the Jews and they will be united and together – there will be protection for Eretz Yisrael – from below, and protection from heaven – from above, and no nation can possibly harm Am Yisrael!

Heaven is working very hard to dismantle the evil, hatred, jealousy, arrogance and impurity from the world! The earth is a partner to the designs of heaven through the agency of destructive forces of nature and through the agency of hatred that permeates every nation in the world: the bad have a war with the good, the good with the bad, in order to finish each other off – in the end, the good will win! The joining of powers in heaven and earth aim to dismantle the impurity and the sitra achra (other side) from the face of the earth! The goal is to bring forth the star – the earth, to be like it was when the Holy One created it in the days of Adam and his wife before the sin – a bright and holy star! A place where there will be no more war forever! Only love, unity, peace, holiness and purity!

With the expulsion of the Jews from their homes in Yemen, the Holy One has given a warning to all Jews living in the diaspora: the Creator of the world forges forward from step to step, and when the second one is harder than the first one – this is the Creator of the world! This will come to all Jews around the world: to their homes, their work places, their cars! The Holy One does his work in a flash! Everyone will say “This is madness! How could we have not felt it coming?” Don’t take the Master of the world to task! The world is in the midst of a harsh judgment and the Creator is crying out to the Jews, “Whoever is for God, come to me!”

All the congregations and synagogues spread around the world, the Creator is angry at them and telling them to come to the holy Eretz Yisrael! The Holy One is saying “I didn’t establish the State of Israel in India, or in China, or any other place in the world – only in the holy Eretz Yisrael to which all Jews should come! It’s enough already – all the synagogues across the world, in every country – gather the Torah scrolls, fold up everything and come immediately and urgently to the holy Eretz Yisrael! You are there only for material considerations – not because of the Holy One, not because of the spirituality!” Since 1948 when the state was established – the redemption began! The exile has come to an end! All the Jews in exile must come to Eretz Yisrael! The Master of the world has waited for 2,000 years and continues to wait since 1948 until this time – 64 years! Don’t sit on the fence – this is not faith – this is the very opposite of faith! Don’t make others lose out, not Am Yisrael, not the Holy Land, and be careful not to lose out with the Creator – that you will call upon Him and He will not answer – be warned! It pains the Holy One that he speaks to you eye to eye and you don’t understand what He is doing in the world! You wait and you linger on the fence!

All Arab nations will continue to fight among themselves and to kill one another! Not only among them, but in all the nations of the world they will fight with each other and remove the evil and the thorns from each nation!

In the holy Eretz Yisrael, the Holy One wishes to see an increase purity, holiness, baseless love, kindness and the keeping of the ten commandments!
All who cheapen the lives of the Jews in holy Eretz Yisrael – the Holy One will cheapen their lives!

All the leaders of Am Yisrael, don’t put your trust in any other nation and don’t be apathetic! No nation will help! Every nation has its own interests and for Jews, the interest is in helping Am Yisrael! All leaders of the holy Eretz Yisrael must unify and come together! They should not “fall asleep,” they should be alert and their eyes wide open – everyone has his responsibility! Not for honor and glory – for one who chases after honor, no honor will remain! There should be no thought of personal gain – only to benefit the children of the Holy One! The government of Israel will not rely on any nation in the world – only on itself and on the Master of the world!

There is no time for games – it is for all leaders, spiritual and secular, to work for the protection of Am Yisrael in the best and most proper way! When Am Yisrael is united, as one group with one heart – no nation can harm it! Since all nations of the world revolve around their own interests, when no one harms them - they become apathetic. A Jew must never forget the Shoah! The Shoah must accompany and become internalized in the Jew and from this derive certain conclusions! We must safeguard Eretz Yisrael through our actions, in our thinking, and through our prayers to the Master of the world!

Precious Jews: the Master of the world exists in heaven and on earth! We don’t have sufficient knowledge, wisdom and insight to understand the greatness and the glory of the King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He! But every Jew knows there is a Creator in the world and every Jew sees miracles and wonders each and every day!

Don’t anger the Holy One! It’s not worth it! The Holy One recalls each Jew in their merits and debits! In heaven, all is recorded!

The goal of the Holy One is to destroy the hatred and the sitra achra from the world! To save the world and the Jews. To sustain Eretz Yisrael forever! To bring redemption with mercy! To build the third Holy Temple! And to crown King Mashiach ben David over Eretz Yisrael and the entire world – in mercy!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Ki Tissa 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi  Parshat Ki Tissa
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the world, the Father of the entire world, is IN the world – in each and every place! Nothing moves without Him moving it, or without Him giving permission for it to be moved! The Creator of the world is dismantling nation after nation, in order to cleanse the world of evil, hatred, arrogance and jealousy, to change this world into one of compassion, love and peace! In every country the Holy One throws a kind of “bone”, which causes a flash transformation and dissent in that land. Just as He has done in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Yemen and will continue to do in place after place until He removes the evil and terrible elements from all nations!

In every nation there is good and bad, good people and bad people. When a nation has inner quarrels, the good and bad people fight among themselves and the good win in the end for Hashem’s hand is in it! The Holy One does things through natural means! In Syria the chaos will continue! Assad will be like Arafat – a puppet on a string controlled by Heaven!

In Gaza – the earth is shaking! Beneath the ground there is a huge supply of weapons and ammunition! Don’t play around with Gaza! Hamas enters and “heats” things up in Jordan and east Jerusalem! Infiltrators enter and create havoc like there was on the Temple Mount against our soldiers and Israel. In Turkey, in a very short time, there will be chaos like in Syria! The Holy One is taunting the Arabs. He throws them a “bone” and everything catches fire!

The world is noisy and raging: all kinds of severe forces of nature – everything is noisy and raging!

It is forbidden for Jews to go on trips on “love boats”! There were warnings – ships with these kinds of immorality will continue to sink! Jews should not participate nor register for these kinds of trips!

The economy in Eretz Yisrael is very good! There will be an overflow of livelihood for Jews living everywhere who come to the Holy Eretz Yisrael! The Holy One guards and protects every Jew who comes to the Holy Eretz Yisrael!

The Creator of the world requests, in every manner of asking, that we be careful about assimilation in Eretz Yisrael and throughout the world! The Jewish people must bring up their children to know what it means to be a Jew! We have to safeguard Am Yisrael – an Am Segulah! Am Yisrael is like the “sharp point” of a pencil! All the nations are the pencil and Am Yisrael is the “point”! The “point” does the writing – it is the critical part and leads the entire world!

The goyim want to destroy Am Yisrael! That the entire world should be Muslim and the goyim will rule! The entire world stands on the shoulders of Am Yisrael! Without Jews in Eretz Yisrael – no memory would be left of the world! It would be boring and lifeless – without life, without life-force, from trees to animals to human beings! In the merit of the light, the purity and holiness of Am Yisrael – the world exists! The Creator’s plan is to dismantle the evil from each nation in order to create a world of love and peace , a world of compassion and peace!

The problem began with Cain and Abel, the first murder, the first fight! Up until this day the Holy One wants to repair the world – He purifies and cleans to bring the world to a situation of general repair! The Holy One scattered the Jews all around the world after the destruction of the Temple. From ’48 – when the State of Israel was reconfirmed – Jews needed to understand the obligation to come and live in Eretz Yisrael! Until the State was not yet re-established – one could live in the diaspora, once established – there is an obligation to come quickly and urgently to the Holy Land! To a simple and humble life! To abandon the vanity of materialism! Jews who come to the Holy Eretz Yisrael – love the Holy One! Don’t miss the train! It’s better to come now with honor, with great desire, to receive the merit to live in the Holy Eretz Yisrael, out of love for the Holy One and for Jews! And if not – there will come a time soon, when Jews will have to run away from countries around the world and will come to Eretz Yisrael, out of fear from forces of nature and the rising and widening antisemitism throughout the world!

Prestigious personalities of the Jewish people, Rabbis, leaders of congregations, leaders of Jews in Eretz Yisrael: Mass prayers must be recited in every synagogue! For in Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Gaza there are malicious intentions! The Holy One from above is guarding Am Yisrael and is waiting for giants of Torah and leaders to create unity, love and peace in the Land and to organize prayers!

Give strength to the King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be he!

Real estate in Eretz Yisrael, parcels of land and building of houses, all will continue even greater than what’s been! Jews will come from the diaspora- in the millions! Everywhere will be populated! In Eretz Yisrael there is blessing with livelihood and money, in that it will never run out! The opposite will be true! Blessing without end! Rich people should give generously and without arrogance! Any Jew that has a painful concern, in any area: health, livelihood or children, the Holy One makes a huge promise: if one will ask directly from the Creator of the world, with a full heart – his request will be received and answered on the spot!

The entire world is in chaos, until the great day will arrive for Am Yisrael! The timetable in heaven is not the same as on earth! Every Jew who waits patiently and keeps the Ten Commandments – will merit to participate in the redemption of Am Yisrael at the time of the revelation of Mashiach – in the first round!

All Jews: we must plead every day, and to ask from the Master of the world that He should redeem us and reveal King Mashiach soon.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Tetzaveh 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi  Parshat Tetzaveh
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He guards and protects holy Eretz Yisrael, and all the Jews who live in the holy Eretz Yisrael! All Jews – who are Jews, who are found in the diaspora  - have no protection, have no defense. 

Antisemitism will grow daily, and each week greater hatred of the Jewish people will be felt! Only in this way, Jews will leave the impure land and impure places and 
will come to live in holy Eretz Yisrael! The laws in the diaspora will not succeed in stopping the strong wave of antisemitism and the Jews will be left with no choice – except to leave their homes, the places where they live, their synagogues and houses of study, to fold up everything and to come to holy Eretz Yisrael, the guarded, the protected, the strongest in the entire world!

The Holy One has requested from the Jews that they tithe from their “untainted” incomes, from their jobs as well as personal finances. Jews may not think of this as their own money – this ma’aser belongs to the Creator of the world! The Holy One gives wealthy people an overflow, so that they contribute to the needy, Torah students, synagogues, hospitals, for building mikvaot – matters that are holy and pure! This is why there are rich people! The rich person – he is a trustworthy emissary of the Holy One to give mandatory tithes to the needy! In Heaven they deem the giving of various tithes as an “Olah” (sacrifice) to the Creator of the world! This is the connection and relationship between Bnei Yisrael and their Father in Heaven!

All giants of Torah and community Rabbis in all parts of the Land: It is incumbent upon you to establish all designated prayers – at least once a week – in all synagogues, in order to protect and safeguard holy Eretz Yisrael 100%! Bnei Yisrael is obligated to become partners in the protection of Am Yisrael by way of their prayers and acts of loving kindness! Gatherings for the purpose of harmony, love and peace – will prepare Am Yisrael for the Redemption and the revealing of King Mashiach!

The Creator of the world “is dealing” with all the Arab nations and all the nations in the world – dealing with them to their core! He confuses them and sows enmity between them and destroys their economy from all sides! The world is in the midst of a huge upheaval, with strong forces of nature and economic downturns that put things “under the floor”! Houses across the world are not being sold! Money in the world – has no value! The Creator of the world is striking the world’s economy only for the sake of the Jews who choose impure lands and materialism, and who reject the Holy One and the holy Eretz Yisrael! The Creator does not forgive! Phase by phase – He will finish off the world’s economy until it becomes “less than nothing”! So that the Jews will return to holy Eretz Yisrael and to their Father in Heaven and proclaim “There is no one except Him” – this is how it will be! There are many upheavals in the world, major happenings that the media does not publicize! Ships and planes will continue to be harmed and there will be terrible accidents the likes of which we’ve never seen! Nations will continue to fight among themselves and forces of nature will increase their power and havoc!

The Creator of the world is speaking to Jews -  who are Jews, eye to eye! They understand everything! The Creator orchestrates all of it – phase after phase! Without stopping, He will destroy evil from the world, all the arrogance and baseless hatred! The Master of the world is preparing Am Yisrael who are in Eretz Yisrael – for baseless love! To do acts of loving kindness without expectation of return! To have awe from the Master of the world the likes of which has not been seen since the creation of the world! All will be friends and like brothers! True brothers! They will be involved with giving, and they will love kindness, and will attach themselves to the Master of the world “from their foot to their head”! It will be exactly like this!

The government of Israel and Israel’s Defense Forces: It is forbidden to be complacent! We may not rely on any nation in the world – only on our Father in Heaven and our army! Hamas and the Palestinians “play them” like corpses and disgusting things but their leaders – are snakes and liars! Like wasps they want to destroy, God forbid, the government of the state of Israel! Through agents who are given much money, they look to create havoc, God forbid, within Eretz Yisrael! They stoke the protests and strikes in order to create the same kinds of situations, God forbid, as are found in Arab countries!

Am Yisrael must be alert, and must not have protests and strikes! This is the way of the goyim! The Master of the world does not accept this kind of conduct! All livelihood comes from the Master of the world! Turn to Him and ask Him! Don’t run away from the Master of the world, only the snake runs away – and eats dust! There is dialogue, there are experts, we have to approach them to solve the problems. Strikes, protests and rioting – this is idol worship! This is the manner of the goyim! The Master of the world will not extend a helping hand in such situations! Only with conduct of derech eretz, peace and love – the Creator gets involved!
The situation with Iran is “hotter” than ever before! Am Yisrael, giants of Torah and Rabbis: We must gather for mass prayer these coming days, with mass prayers in every synagogue across the Land – even this Shabbat! In all synagogues 20 minutes of Tehillim should be read out loud, so that we may be partners with the Holy One in the protection of Am Yisrael!

The Holy One is leading the world towards Redemption with Mercy (Geula B’rachamim)! This is the plan up to this very moment! The Holy One is moving to reveal each person’s evil designs – if they don’t commit to complete repentance! The Holy One is purifying the world and preparing it to reveal King Mashiach! To have a new world of love and peace! In our hearts and in our thoughts – there will only be the King who reigns over kings – the Holy One blessed be He!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.