Friday, February 24, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Terumah 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi  Parshat Terumah
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the world is a good Father and the most compassionate Being in the entire world! All the disturbances experienced by Am Yisrael – the pressures, the concerns, the worries: “what will the day bring?” “what will be?” “where will we go?” – the Holy One has gathered together and on the great day of Purim, all will be transformed for the good! Am Yisrael will see great miracles! All things that were thought of as impossible – things that a person cannot believe will happen – the Holy One will transform all of it into happiness and great joy for Am Yisrael this coming Purim! Like the miracle performed for the Jews on Purim, the miracle of “and everything turned around” that we recall every year, all will see with their own eyes “that everything turned around” for the benefit of Am Yisrael! For good and for benefit! Every year at Purim time, the miracle of “and everything turned around” recurs like during the first Purim, so that we should all recall the strength and might of the Creator, and what He does, and how much he does good and only good for the Holy Am Yisrael!

When Jewish people speak with truth and righteousness, they gain the upper hand! They stand squarely with the Holy One below on earth as well as in the heavens above! When a person doesn’t commit forgery, or lie or misrepresent and speaks only the truth – this is the greatest happiness for the Creator of the world! Telling the truth is often hard but it solves all the problems in heaven and on earth and for the individual himself!

The Holy One taunts around the world and reveals – and will continue to reveal – all the “designs” of every person in the entire world. If they are Jews – they must repent immediately! Every one of Bnei Yisrael should have full faith in the Holy One and not in other nations! We must not rely on any other nation in the world – only on our Father in heaven – there is none other than Him!

The Holy One shows the entire world – and most importantly – to Jews, open miracles in every place, in order that Jews should understand that the hand of God is in everything – nothing is coincidence!

Iran and Hamas are planning acts among themselves. Their desire is to tease, in their own ways, the State of Israel, in order to make, God forbid, difficult troubles for Am Yisrael, so that Am Yisrael will involve itself in small things and thereby forget the big things!

The world finds itself in great fear constantly! Earthquakes, floods, storms, extreme heat and cold – and in Eretz Yisrael there is blessed rain, healing rain! The Holy One has released and continues to release powers in the world in stages, striking in place after place, with the purpose of dismantling an evil world, and so that the Jews should come to Eretz Yisrael immediately! The world economy is not working, is in disarray, and will remain so everywhere in the world except that of holy Eretz Yisrael! It will be written in the papers and publicized throughout the media, that the world economy is falling apart and sinking -  and in Eretz Yisrael the economy is rising and abundant! It’s a shame that workers in Eretz Yisrael go one strike! They bring only embarrassment and damage to Am Yisrael! Striking is the method of the goyim! We should not learn from them! They have nothing to lose! Jews are the children of the Master of the world! There are laws in the holy Eretz Yisrael! In the holy Eretz Yisrael there are experts for these matters, experts who labor on behalf of Am Yisrael! There is a leader for the State of Israel! We must be able to discuss and debate without strikes and protests. With dialogue there are listening ears wanting to find the best solutions! Force does not work in this world – only absolute truth prevails! There are ways to accomplish things pleasantly and nicely without the ways of the goyim who strike and protest! The bottom line is – we are all Jews and brothers and we have nowhere else to go! We cannot rely on any other nation in the world – only on our Father in heaven and Am Yisrael – the Jews!

A month ago we said that hatred of Jews will increase, and now we can say – the hatred of Jews will never cease until the last Jew comes to live in the holy Eretz Yisrael! It is sealed and closed in heaven – there will be a flash of hatred against the Jews and antisemitism all around the world! There is no alternative – only in this manner will the real Jews come to understand that they must come immediately and without delay to the holy Eretz Yisrael! With desire, without desire – in the end it will be for their good! So it is sealed in Heaven and so it will be! Increasing antisemitism will not cease until the last Jew comes to live in the holy Eretz Yisrael!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Mishpatim 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Mishpatim
A Message to Am Yisrael in the land and throughout the world

The Master of the world is stirring up the entire world, and the world is shaking off all of its evil outer layers. The world maximized its obsession with materialism, and finds itself ready to explode! To cleave to the Creator of the world and to spiritual matters – benefits are endless, to cleave to material things – benefits are limited! The world finds itself now as it did in the time of Noach, before the time of the flood! The world has reached its limit! The end of evil and hatred!

In Noach’s time, the Holy One waited 120 years for the people in it to repent, brought the flood upon the earth and destroyed it! In our time, the Holy One has waited 2,000 years!

The Creator of the world moves among the nations and creates disharmony in order to purify the world and prepare a new one in which will remain only the clean and pure ones who have polished their character. In Noach’s time only he remained along with his [wife- ed.], children and the animals – in our time, there will be millions of Jews in this new world!

The Creator of the world is striking plague after plague, hardship after hardship! One is forgotten and the next one comes! The world finds itself in fear, chaos and great upheaval. Extreme forces of nature are found everywhere! The world “appears” to have no controller.

Throughout this process, Father in heaven is building a new world and blossoming very strongly and speeding up very quickly the time of King Mashiach ben David! The revelation of Mashiach together with the breakdown of the entire world, the collapse of evil, hatred and arrogance!

Assad King of Syria is a Godly gift – a trustworthy messenger! The Russians and the Chinese support him because in Syria there are extremely dangerous weapons, chemical explosives and other destructive missiles, and they are afraid they will reveal them! The Creator of the world also resides in the minds of the Russians and the Chinese, in the beginning they sided with the Americans and the Europeans – they “changed” and now they defend Assad, for if they don’t defend him – everything will be revealed! All is from the Holy One! He motivates their thinking and confuses them so that their swords will enter their own hearts! Assad continues to destroy his people! Lebanon is dependent on Syria and Assad! Gaza and Hamas are dependent on Assad! They’re all on one chain! Eretz Yisrael is compared to being in a ring surrounded by Arab countries. The Creator of the world protects Am Yisrael! He goes each time to yet another Arab country to “harass” it and create confusion within it! The bedlam will continue in Egypt, and in Europe – Greece is only the beginning! The chaos will spread to all of Europe! This week they also blew up the gas line leading to Jordan – to let the King of Jordan know that he is “in line” like Syria, Egypt and Libya!

In the State of Israel we must be careful and be unified and not argue about nonsense! Members of Knesset: you are being taped! You are the banner of Am Yisrael! Give honor to the state of Israel! In the State of Israel it is forbidden to have demonstrations and strikes! It is unbecoming for a wise and discerning people that has a soul from the Master of the world! We must quickly have dialogue with each other in order to help one another! Am Yisrael must not learn from the goyim! We are all Jews and it is incumbent upon us to help one another! When Am Yisrael is together and unified – the state of Israel will be strong, healthy in soul and spirit, and no nation will be able to harm her! When we go “head to head” – there is no stability, only great confusion, fear and trembling!

Those who take bribes and pursue personal gain will get caught!

We must pray for the soldiers of Tzahal every moment! In every synagogue in the Land we need to pray for and bless the soldiers of Tzahal and honor them! They are our children, they are the protection of Am Yisrael!
The government of Israel: We must continue to rid Am Yisrael from abuse of alcohol and drugs – this is destroying the youth – the next generation of Am Yisrael!

All Jews who are in the diaspora, are there only for the sake of money! In the 1940’s and 1950’s, when Jews arrived in Eretz Yisrael – they kissed the holy ground and were happy to sleep on it! When we love Eretz Yisrael and its holy Land – this is the strongest and most unique sign that we love the Holy One! When one lives in the diaspora – you don’t love the Holy One! And when we don’t love the Holy One – woe unto us! Danger exists for all Jews in the worldexcept in the holy Eretz Yisrael! Do not deceive the Master of the world and “play hide and seek with Him”! The Holy One can reach you anywhere you are! Let there not be one Jew who says the Holy One didn’t call him! Every Jew should understand that the Holy One has called him to Eretz Yisrael! Let him not argue that he didn’t understand!

We must expand jobs, create more establishments, and increase real estate in Eretz Yisrael! In short time there will be a huge aliyah of Jews and all houses will become occupied in the blink of an eye! It sounds like a hallucination – but it’s not! The Negev will fill with millions of Jews coming to Israel! The North and Shomrom will also fill up! The Negev is relatively empty but it will all need to expand and the Holy One will revive it in every respect!

Hatred against Jews – anti-Semitism will increase, until there will come a time that no law in the world will be able to stop the hatred! Superior is bread dipped in water, in the holy Eretz Yisrael – that being in the diaspora at the threat of your life! There is a livelihood available for all Jews in the Land! The economy in the Land will grow and strengthen and become the strongest in the world! Eretz Yisrael will be the richest in the world!

The Creator of the world is working to ultimately cleanse the world and reveal King Mashiach ben David!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Yitro 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi     Parshat Yitro
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, is asking all of Am Yisrael, all of the Children of Israel, indeed all the Jews: Have you understood what I’m doing to the entire world?! Have you understood that I am directing the world!? Have you understood that I control all forces of nature? Have you understood that I control the hearts of all the leaders in this world!?

Is it for nothing that I protect Assad so he can destroy Syria? Is it for nothing that the leaders of China and Russia had in their hearts to oppose the American and NATO resolutions to harm Assad?! Assad is a messenger of the Master of the universe! The chilling cold in Europe- just a happening? Earthquakes that strike in various places in the world – a minimum of 10 a day – is this for nothing? Harsh storms – for nothing? The economy that I am destroying in the United States, in Europe and across the world, except within the holy Eretz Yisrael – for nothing?

There will be severe hatred against the Jews and anti-Semitism will become strong! It’s best for the Jews to come now! Better to take what you can with you now than to wait and come later – without anything and with no choice but to leave, which would cause a long acclamation process here in Eretz Yisrael! Now is the time to come urgently to the holy Eretz Yisrael!

The Holy One is battling within all Arab nations, employing the principle that one will kill the other! There is a mole called Hamas that digs under the sovereignty of Jordan, to topple it and destroy it in order to take over, with the purpose of harming Eretz Yisrael by way of Yerushalayim! The Holy One will make sure their swords will enter their hearts in the way of Egypt and Syria- and no less!

The world is in fear and trepidation from seismic occurrences: the economy, hatred and chaos! They speak out of fear and not from action! Iran is the embodiments of the yetzer harah (evil inclination), the very manifestation of Satan! They have the most destructive materials in the world!

The kassams from Gaza are fired to tease Am Yisrael, to provoke the government of Israel and the soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces into a war against Gaza! The purpose of the kassams is to bring the might of Tzahal into Gaza, in order to ignite a huge spark in all the Arab nations that will flare up into an all-out war!

The Holy One has His hands on the goyim in a way similar to the ten plaques, Assad king of Syria – this is a gift of God! Egypt – the Holy One will not loosen his grip on them! The Creator of the world is also “dealing” with the Arab nations in order to remove them from the world, and so that they should have to deal with each other, and also so that they shouldn’t get in the way of Am Yisrael repenting and working on their character!

The government of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces – let them say less and do more! They should not rely on any other nation in the world – only on themselves and on the King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, who directs the world!

It is now certain, and all Jews feel this everywhere in the world, that what the Holy One is doing – the Hand of God is in all of it! In order that all of us should believe in the Creator of the world! The State of Israel must talk less and do more to protect the boundaries of our country!

All of Am Yisrael must be united and together with one heart like we were at Mount Sinai! This will ensure our safety and protection.

The Master of the world is protecting Am Yisrael!

The State of Israel and its Defense Forces: don’t create negative rivalries, only positive ones!

Jews in the world: You have been warned! Wrap up the Torah scrolls and bring all the synagogues of Jews who are Jews and come to holy Eretz Yisrael urgently, immediately, instantly! Eretz Yisrael is safe and extremely protected! The Holy One wants to redeem the Jews more than they want it for themselves! The sand in the hourglass is running out! In Eretz Yisrael the economy will flourish and there will never be a recession! Real estate will expand in a way that no one will ever be able to stop! Every Jew will have an available livelihood! Eretz Yisrael – the land of the deer – will expand like the hide of a deer!

All leaders, all giants of Israel leadership, all giants of Torah learning: let’s get out of our homes and have assemblies of love and togetherness among Am Yisrael! Ashkenazim, chareidim, sepharadim – all are children of the Holy One! Don’t anger Hashem! All is recorded in heaven! Every written letter, every breath, every intention – all is recorded! Don’t challenge the Holy One!

All Am Yisrael: Derech Eretz precedes the Torah! Love your neighbor as yourself – this is the entire Torah!

Come let us gladden Hashem: Let’s transform bitter – into sweet! Evil – into good! Hatred – into love! From meanness and segregation – to kindness and charity! In this way the Holy One will rejoice in us! And when a person makes the Holy One happy – there is endless good forthcoming!

The world is experiencing trembling and stirring – because Mashiach is working and doing, purifying the world and extinguishing all evil from the world!!!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.


Friday, February 3, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Beshalach 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Beshalach- Shabbat Shirah
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the world is intensifying judgment in the world and is striking the world with the ten plagues with which he smote the Egyptians, because the entire world is – Egypt!

The Holy One is shaking up all the Jews in the world, loosening them from the world of materialism and money, knowing that the only reason Jews remain in the diaspora is because of money alone! And all the Jews in the holy Eretz Yisrael – are here because of the holiness and purity of the Land, and the holy and pure life that is in Eretz Yisrael! The Creator of the world increases punishment upon the world every week, in order to eradicate the evil, the hatred and the arrogance from the world and in order that Jews from all over the world will come to the holy Eretz Yisrael with urgency now!

The world is going to be gripped with harsh plagues, with earthquakes and tsunamis in various places around the world! The Holy One begins with small warnings and if this doesn’t help – He strikes, and if that doesn’t help – he erases that place from the world! The Holy One cannot any longer see the world behaving like animals and He wishes for all Jews to improve their character and their behavior and uphold the ten commandments in their entirety!

The Creator of the world does not retreat! He strikes in various places through natural forces as well as by means of the economy! The world is on the verge of a major economic crisis – due to the Jews who are in the diaspora, so that they will come to the holy Eretz Yisrael! In the holy Eretz Yisrael, the economy will improve and increase and every Jew without exception will have a way to make a living!

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He is beginning a period of unyielding hard judgment upon the world, for the old world is over! The impurity, the evil, the arrogance, the hatred and the jealousies – are coming to an end!

The Holy One is toppling Arab nations around us, causing discord among them and within them, so that they should not cause distress to Am Yisrael! The Holy One brings ten plagues upon them, though it now appears quiet, but it is the calm before the storm!

Next in line for chaos and panic – Jordan! Jordan will be in turmoil and their swords will enter their own hearts! The Holy One will consume, dismantle and destroy all the Arab nations surrounding Eretz Yisrael! All Arab nations or enemies that will come together and unify against Am Yisrael – the Holy One will instigate among them! Assad the king of Syria is doing his work with loyalty to the plan of the Master of the world – may he only continue!

Anti-Semitism in the world is increasing greatly against the Jews! The Holy One delayed it for many years, but beginning next week – the Holy One is unlocking the safety latch! He is unleashing it to bring chaos in the world against the Jews – so that they should come to live in the holy Eretz Yisrael! They should settle the Negev, the north, and the Shomron! The nations of the world want to devour the Jews!

All leaders of Israel, spiritual and secular, and leaders of the government – you are obligated to have unity and harmony! The government of Israel must be like one body! Every lie, forgery, cheating, bribery – every contemptible thing done by Jews in the holy Eretz Yisrael or around the world – all will be revealed! Many Jews need to prepare to be affected – unless they do teshuva! Everyone without exception!

The Creator of the world is begging and begging and pleading, with every language of petition: “Precious Jews, come to holy Eretz Yisrael urgently and immediately! Do not wait!

Beginning next week, the Holy One will unleash and increase anti-Semitism in the world, against the Jews still found in the diaspora! The Holy One has warned you 3 years in a row – every day! You will not get another warning!

Come to Eretz Yisrael – make a life, you will be protected and have great blessing! Eretz Yisrael will increase and expand like the hide of a deer! It will push against Jordan, the Mediterranean, Syria and Egypt and will expand without anyone feeling it!

Precious Jews! Time has run out! We must love each other, come together, unify, and keep the ten commandments! Thank God more than 80% of Am Yisrael believe in the Creator of the world, who are steadfast and want to cling to the Master of the world! As the Pharaoh brought Bnei Yisrael closer to our Father in heaven – so too it is today!

In this generation, Mashiach is doing and working! The ordinary person who is in the holy Eretz Yisrael! It makes no sense for you not to believe! Because Mashiach is present and working and doing – the whole world is in chaos! Except for the holy Eretz Yisrael in which he is found! The Holy One guards and protects holy Eretz Yisrael – exclusively!

In the merit of Mashiach working and being in Eretz Yisrael – the Jews have light and happiness and rejoicing!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.