Friday, January 27, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Bo 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Bo
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Master of the world has tied the hands of all the Arab nations! He has restrained their hands! They don’t know what has shut them down or why their hands are restrained!

The quiet in the Arab nations – is a false calm! In just a little time – a very short time – they will continue their war against each other and into each other! The Holy One will destroy them all! The Holy One sits on the seat of Judgment regarding the entire world – except for the Holy Eretz Yisrael! The Holy One is waging a battle against all evil and arrogance, against all those who do not keep the Ten Commandments. The patience of the Creator has come to an end! Evil, and all the evil places in the world will become extinct through great forces of nature – earthquakes, floods, volcano eruptions, extreme heat, fires, tsunamis, and hurricanes! All of these threaten to increase! Beginning next week, there will be a sharp increase of shock in the world and severe hatred of the Jews!

At the time of the Egyptian exile, Moshe said to the Holy One, “Why have You made it so bad for the people?” and the intent was that the Holy One, who reigns over purity and impurity, gave permission the sitra achra to chastise Am Yisrael even more. The same thing is happening now! The Holy One has given permission to the sitra achra, beginning next week, to disturb all the Jews outside of Eretz Yisrael! He will implant hatred within the nations against the Jews in order to drive out the Jews from their cars, their homes, their places of work, from their synagogues with no let-up! Because the Holy One’s patience has run out! If they come to Eretz Yisrael – they will have endless blessing!

The Holy One strikes the Arab nations with occasional blows in order to give respite to the Jews who live in the holy Eretz Yisrael! He brings hardships upon them, one after the other – one trouble ends and the next one begins! The Arab nations are waiting to see when, God forbid, we will turn on each other as they have.

All the Gedolim in Israel must work from a place of loving all Jews and Eretz Yisrael, and set aside personal interests. They must ache for the Jews in the holy Eretz Yisrael as well as outside the Land, who are making a grievous mistake by remaining in exile because of money and materialism and not because there is something holy there – they have left the Holy One! The ultimatum is over!

All the Gedolim in Israel: Don’t be “modern,” be humble! You must be pained at the Jews in Eretz Yisrael and throughout the world who fight against each other! It hurts the Holy One – He will pain you as well. The Holy One wants unity and love within Am Yisrael, without regard to the type of Jew, color, style of prayer, appearance, status in Eretz Yisrael, all Jews who are Jews – are equal! It is forbidden to pain the Holy One with fights among Jews! This hurts the Holy One, and he will greatly pain those who are responsible! It is forbidden to harm Jews!

All leaders of Israel have a role! The Holy One is asking that every Jew in a leadership position should faithfully execute their task with the purpose of saving Jews in the holy Eretz Yisrael! We have no other landonly the holy Eretz Yisrael which is the strongest country in the world and which has absolutely everything! Because of this, everyone wants to devour her and tear pieces from her!

Across the world major economic “chaos” will continue! It appears calm for the moment, but it’s the calm before the storm! The world is unstable! Very soon there will be another huge drop in the world’s economy! Eretz Yisrael will not be harmed with this drop in the world’s economy!

Precious Jews, anything that a Jew does in the Land or in the world, good or bad – everything will come out in the open and become revealed in the eyes of all Israel publicly! Repent (do teshuva) sincerely – all the bad from the past will be erased!

All wealthy Jews in Eretz Yisrael and throughout the world, all money must be invested in Eretz Yisrael, to expand the Negev from Be’er Sheva to Eilat, to revive the Negev! Hundreds of thousands of Jews are ready to arrive from the diaspora!

Real estate will continue to expand and building will continue! There is a promise from the Master of the world: In the 20 years to come, there will be no stoppage of expansion of real estate and of roads and of holy Eretz Yisrael! Don’t worry about investing in real estate – only in Eretz Yisrael! All will be bought and sold!

All the tycoons (using the language of the people) must tithe (give truma and ma’aser): to build synagogues, yeshivot, hospitals, mikvas, tithes for the grandeur and spreading of Torah! One should spread the ma’aser to various places, so that profits and assets can increase many times over! If not – one will fall and not be able to rise! If there are misers who refuse to give their trumot and ma’asrot to Jews – the children of the Creator – they will have a huge fall, without exception! The Holy One has given you money to help Jews in the holy Eretz Yisrael!

Congratulations to the government of Israel on its decision to restrain establishments from publicizing their alcoholic beverages! It’s a small step – but a huge impression on the youth and adults in Eretz Yisrael!

Jews of Am Yisrael! The Creator is battling for you against the Arab nations! The Creator is begging you for unity in Am Yisrael and peace among Am Yisrael! Be cognizant and thankful of the King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, who gives you life and who protects you!  Keep the Ten Commandments and the Holy One will do what you need- the guarding and protecting of the holy Eretz Yisrael!

Mashiach is here!

He’s working!

Get going!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Va’aira 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Va’aira
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One Blessed be He, is showing the entire world, in order that Am Yisrael will see and understand, that the hand of the Holy One is in everything! The Holy One is doing things in the world that no scientist, no brilliant person, indeed no individual on this planet can understand how these things happen! He does things that the human mind cannot comprehend, whether it is accidents with cruise liners, airplanes or cars, or natural disasters of all kinds including hurricanes, earthquakes and snow blizzards. Any time these things happen, we hear that nothing like this has happened in hundreds of years. 

The Holy One does it all – in order to awaken Am Yisrael to believe in Him and cleave to Him.

The world finds itself  in a steady earthquake! It’s in the world and above the world! Nothing is firm, everything is hard and difficult and in confusion, because the time has come for an end for hatred and arrogance in the world!

The Holy One “takes” a Persian scientist, who understands atomic power, and He gets involved in Iran and creates an explosion here and there – in order to thwart Iran’s plans against Am Yisrael!

The quiet that reigns among the Arab countries – this is the calm before the storm! The Holy One is agitating among and between them.

The Holy One promised that until the Mashiach is revealed there will be no quiet and peace, neither in the Arab countries nor throughout the world, EXCEPT for the Holy Eretz Yisrael! The Holy Eretz Yisrael is the most guarded and protected place in the world, forever and ever! There is life and livelihood for every Jew that comes to live in Eretz Yisrael!

The Government of Israel must hike its budgets and invest in saving the children of Am Yisrael from drug clubs and alcohol! This comes before budgeting for safety against Iran and Arab countries, before everything! Iran and the Arab countries are in the Holy One’s hands! He is leading them! Alcohol and drugs are in human hands and it is urgent to save the children of Am Yisrael!

A big yasher koach to Tzvi Hendel, for you have become famous in the media, continue to do so, in order to wake up Am Yisrael from this slumber! In all the Arab countries they are destroying  each other and “eating each other up!”

Government of Israel: We must work very hard on unity and “being together,” starting from the Knesset in Israel down to each Jew in Eretz Yisrael!
We must be faithful towards Am Yisrael!

The Israel Defense Forces (Tzahal) does its work faithfully, with all their heart! We should honor every soldier in Tzahal – from the lowest to the highest ranking – they deserve the greatest blessings in the world every moment!

The demonstrations that have taken place in Eretz Yisrael – these we have learned from the goyim, and from the Arab nations. Jews! You are different than the Arab nations!

Jews! You have a neshama that was given to you by the Master of the world! Don’t go in the ways of the goyim!

All giants of Torah and leaders of Am Yisrael: we must make peace among ourselves in Am Yisrael! This is your responsibility and is within your power to make peace! The Master of the world is waiting!

All Jews in the diaspora: It’s time to gather up all the Torah scrolls and Holy books, all the synagogues and study halls and come to Eretz Yisrael immediately! Many warnings have come from the Holy One! All Jews in the diaspora who remain there due to their finances and material concerns need to understand that the Creator of the world raises and lowers, lifts one high and brings one down, makes one rich or poor!

At this moment, the Holy One is dismantling the world’s economy except that of Eretz Yisrael and says to the Jews: Come to the Holy Eretz Yisrael, to Holy soil – immediately! The salvation of Hashem can come in the blink of an eye, and its opposite can also come in the blink of an eye! Don’t fight with Hashem! He loves you! The Holy One has been too patient, and can cease this patience in an instant! After that, no one will listen to you!

Am Yisrael must fulfill the ten commandments in their entirety!

Am Yisrael: We must feel unity among us, with love and togetherness between us, so that the Creator of the world will protect us and guard Am Yisrael and destroy all the Arab nations – for the sake of Am Yisrael! There is a redemption of Am Yisrael!

All Jews, without exception, all the groupings and all the colors – whoever is a Jew – we are all brothers! We are the children of one Father and 12 tribes! We must love each other equally – Chareidim, Ashkenazim and Sefardim! To our Father in heaven, we are all equal! If in the eyes of the Holy One we are equal – let not one person come and undermine this!

Mashiach ben David is with us, working and doing, and soon will lead Eretz Yisrael and the entire world!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Parshat Shemot 5772

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi    Parshat Shemot
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Holy One blessed be He is our Father – the Father of Am Yisrael – the Jews! Am Yisrael – the Jews, these are our children!

Am Yisrael – the Jews, need to understand that Father in heaven is the one who guards and protects them!

The Jews of Am Yisrael need to understand, that the complications the Holy One is creating among the Arab countries have their purpose in protecting Am Yisrael! The relative quiet that pervades now among the Arab countries, is the quiet before the big storm!

Hatred against the Jews in the world is increasing daily. Soon major anti-Semitism will break out in France – also throughout Europe and North and South America – a harsh hatred.

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, is begging Jews throughout the world: come immediately to the Holy Eretz Yisrael, before it’s too late and you lose your honor, wealth and possessions that you’re holding which will have no benefit! Do not tarry – the galut of Bnei Yisrael has ended!

The economy of the whole world will gradually wear down – except that of Eretz Yisrael. The clowns of the generation will arise and make fun and say “true”, “not true,” and will pay!

Jews, who are Jews, in all the world, are children of the Holy One! The Holy One is warning and begging: Do not believe and don’t be tempted by anyone of flesh and blood, of any country – for example Tunisia and Libya – who claim that their economy has stabilized and its worth coming back to live there, is a downright lie! This is a seduction! If you believe in this, God forbid, you will stumble and fall greatly, and there will not be, God forbid, any help!

The Creator of the world speaks with all Jews at eye level, so they shouldn’t say, God forbid, that He didn’t warn them!

Floods will continue and get worse. The time is near for the dam of Egypt to overflow! There will be harsh and difficult winds. 

Volcanoes are heating their cores, in order to burst and pour out their lava. Earthquakes are preparing and planning for the next one – and in Holy Eretz Yisrael, the protected and guarded – the will be livelihood for every Jew! Never has a Jew said, “I regret being in Yerushalayim” and never will it ever be said, “I regret being in Eretz Yisrael!”

In Turkey there will be a revolution very soon, and the revolutions will spread far beyond Arab countries.

Rich Jews in Israel and the diaspora: If their desire is to remain rich – they will do the will of Hashem and give ma’asrot from their private accounts and businesses, to the needy, yeshivot, students of Torah, establishing mikva’ot and synagogues. In this way they will actualize their purpose and will never fail! If they don’t do this – they will fall greatly like a house of cards, one after the other. The Creator of the world created them and sent them to the world and gave them wealth, in order to do acts of kindness. The contributions of Jewish people must go only to Holy Eretz Yisrael – in this way they will have great abundance on this earth and in heaven!

Our precious children, who are guarding and protecting Am Yisrael – the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces – we need to honor them and pray for them every moment!

All heads of communities and leaders of communities in Eretz Yisrael, must raise a loud and powerful call to stop the civil war in the Holy Eretz Yisrael! The leaders are responsible for everything!

Yasher Koach to the government of Israel for the budget approval of free education from the age of 3! It is the government’s responsibility to continue the war against drugs, alchohol and clubs that are ruining the children of Am Yisrael!

The spirit and light of the righteous Mashiach ben David is being felt in the Land and throughout the world!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Vayechi 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi     Parshat Vayechi
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The Hand of God is in all the Arab countries and in everything that is happening in the entire world! The Hand of God sows confusion and chaos within and among the Arab nations, beginning with one nation and moving to the next, and while one calms down it opens with the next one. The Hand of God will neither leave them alone nor the entire world, until all evil is removed from the world!

The Hand of God will not depart from natural disasters until evil is destroyed in the world! The Hand of God will destroy the economy of America, China, Russia and nearby, and Europe, and will do so through the agency of natural disasters – in order that the precious Jews of the Holy One will come to the holy and pure Eretz Yisrael!

The Hand of God is creating ten repetitive plagues until all evil ceases in the world!
Dear and precious Jews: Don’t be in doubt, do not delay and don’t “play” with the Hand of God! Anyone who ridicules – there will be no pity on that person – the Hand of God is a judgment being revealed with mercy, but there is a limit – and the limit is ready to expire!

All of the natural disasters we have seen, such as earthquakes and hurricanes and the like – will strike heavily in the world, such as no eye has ever seen before! Everyone will be in total shock when seeing them in the media. All Jews must keep the 10 commandments! Now is the time, when there is help from Heaven!

The Arab world is in chaos and everyone is fearful of chemical missiles from Syria – Assad is crazy enough and can do it all! The Holy One is causing the swords of Arab nations to enter their own hearts, in order that they leave the Jews alone.

In Israel – instead of loving each other, bring hearts closer, educating children and finding solutions so everyone can work – there are fights with charedim and non-charedim. The government must act and not just talk! The media is creating disturbances! The Master of the world is asking the media – if there will even be a media – not to “inflate” and speak only the truth! When the truth is spoken – there are solutions, and when we tell lies – there is war among brothers.

There is no educational or cultural basis among Am Yisrael, as the educational budget and other necessary budgets are moved aside- what a shame!

The Holy One is asking all leaders of Am Yisrael, to gather their constituents and give them mussar – Derech Eretz precedes the Torah! You shall love your neighbor as yourself – this is the entire Torah!

Fights and slander among brothers, stemming from arrogance and stroking of the “self”, cause difficult problems. If all of Am Yisrael was humble, they would not fight about nonsense, like the exclusion of women.

The Creator of the world loves all Jews who are Jews, from Jews who do not keep the Torah and commandments to those who do – the Holy One loves all of them, every Jew has his time and purpose in this world.

Real Jews: The Holy One is asking that we stop fighting brother against brother, as this angers and annoys the Holy One!

Precious Jews: Immediately, stop angering and paining the Holy One! This is not the proper way that the Holy One desires!

There is a livelihood for every Jew in the holy Eretz Yisrael – all works give honor to the worker! One who works with his 10 fingers and with clean hands – endless blessing will come upon him!

All the lies, passions and desires – will float away so that people will be afraid, will have fear of Hashem, and will repent fully!

Precious Jews: Don’t be seduced by the words of the leaders of Tunisia and Libya and don’t leave the Land! Be careful, this is a trap that you will regret if you are tempted by it! There will be no response and no one to extend a helping hand – this is a severe warning!

Precious Jews in the Diaspora: The Holy One is begging that you come to the holy Eretz Yisrael – NOW! Don’t believe the stories that the Diaspora economy is improving – these are just words – the opposite is true! All the space stations that send space probes – one after the other will fall and crash. The Creator of the world tells them “enough – stop playing with the heavens!” There are currently satellites – but just for now!

Medinat Yisrael is the strongest country in the world! It is the place most guarded and protected – Eretz Yisrael! We must embrace and bless the soldiers of Tzahal every day! The salvation of the Holy One is close, and the King Mashiach will be revealed in mercy!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.