Friday, October 28, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Noach 5772

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi   Parshat Noach 5772

The Master of the World is speaking to the nation of Israel and all human beings by means of world events. Any nation that desires and tries to harm Am Yisarel – the Master of the World will harm that nation immediately, by means of forces of nature, conflicts, and complications within its midst, or general destruction.

The entire account of captive Gilad Shalit’s freedom was led by the Master of the world from beginning to end. All those who assisted were messengers and extensions of the Master of the World, in order to reveal His presence in the world in a natural way.

This is what happened in the Egyptian Embassy, when a moment before the Egyptians broke into the rooms where the Jews were, help came and saved them. This assistance was sent by the Holy One personally! All who saw the broadcast thought the rescuers were human beings, but the truth is, they were not human beings but rather agents of Hashem! This was a miracle seen in the Holy Land and throughout the world, in order to return Am Yisrael to our Father in heaven.

On the day Gilad Shalit was released, most of the world, and all the Jews in the Land and throughout the world stopped what they were doing and watched on various technologies, in order to see the miraculous account brought about by the King of Kings. Never has there been such an occurrence, that all Am Yisrael was so united, in emotion and tears, and so totally amazed by this miraculous occurrence!

It is proper to give thanks to the Holy One for what He did to bring Gilad home to his family and to all of Am Yisrael! The Holy One showed all of Am Yisrael that if they wish, they can be united every day, as on the day that Gilad was released. That day was like Yom Kippur, on which all Am Yisrael joined together and prayed to the Holy One that all should unfold in peace, a unique day of the year. This day was also unique, Hoshana Rabba of Chol Hamoed Sukkot. All Am Yisrael saw with their own eyes, every move and step of the rescue and release of Gilad Shalit and his return to Am Yisrael!

Gilad had a mission of five and a half years on behalf of Am Yisrael. The day will come when we will understand this mission. It is good to give thanks first to Hashem for what happened, and then to others.

All the prisoners released in this matter – their swords will enter their hearts! The thousand-plus prisoners were released in order to eliminate hundreds of thousands of Arabs and to complicate the relationship between Hamas and the Palestinians. The Creator will eliminate them, one against the other, and they will fight each other over leadership of the people.

Why wasn’t Gilad Shalit released after a couple of years? After all, the deal that was signed was similar to the one from three years ago?

But if Gilad was released then, the released terrorists would have wreaked havoc on Am Yisrael. All the joy and celebration in the Arab street – it’s all a big show!

The terrorists will fight in the war of terror, in order to gain the leadership. They will fight with each other and kill each other – their swords will end up in their own hearts!

Just as Am Yisrael experienced great unity in the success of the eventual freedom of Gilad Shalit, so too they can be united always, in order to merit special protection.

The terrible floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires and eruptions - will continue throughout the world with all kinds of natural disasters – Hashem will create complications between and among nations. The European economy will continue to collapse like a bottomless pit. The Holy One has removed every blessing from around the world and placed it in Holy Eretz Yisrael.

America will continue to fall and sink. Jews in America – flee from there quickly, don’t be “smart” and don’t “mess around” with Hashem. The Creator has decided exile is ending and it’s final! Whoever doesn’t understand in their mind (b’moach), will come to understand with power (b’koach) – and the power has only begun. Stubborn Jews – I beg of you, don’t oppose the Holy One, he is speaking to you through the medium of natural disasters.

Eretz Yisrael is like the ark of Noach. There continues to be a good and strong economy in Eretz Yisrael. Real estate will strengthen and the infrastructure will further develop, new establishments will open, the Negev and Galilee will grow, and a huge Jewish aliyah will come from all over the world!

The Holy One is eliminating all the evil from the world, in order to facilitate the good and pure foundation for King Mashiach to come mercifully!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Sukkot 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Sukkot message
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The New Year, 5772, should come to us, with the help of Hashem, for good and for blessing, for unity and for protection, for peace and for strong sustenance in the Holy Land.

In this year, the Holy One will show tremendous might and raise the bar on natural disasters – many times over the previous year – in order to destroy the evil from the world and to prepare the world to receive Mashiach.

The Holy One does not play around, and will not play with anyone in this world! The Holy One is extremely serious – the world of evil is coming to and end!

Whoever repents, keeps the Ten Commandments and clings to Hashem, will live forever in this world, and have the merit to see the revelation of Mashiach in this generation and time!

In the past two years, the Creator has been speaking to Jews throughout the world at eye level. No Jew can protest and say they didn’t understand His signs.

In parshat Ha’azinu Moshe Rabaynu bring Heaven and Earth to witness regarding the Jewish people, for the activities of heaven and earth are prominent and powerful, for through them, Am Yisrael can understand Hashem’s signs and return to Him.

The current conflicts in Arab states will continue and strengthen even more. They will continue to argue and fight with each other to no end.

The hatred of the world for the Jews – will increase! Jews must beware and consider three times whether it is worth going out of the Land! The Master of the World is warning Jews everywhere to come to Eretz Yisrael immediately!

All those who are afraid to come to Eretz Yisrael  due to the threats of the nations that surround us, should worry twice as much in the Diaspora, for there – it will be more dangerous!

No nation in the world can harm the Holy Land! Though missiles fall on Eretz Yisrael, it is done under the watchful eye of the Creator – in order to wake Am Yisrael from its slumber.

The great awakening regarding redemption has begun in Eretz Yisrael, and preparations to receive Mashiach have begun. People may or not be aware. But the Holy One continues his plan to reveal the Mashiach without pause.
Whoever has understood the signs of the Creator and has begun to believe – will merit and benefit and whoever has not – should be careful not to miss the train, there will be no other chances! There have been many opportunities from the creation of Man until today – this is the last chance!

Jews in the Diaspora – money and materialism imprison you in the hands of the Other Side (sitra achra). If you don’t wake up and throw away the vanities of the world and come to the Holy Land immediately – all your money and possessions – will cease and you will come to Eretz Yisrael in an airlift with nothing!

Everywhere where Jews live – will be most greatly affected, so that all Jews will come to Eretz Yisrael! The Holy One will harm every place – except for the Holy Land. These are the signs being done by the Creator.

On Rosh Hashana, the Creator sealed the fates of the nations for the coming year. The Holy One will do the same for the Jewish people after Sukkot. In the merit of the holy Yom HaKippurim, let there be positive developments for Am Yisrael.

Gedolai Yisrael, leaders of Israel, Men of Spirit and Rabbis: You are messengers of the Creator, upon you is placed the responsibility of unifying and bringing closer every Jewish man and woman to our Father in heaven! Forego honor, pride and control, and do what you can for the sake of heaven, and be blessed from Above!

The floods, volcanic eruptions, fires, hurricanes and storms, tsunamis and earthquakes, tremendous confusion and chaos in the world – will happen much more intensely than last year, until the revelation of King Mashiach, whom God will crown as King over the entire world!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Haazinu

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi    Erev Rosh Hashanah    Parshat Haazinu
A Message to Am Yisrael , in the Land and throughout the world

Freedom of choice is in our hands, and we shouldn’t think that everything is obvious.
When all of Am Yisrael is united, with one mind - no enemy can touch us.
Every Jew can request anything from the Creator - if it’s with all your heart- it will happen!
It is forbidden to try and outsmart the Creator and “make deals” with Him. Don’t be close to Him when it is going well for you, and distant and bitter when things are going badly. The Holy One knows all, and the Creator has a reason for everything that happens to a person.
A person that doesn’t succeed at what was planned should thank the Holy One, for the loss is for one’s ultimate benefit, and a redemption of the soul for the person and his family.
Each person who accepts what happens to them with joy, and does the will of the Creator - will not be harmed.
All Jews need to embrace one another and be connected with each other, so that the Creator and the Shechina will protect us from above and from all directions.
The Holy One directs the world by words he places in the mouths of leaders and heads of governments, in order to protect and safeguard Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.
It is desirable that every Jew come to live in Eretz Yisrael, because Eretz Yisrael is the “hub” of every Jew; don’t be complacent and thereby “miss the train.”
In the Arab world, the complications will continue, as will the hatred toward Am Yisrael.
We are a treasured people (Am Segulah), and when all Jews will come together as one, no leader or nation can dissolve us.
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur remind us where we came from and where our roots originate.
I bless you, that all your requests and desires will be accepted with blessing, and that you should be protected and guarded. Wishing you a good and blessed year, and the revelation of Mashiach!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.