Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi's message from 20 Av 5771

A Message to the Jewish People in Israel and throughout the world
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
Parshat Eikev, Av 20, 5771

The Creator of the world is moving the entire world, from one corner of the globe to the other. He brings down and lowers. He lifts and raises.

The Creator of the world is “playing” with the global economy, which is essential to the world and its survival, in order to inform Jews and the entire world -There is a leader in the world! He does so in order to tell the Jews found in the Diaspora, on impure soil, entangled and assimilated among the gentiles, glued to materialism and money, to abandon and leave their places in the Diaspora and come and live in the Holy Land! Just as Hashem shook the Jews out of Eretz Yisrael into exile, so will he shake them out of exile in order to bring them back!

All activities regarding natural disasters and wild swings in temperature, these are signals to the Jews by the Creator, that they should understand to come and make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael! Eretz Yisrael can expand like the skin of a deer.

To all the dispersed Jews in the world- Do not mess with the Creator of the world! All that Hashem does comes from love and compassion for His children, the Jews. The Holy One holds no grudge against you, compliments you, protects you and tempts you to come to the Holy Land- Do not turn away from this message! If Hashem turns His back on you, the suffering in the world will be horrendous, except in Eretz Yisrael. The world will suffer because of the Jews remaining in the Diaspora!

The economy in America will not recover, and all is happening gradually so there will be no panic in the world. While the Jews yet remain in the Diaspora, the world will remain shaken and uncertain like the boat of Yonah the prophet.

Regarding the Arabs, there will continue chaos and entanglement till the end, when they will drive swords into their own hearts.

The missiles sent towards Israel are done for the purpose of waking the Jewish nation from its slumber. All the Jewish demonstrations- We mustn’t forget our Divine image! It is forbidden to have wanton hatred in the Holy Land. We must achieve in a way that is decent and not hurting any Jew.  The Holy One is creating chaos in the Arab countries so that they should fight among themselves. He confuses and confounds them like He did with the generation of the Tower of Babel. Were they to know, Hashem should save us, that all of nature’s upheavals, all conflicts between nations and within nations, vascillation in economy and chaos among world leaders- ALL is in the hands of the Creator, with the purpose of removing evil from the world, and to push every Jew into Eretz Yisrael. In Europe the chaos and conflicts will continue, France will follow England, and many other nations will follow. In the near future, the gentiles will disturb the Jews in the world, looting their businesses, cars and homes.
This is a warning- the Creator is tightening the belt around the Jews to get them to come to Eretz Yisrael!

All the rabbis need to come out screaming and say: a Jew must remain a Jew! A Jew should keep the mitzvot and the Ten Commandments, all for the good of the nation of Israel!

The light of Mashiach is bursting forth; the Shechina is thinning out daily from the Diaspora and is coming to protect Jews in Eretz Yisrael! The revelation of King Mashiach is close, may He lead the entire world for goodness!

 Translation by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, Shlita's message from 13 Av

A NOTE There was a blogger who used to translate and publish many of the weekly messages from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi.  For reasons related to the controversy that surrounds him, she stopped doing so. (Read more about the controversy here.)
I am well aware of the controversy. I am also mindful of the many times in Jewish history when a rabbinic figure was criticized for his ideas in his time and later vindicated.  Personally, I find Rabbi Ben Artzi's words, especially those directed to the Jews of America regarding the imminent need for aliyah, stirring. And he constantly calls for us to do teshuva.  So, even though I know he has his detractors, I've chosen to make his words more widely available in English. 

Rabbi Elan Adler translated Rabbi Ben Artzi's message from this past week and his translation appears below. 

From Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, Shlita
13 Av – from the weekly publication Ta’ir Niri

Hakadosh Baruch Hu is toppling all giants of nature, on all levels throughout the world- volcanoes, exceedingly high temperatures, fires, drought, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes- in order to shake up the entire world, and in order for Am Yisrael to unite as one and do complete Teshuva, and in order to reveal King Mashiach and to bring Geulah with mercy.

Hakadosh Baruch Hu continues and will continue to cause inner turmoil within Egypt. Assad is a trustworthy messenger of Hashem, to destroy Syria. Even Jordan and Lebanon will implode within their countries. Each country will implode within itself, for there is no judgment and no leader of flesh and blood in the world today. In the past there have been leaders, but today Hashem desires only one leader- King Mashiach ben David.

Hashem retrieved essential human leadership and made the leaders into puppets, directing them with strings from above to the earth below. No one knows what will transpire today, every moment has its surprises, those beloved are now despised. All these changes are happening so that the world will feel there is no human leader who can lead the world, and so that Am Yisrael will cry and shout to the Master of the world: “We want a spiritual King, we want a leader who is a Man of God- the King Mashiach ben David, who will reveal himself and redeem Am Yisrael and lead it and the entire world!”

This is Hashem’s intention. Therefore, the protest about dairy products and housing and the doctors’ strike and the like- they will continue. Expenses will rise higher and the government and its institutions will be in a great upheaval- with no leadership- until Am Yisrael understands we need new leadership, and that is King Mashiach!

Hashem is appealing to Jews worldwide not to pressure Him into using harsh ways to extract them from places of impurity, abominations, assimilation, and lust for money. Hashem is proceeding to destroy the bad in the world, and the Jews, allegedly, are impeding this with their behavior. THERE IS NOT MUCH TIME LEFT.

Hashem has extended time to the United States (something unclear) for the sake of the Jews! But woe to the Jews who think they can stay there! The pursuit of Americans is hollow, they will fall in a short time -for when there is no money, there is no peace- and there will be complete chaos. They will eat each other up like animals in a jungle that maul each other. In this way, Hashem brings the Jews to Eretz Yisrael.
PRECIOUS JEWS, GET OUT OF YOUR COMPLACENCY, WAKE UP! HASHEM IS VERY SERIOUS! Don’t play with Him! Hashem is patient up to a point; now He is merciful, but this can turn to strict judgment in a second.

The real estate developer in Eretz Yisrael can further expand and build. Let millions of Jews come to the Holy Land. The Galilee will be built up, as well as the Negev, and Hashem will bring everybody home.

Not a wall, not water, no fire and no human being can impede the Geula and the revealing of the Mashiach! THIS IS THE HOLY PLAN, DECIDED LONG AGO, THAT THIS IS THE TIME FOR THE REVELATION OF MASHIACH, IN THIS GENERATION!

The entire world awaits the Divine Plan, waiting to see what He will do! They await in the heavens and on earth. Revelation of Mashiach will prevent a third World War, will prevent chaos brought on by atomic bombs.

Mashiach is not yet revealed, though the light of Mashiach shines and fights the battles of Yisrael. To the extent that it blinds the eyes of the Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians and Iranians, and crushes them internally, it effectively prevents them from a terrible war with Am Yisrael.


There is livelihood for each person who comes to Eretz Yisrael. Acclimating is not easy because the land is holy, and in everything good and pure and holy there are impediments to receiving the good. Where there are no obstructions and challenges, there you will find a situation that is bad and disastrous. Therefore, we need to have courage and receive the good and to cleave to Hashem. The world is in chaos, there is no human leader in the world; let us appeal to the Creator of the world to send a leader, Mashiach Ben David, in our time and in our days!