Friday, December 30, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Vayigash 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Vayigash
A message to Am Yisrael, in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, guards and protects his entire nation of Israel, with great love and with great mercy! Am Yisrael is a people filled with light, holiness and purity! Am Yisrael in the people chosen by the Holy One – a treasured people! The Holy One protects from all the surrounding nations!

Nasrallah and Lebanon are in fear, and do nothing – they have no backing from Syria because Assad is busy with nice and pleasant work – he is destroying his entire nation! Syria is in unending chaos and Assad is not ready to give up his throne. The armies of the world will not touch Assad because he has chemical warheads. The Holy One is holding Assad with strings as a puppet. The Holy One wants to destroy Syria. He wants to destroy Syria’s plans because they all lead to the destruction of the Holy Eretz Yisrael.

The soldiers of Israel “are resting,” the Holy One is doing the work – for the time of revealing the Mashiach has come! No one can harm Am Yisrael! Lebanon cannot do anything – their swords will enter their hearts. Assad wants to save his skin, he will fight to the finish – as long as he can retain his throne.

Lebanon cannot do anything, not even one step, because they received backing from Syria, and now it has ended!

There is bad blood in Egypt – their swords will enter their hearts! All the Palestinians are collapsing from day to day, they will devour each other, they are fearful for they don’t have Egypt’s backing. When Egyptians fight each other there is no one to support the Palestinians. This is a big advantage to the Holy Eretz Yisrael. In Iran, they will continue to explode among themselves. The Holy One will not give them the pleasure of harming Eretz Yisrael!

The government of Israel and the great leaders of Israel: stop dealing with matters that have no importance. Boys – girls, together or separate! Go with your own feet and see with your own eyes the children of Am Yisrael, ages 3 to 18 and more who are destroying themselves with the drug culture and drink until they are unconscious! An entire generation can be destroyed because of drugs and drinking and crime. In this area the government of Israel must open its eyes wide and be concerned about children in Israel! They need to worry about their education and close all the drug clubs that are destroying them. Drug clubs – this is the quiet way of destroying the children of Israel! We must have massive public efforts to save our children, our boys and our girls! No amount of money can be spared, no strength and resources withheld – to save our children! We should not get involved with other things – boys, girls, for this is simply unnecessary.

Am Yisrael: We must come together and unify as one! We, Am Yisrael, are forbidden to follow the ways of the gentiles. We have the Torah and the Ten Commandments and we have to conduct ourselves according to them. This is what we must teach to all, to all of Am Yisrael!

The Jewish people of Am Yisrael must not assimilate! Am Yisrael are a people of love, and unity and giving! The Holy One wishes all Israel to merit being the first to the revelation of King Mashiach! Therefore the Holy One continues to destroy the evil and hatred in the world in order to bring the world to absolute humility! No one will “chirp”. All will say with one declaration, that Hashem is Elokim, Hashem is One, and He is Everything!”

All forms of natural disasters will continue with force! Boats will sink into the water, planes will fall out of the sky and there will be complications among the nations of the world!

Jews in the diaspora, the Master of the world is warning you: “Don’t tell Me I didn’t tell you!” There will be hatred of Jews everywhere in the world! The place of each Jew is in the Holy Eretz Yisrael! The Master of the world is expelling Jews from the nations of the world in order that they come to the Holy Land!

The European economy will continue to collapse and China is next in line, it’s not too long before it falls too, also England, Russia and North and South America. Where there is money there are Jews and where there are Jews in the diaspora there is money – therefore the Holy One will sink the economies of the world – in order that the Jews will come to Eretz Yisrael!

To wealthy Jews: A tenth of private wages and earnings must be separated (ma’aser). In this way you will be rewarded with double, and you and your livelihood will be protected always! If you don’t give a tenth (ma’aser) – you will suffer the consequences – you will fall and crash! This is a warning from the Master of the world. Don’t take Him to task – He gave you in order that you give to others! To give to the poor and the needy, to build mikvaot and synagogues. All is a preparation and the pattern of the King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, as He works with all His might prior to the revelation of the King Mashiach! 

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Vayeshev 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Vayeshev
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

Father in Heaven asks of all Jews to be united and cohesive, for this is their protection, their strength and their success!

When Am Yisrael is united and cohesive, doing kindness, loving each other and helping each other without expectation of return – no nation and no human being can harm them!

The Holy One blessed be He protects and shields the Holy Eretz Yisrael! There are many miracles occurring, and when Am Yisrael is united and cohesive and performing acts of kindness – the Holy One guards and shields Am Yisrael most strongly! We see the miracles, missiles are shot from Lebanon and Gaza, and the Creator of the world protects the Holy Eretz Yisrael – and only the Jews who live in the Holy Land!

There is no fear, not from Iran, not from Syria, not from Lebanon or Gaza. The Creator will turn everything on their faces! The Creator will protect Am Yisrael! All their evil designs towards Am Yisrael will turn on them – their swords will enter their hearts!

Father in Heaven asks of Jews who live in North and South America, in Europe and everywhere in the world, is asking and begging in every language of urgency: make aliyah immediately to the Holy Land, for this is the place of your residence!

The Holy One is showing signs in all parts of the world: earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and hurricanes, and turning nations against each other, one nation after the other. He uses nature’s forces in order to rid the world of evil, and to show Jews living in the diaspora that He can reach every place. He hit Japan – and will continue to do so in order to show Jews from afar what He can do!

Do not mess with the Creator’s signs in the world! If you don’t come to the Holy Eretz Yisrael now, don’t come complaining to Him, as He won’t listen to any complaint of yours!

One should leave the world of money and materialism, and homes , and a defiled land that has no value – and move quickly to Eretz Yisrael! Here you are safe and protected! In the diaspora, protection over the Jews has ceased! Whoever doesn’t believe should look with his own eyes – there is no longer any protection of the Jews in the diaspora! In the days to come, within weeks, Jews in the diaspora will see exactly how unprotected they are, and will understand that the Holy One is extremely serious! They will escape in huge numbers and come to the Holy Eretz Yisrael!

All Jews living in the Holy Eretz Yisrael, with their families, and who want to work in the diaspora, they will leave for short periods of time and return to the Land, and will succeed in their livelihoods! Jews living in the diaspora will see with their own eyes how they are being stolen from!

The entire world is in chaos, members of parliament fight among themselves! What they show on television – is a tiny fraction of what is actually occurring in the world!

All the presidents and heads of governments in the world are concerned with their own tenure and the Holy One steers them in the direction He desires!

Am Yisrael should not be complacent! Although the Creator’s protection is upon Am Yisrael, the Holy One hopes that Am Yisrael will become as one, in love and unity!

The soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces – they are our children! They guard and protect Holy Eretz Yisrael, and assist Medinat Yisrael truthfully and honestly!

I beg of you, speak only good of them, bless them each and every moment, embrace them and love them! When there is protection of the Jews in the Holy Land – here down below – there is protection from above also! We must respect all soldiers of Tzahal – the Holy One considers all Tzahal “Tzaddikim” without exception! And if the Holy One calls them Tzaddikim -  woe to the one who doesn’t!

“Chazak u’Baruch” (kudos) to the large group of Rabbis who got together, unified and worked together to help Am Yisrael! This is the joy of the Master of the world! You have succeeded in gladdening Him! So may this continue, that many more Rabbis and Gedolai Yisrael (revered Sages in Israel) join in unity and harmony, and in this way advance the revelation of King Mashiach, in mercy!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Vayishlach 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi    Parshat Vayishlach
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, protects, guards and shields, together with the Shechina, the Holy Land and Am Yisrael in the Holy Land, a people that dwells on pure soil.

Many miracles occur to the Jewish people and more will be coming, especially in this month! There will be great miracles and wonders, and each and every Jew will experience these unique miracles!

All the Arab countries, their swords will enter their own hearts as it was with the tower of Bavel. They fight each other, and all that they scheme against the Holy nation of Israel will eventually come upon them – their swords will enter their own hearts!

They will not succeed in harming Am Yisrael. Israel’s Defense Forces puts its life on the line with great sacrifice and great work, and it is for all of Am Yisrael, without exception, to honor and pray for, bless and strengthen every soldier of Tzahal every day!

The world is going down the drain! The economy in Italy, Greece, Spain and other places in Europe – should all go down the drain! No one can help them. There is no way to help them. They themselves don’t know what will be, and all of them are scared, worried and confused, feeling that one will “consume” the other. This is a fear that grips the world! This includes worry that the American economy will collapse.

Many Jews, affluent and not, “cry” that they lack sufficient money or success in work or livelihood. Listen well, understand well and read this well: The Master of the world will give money to those who give a tenth of their earnings (ma’aser) and those who contribute money to the needy, the poor, synagogues, students of Torah, and the sick!

All rich people acquired their wealth solely for the purpose of giving ma’aser to the Jews of Eretz Yisrael. There is no differentiation between one rich person and another or between rich and poor – all are children of the Holy One!

Just as the Holy One sends a messenger or messengers into the world, so too there are messengers upon whom the Holy One relies to give of their ma’aser to Jews. The reason they fall is because they don’t give donations. The Holy One does not excuse anyone!

Do acts of kindness, give ma’aser, and I will return your gifts ten-fold, and when the Master of the world says “deal with me graciously in this matter”, give a tenth (t’ahser) so that you can become rich (k’dai she’tit’asher) – this is the Creator speaking and not flesh and blood!

Ma’aser and charity must be given from wages and personal monetary gains of each Jew, and in this way the rich of the Land will not fall in their businesses; they will be strong and become wealthier. This applies to employees as well. If they don’t do this, they will fall greatly!

The Creator doesn’t want stinginess, rather He desires wide open hearts – the world is built on Chesed!

It is for every Jew across the world, to leave the diaspora and arrive immediately in Eretz Yisrael. All synagogues, their Torah scrolls and all their contents, should be brought immediately to Eretz Yisrael. Jews have completed their task in the diaspora! The exile and diaspora are ending! There is no success for any Jew in the diaspora, as he lives there with family and children – everything will be lost! When they live as a family in Eretz Yisrael, he can travel to the diaspora for a few days or a week to do business – then there will be success!

We need a leader for Eretz Yisrael and the entire world called Mashiach! He is very close to coming!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi Parshat Vayetzei 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Parshat Vayetzei
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, is aiming the entire world in one direction- the removal of evil and materialism from the world. He is aiming towards a new world, of love and peace – let there not be distress in the world! The Holy One is leading the world towards the redemption of the Jewish nation, and the revelation of King Mashiach!

The situation in the world continues to be complicated; each day is more difficult than the day before, and worse than the day before. The world economy continues to fall and crash. In Europe, North and South America, Russia and China and other nations in the world, collapse with continue.

All Jews in the world must come immediately to the Holy Land! World Jews, in America and Europe and in every land: Come to Israel immediately! And until then, buy property and houses in holy Eretz Yisrael! Don’t delay! Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Don’t come afterwards, God forbid, with complaints to the Master of the world – He won’t listen to you! Leave the world of materialism and money! Money comes and goes, goes and comes!

The Holy One is wreaking havoc within and amongst all the Arab nations surrounding Israel, nothing will help them – it won’t stop until they are destroyed at their core! Like it was with the tower of Babel! The Holy One is doing all this, so that they will have arguments with each other and leave Am Yisrael to cleave wholly to the Holy One!

Am Yisrael: Don’t be complacent, take this opportunity to come together and be united and all come back in repentence!

Real estate in Eretz Yisrael will continue to widen. There will be jobs for every Jew who reach Eretz Yisrael. There is no fear in Eretz Yisrael, the Holy One guards and protects Am Yisrael. The explosions in Lebanon and Iran, the hand of Hashem was in it – their swords will enter their hearts! This is only the beginning! There will be much more of “their swords will enter their hearts”! Even all their inner conflicts are part of “their swords will enter their hearts!”

The Israel Defense Forces – the soldiers of Tzahal are doing their job with a full heart! They are protecting Am Yisrael and the Holy One protects them! It is for every Jew, without exception, to honor and bless them and to pray for them to succeed in all their endeavors!

Thank God, Tzahal does its work quietly and efficiently, and they do Holy work. Am Yisrael should go with head held high, and stop locking itself in fear and trepidation – this is forbidden! We need to be confident and loving and unified, and rely and lean on the King of Kings, the Holy One!

The Holy One is begging from the Jews in Am Yisrael, from the youngest to the oldest, to work for unity and baseless love, to forgive one another and to love one another.

All giants of Torah and leaders of Israel: we need to find a new way, of unity and togetherness, to love one another – one Jew should love another and be with one heart – you are the models for all Jews in the Land and throughout the world! And however our elders behave is how our children behave – it’s all in your hands! One and yet another one, and in the end we’ll all be united as one with one heart for all!

We have to encourage Tzahal and its soldiers, to give them our trust – they are our children, they do their best and what is best for the holy Eretz Yisrael!

The entire world’s economy will collapse, and holy Eretz Yisrael will become the richest of all! This is the time! This is the last generation for the redemption of Am Yisrael with mercy! This generation has merited the revelation of King Mashiach!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Parshat Toldot 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi  Parshat Toldot
A Message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, said, “The heart of a king is in the hand of Hashem.”

The Creator controls the heart of every president and head of state in the world, their work is not of their own, and the Creator complicates matters between them. This is how God runs the worldby natural means.

The presidents and heads of government speak nonsense, with mistakes and contradictions. Each day they contradict their words from the day before, and appear ridiculous in front of the whole world – in the media.

The end of the president of Syria – if he doesn’t escape – will be like Kaddafi! The Creator works in an orderly fashion, he disassembles, destroys and finishes off one nation after another. He finishes off one nation – and then comes the next one in the order, or perhaps the next three or four nations.

The enemies that surround us will finish each other off between themselves. Syria and Egypt among them, “and I will instigate Egypt within Egypt.” Next in line – Jordan, which is coming very soon. In Lebanon, they will fight with Hamas and Nassralah, in Gaza Hamas and Fatah will kill each other – for pride and honor, they are ready to die!
The entire world is confused, aching, frightened and complicated, we don’t know what each day will bring. The economy in the Americas – North and South America as well as Canada, will fade with no hope for revival, with the same in Russia, China and Europe. There will be a world economic collapse and the Holy Land of Israel – will become richer, and grow and develop and stretch like the hide of a deer, and all the world will see, and understand and be awed by the greatness of the Creator of the world!

Jews across the world: do not “play” with the Holy One, do not rebel against him. He loves you very much and wants to help you. Do not disappoint the Holy One!

The Holy One, with great love and joy, is waking you up, to leave the impure land, to leave money and materialism, and come immediately to the Holy Eretz Yisrael!
Do not pain, do not anger, do not disappoint the Holy One! He turns to you in compassion; the Holy One wants you to make aliyah to the Land now!

In Eretz Yisrael you will have security, protection, and a good livelihood, and the Land, it is a Holy Land! If we do the will of Hashem – there will be a redemption with compassion. Do not disappoint the Holy One! All the clowns who ridicule Hashem’s messages and say, “this is not what’s happening now” – “we’ve seen this before” – will carry great responsibility and pay a heavy price.

The nations who ignore the creation of a nuclear bomb in Iran, these are nations who are indebted and dependent on Iran for their fuel, and support it at the expense of the rest of the world.

Whoever is worried about peace in the world – will stop Iran, and whoever has personal gain for this nation, ignores it and blocks attempts to stop it.

Medinat Yisrael must work quietly and not publicize what Tzahal and our security forces do.

Volcanic eruptions will continue, and earthquakes, floods, heavy storms and hurricanes will continue and strengthen in many places. Things that the human eye saw and that were unimaginable will be seen in the world by way of the media!
(Hashem’s) judgment is getting harsher week by week across the world. In Eretz Yisrael, real estate, streets and infrastructure continue to grow. Many Jews in the exile understand the Holy One’s messages and are flocking to Eretz Yisrael and investing in it.

To all the Giants of Torah in the Land, community Rabbis and synagogue Rabbis: it is your obligation to join together, to have unity and unify Am Yisrael – there is no separation between Sephardim and Ashkenazim and Charedim, it is for all of us to have one mouth and one heart, like one person! The Holy One is counting on you!

The Holy One is messaging Am Yisrael: Is it not sufficient for you what you see in the world?All that I am doing- is for Am Yisrael! I am showing you so that you will see and fear! Every Jew should be strong in keeping the 10 commandments, and should prepare oneself for the revelation of King Mashiach soon! Mashiach is involved and working within the Holy Eretz Yisrael and is influencing the entire world!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Parshat Chaye Sarah 5772

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi   Parshat Chaye Sarah
A Message to Jews in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, is strengthening and intensifying the forces of nature every week – in order to eliminate evil from the entire world.
Each day the rains, storms and snows and earthquakes will get stronger. Even if the wags of our day will maintain that “only empty buildings have been destroyed” – these are merely warnings. The Holy One pours out his wrath on stones and wood, and if the lesson is unheeded – there will be worse disasters. 

Through the medium of the forces of nature, the Holy One is cleansing the world and Eretz Yisrael, as a preparation for the Redemption and the revelation of Mashiach – ben David – with mercy.

The heads of all the governments in the world battle with each other and are confused, unsure what the day will bring, one day they agree and one day they disagree, and cannot agree on anything. Governments convey confusing and contradictory messages – as it was in the tower of Babel – until everything will collapse.

Sins of bribery, theft, and other indiscretions – all will be revealed! We are living during a time in which the plan is to eliminate evil from the world, to enable a Redemption with mercy.

The Creator of the world is first dealing with countries that contain Jews, so that Jews will come quickly to Eretz Yisrael. The Holy One will break apart those economies, so that Jews in those countries – given that the reason they remain in exile is due to materialism and money – will all come to the Holy Land. One cannot “buy off” the Holy One with gold, silver and diamonds.

It’s not from today that a harsh hatred of Jews exists in America, Canada, South America, Europe and Russia- it will only continue and get worse day to day!

All the congregations across the world should “fold,” gather all the contents of them, and come immediately to Eretz Yisrael! Actions against synagogues will get worse by the day!

Despite the slowdown – in order to get Am Yisrael and real estate agents to pay attention – real estate, construction, roads and infrastructure will continue to expand in order to make room for the hundreds of thousands of Jews who will come to Eretz Yisrael very soon, that they should have a place and their own home in Eretz Yisrael – the most protected, safe and holy place in the world!

There is no fear regarding any nation surrounding us – their swords will be in their hearts! The Creator of the world and the Shechina – protect Am Yisrael!
We find ourselves in a very difficult time, where the sitra achra is bothering Am Yisrael very much. Parents need to be very careful not to transfer their anxiety and anger to their children. They should not hit or be angry with them, since the children are not to blame – the parents are.

From the anxiety, the children get scared and close up, and it’s hard for them to study. Jewish parents first need to educate themselves and then their children. They should not bring into the house what is inappropriate from the outside. When the home is holy and the table – is like the altar, peace, safety and security reign in a Jewish home.

By way of many signs that He is showing, the Creator is begging, in every form of pleading: Jews, come live in Israel now! The exile is coming to an end, I need you in Eretz Yisrael! Redemption of Am Yisrael is at hand!

Precious Jews: we must pay attention to all the clues and hints of the Creator. The world of arrogance and deception is over! Redemption has begun! The light of Mashiach can be found! Mashiach is on his way, to give commands to the leaders of the world! 

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Parshat Vayera 5772

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi   Parshat Vayera
A Message to Am Yisrael, in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One – there is none besides Him – He alone runs the world!

The Master of the world is concerned with every creature, it’s beginning and end. The Creator safeguards AmYisrael and the Shechina shields Am Yisrael with her wings.
The Holy One communicates with every Jew at eye level and through forces of nature: one Shmini Atzeret we prayed, “who brings the winds and brings rainfall,” – and a winter wind blew, the kind everyone felt. Last week we asked, “please bring dew and rains for blessing” – and rain fell everywhere in the Land. By way of these signs, the Holy One shows his great love for us! Thus says the Holy One: “I am with you, my children!”

Leaders of Am Yisrael must be united and as one, attentive to the Creator. So that our country will be strong, without fear of enemy activities – all members of Knesset and ministers need to work as one body!

We should learn from the ways of the nations, and boast about things that haven’t yet happened – better to work quietly and behind the scenes for this is Hashem’s will! That which is hidden from the eye is accompanied with blessing and success!
When government officials and Knesset members fight with each other, our enemies exploit our words for their own gain; they are guided by the Knesset and their disputes, and according to these debates they determine how strong Medinat Yisrael is.

It is forbidden for people to compete and seek to stand out by being the first at something – just in order to go down in the pages of history. All the leaders must act in consultation with others, and in secrecy, for the greater good of Am Yisrael. When the world sees Am Yisrael and its leadership with one mind – no one will be able to challenge and change our policies!

Jews in America, Europe, and all nations throughout the world: Sell everything or sell your home to the bank and get ready to move to Eretz Yisrael!
Notwithstanding the threats within Eretz Yisrael – you will be more safe and protected than any other place in the world!

The Holy One has declared an ending to the evil in the world!

There will be harsh floods, strong winds, volcanic eruptions, blizzards, strong rains and earthquakes in many places – nations surrounding us will eliminate each other – all for the benefit of Am Yisrael!

Precious Jews living in exile: do not be stubborn, don’t wait, don’t “play” with the Master of the world, it’s a pity – the damage can be huge!

It pains Hashem deeply that Jews cannot get along. It is forbidden for Jews to make protests and to quarrel with each other – this angers and saddens the Holy One. The Holy One is joyous when there is love and unity and togetherness in Eretz Yisrael. We are all the children of Avraham Avinu, of blessed memory, there is no difference between one Jew and the next!

Rabbis in Israel: It is up to you to unite and unify Am Yisrael, to safeguard and protect Am Yisrael through your prayers and the prayers of the public.
The Holy One is purifying the world, through water and forces of nature, and is preparing everything for the revelation of  King Mashiach!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Lech Lecha 5772

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi  Parshat Lech Lecha
A Message to Am Yisrael, in the Land and throughout the world

The King of Kings, the Holy One blessed be He, is continuing to repair the world until all the evil in it stops. The Holy One will transform this world into a pure and holy world. Am Yisrael - King Mashiach and the Holy Temple will become first and foremost and all that will remain in the world – will become subservient to Eretz Yisrael and Mashiach ben David.

The floods, snow storms, extreme heat and freezing cold will continue in the world. Volcanoes will continue erupting, hurricanes and earthquakes will continue with greater force. What has happened until now is only the beginning. The economy in Europe and America and every place where Jews live – will crash. Clashes, arguments and wars will have nations turning on themselves. Arabs who surround us will war against each other, like what we see in Syria. Assad has extremely dangerous weapons, and therefore no one “challenges” him. According to plan, he will finish off Syria!

All the Arabs released in the Shalit matter – their swords will go into their hearts! They will “celebrate” among themselves and kill each other.
The Holy One is “dripping” – hinting to every nation and state in the world: Anyone who wants to harm or destroy the Land of Israel – the Holy One will retaliate strongly! The world doesn’t understand, or try to understand, what the Holy One wants from them!

If Jews in the Land and the throughout the world understood what the Holy One wants from them at this time, and why He brings natural disasters in the world – all the Jews would come to the Land of Israel and repent (do teshuva) completely and all non-Jews living in the Land would flee – this phase will happen.

The means of communication that the Holy One has with the world is through events that shake and rumble and cleanse of evil. But the people don’t understand what the Holy One is saying. Jews need to understand that the Holy One is purifying the world to prepare it for revealing the King Mashiach! Therefore, all Jews need to unify and come together, do acts of kindness and return to Hashem!

The world thinks that natural forces – those that destroy with their power and remove evil – that this is the way of nature. The earth and its natural forces have not “gone mad,” this is the Holy One “pushing the buttons” and directing the entire world, with a specific plan, in order to banish evil from the world.

The Creator of the world will cause Am Yisrael to come to a place of baseless love, doing kindnesses for one another, and peacefulness – between husband and wife in their home, and a feeling of unity “as one entity with one heart.” Whoever doesn’t believe this – will see it soon with their own eyes. If Am Yisrael will understand the will of the Holy One, with all Jews living in the diaspora making aliyah and those Jews living in the Land uniting on their own – this will be ideal. But if Heaven forbid they don’t understand, the Creator will make them feel united and loving on His own terms, ways that are severe!

The protests in Eretz Yisrael will not achieve their purpose- it’s too bad, we shouldn’t learn from the ways of the gentiles. Representatives from the groups need to chose spokespeople to speak with the government – this is the best way to solve problems.
The State of Israel must not pay any attention to Nasralla, and needs to quietly plan for his “madness.” When he receives any attention from Israel – his arrogance grows and he becomes wilder! We must not be afraid of him, and we also can’t be passive about him because he is very dangerous. Pay no attention to him, as if he doesn’t exist!

All the disturbances from Gaza, Lebanon and places surrounding Jerusalem, this is the “whip” that the Holy One is using to bring Am Yisrael to repentence.
Giants of Torah, leaders and Rabbis! It is your task to come together, to bring strength and protection to the Holy Land and Am Yisrael. Am Yisrael is hurting when its leaders are not unified and united, don’t be stubborn, this is not the time for “games.”
Moses our Teacher, peace be upon him, gave his soul for Am Yisrael. All our leaders together can be like Moshe Rabaynu – unity and togetherness amongst you will bring the same within Am Yisrael, and thus bring safety and protection.

Regarding the economy of Europe – there is no solution, the situation will get worse and America will crash, falling and plunging deeper and deeper. Jews, I beg of you, leave the materialism and come to live in the Holy Land of Israel. There is Redemption and there is Mashiach, who is waiting to be revealed!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Noach 5772

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi   Parshat Noach 5772

The Master of the World is speaking to the nation of Israel and all human beings by means of world events. Any nation that desires and tries to harm Am Yisarel – the Master of the World will harm that nation immediately, by means of forces of nature, conflicts, and complications within its midst, or general destruction.

The entire account of captive Gilad Shalit’s freedom was led by the Master of the world from beginning to end. All those who assisted were messengers and extensions of the Master of the World, in order to reveal His presence in the world in a natural way.

This is what happened in the Egyptian Embassy, when a moment before the Egyptians broke into the rooms where the Jews were, help came and saved them. This assistance was sent by the Holy One personally! All who saw the broadcast thought the rescuers were human beings, but the truth is, they were not human beings but rather agents of Hashem! This was a miracle seen in the Holy Land and throughout the world, in order to return Am Yisrael to our Father in heaven.

On the day Gilad Shalit was released, most of the world, and all the Jews in the Land and throughout the world stopped what they were doing and watched on various technologies, in order to see the miraculous account brought about by the King of Kings. Never has there been such an occurrence, that all Am Yisrael was so united, in emotion and tears, and so totally amazed by this miraculous occurrence!

It is proper to give thanks to the Holy One for what He did to bring Gilad home to his family and to all of Am Yisrael! The Holy One showed all of Am Yisrael that if they wish, they can be united every day, as on the day that Gilad was released. That day was like Yom Kippur, on which all Am Yisrael joined together and prayed to the Holy One that all should unfold in peace, a unique day of the year. This day was also unique, Hoshana Rabba of Chol Hamoed Sukkot. All Am Yisrael saw with their own eyes, every move and step of the rescue and release of Gilad Shalit and his return to Am Yisrael!

Gilad had a mission of five and a half years on behalf of Am Yisrael. The day will come when we will understand this mission. It is good to give thanks first to Hashem for what happened, and then to others.

All the prisoners released in this matter – their swords will enter their hearts! The thousand-plus prisoners were released in order to eliminate hundreds of thousands of Arabs and to complicate the relationship between Hamas and the Palestinians. The Creator will eliminate them, one against the other, and they will fight each other over leadership of the people.

Why wasn’t Gilad Shalit released after a couple of years? After all, the deal that was signed was similar to the one from three years ago?

But if Gilad was released then, the released terrorists would have wreaked havoc on Am Yisrael. All the joy and celebration in the Arab street – it’s all a big show!

The terrorists will fight in the war of terror, in order to gain the leadership. They will fight with each other and kill each other – their swords will end up in their own hearts!

Just as Am Yisrael experienced great unity in the success of the eventual freedom of Gilad Shalit, so too they can be united always, in order to merit special protection.

The terrible floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires and eruptions - will continue throughout the world with all kinds of natural disasters – Hashem will create complications between and among nations. The European economy will continue to collapse like a bottomless pit. The Holy One has removed every blessing from around the world and placed it in Holy Eretz Yisrael.

America will continue to fall and sink. Jews in America – flee from there quickly, don’t be “smart” and don’t “mess around” with Hashem. The Creator has decided exile is ending and it’s final! Whoever doesn’t understand in their mind (b’moach), will come to understand with power (b’koach) – and the power has only begun. Stubborn Jews – I beg of you, don’t oppose the Holy One, he is speaking to you through the medium of natural disasters.

Eretz Yisrael is like the ark of Noach. There continues to be a good and strong economy in Eretz Yisrael. Real estate will strengthen and the infrastructure will further develop, new establishments will open, the Negev and Galilee will grow, and a huge Jewish aliyah will come from all over the world!

The Holy One is eliminating all the evil from the world, in order to facilitate the good and pure foundation for King Mashiach to come mercifully!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi - Sukkot 5772

Rabbi Nir ben Artzi   Sukkot message
A message to Am Yisrael in the Land and throughout the world

The New Year, 5772, should come to us, with the help of Hashem, for good and for blessing, for unity and for protection, for peace and for strong sustenance in the Holy Land.

In this year, the Holy One will show tremendous might and raise the bar on natural disasters – many times over the previous year – in order to destroy the evil from the world and to prepare the world to receive Mashiach.

The Holy One does not play around, and will not play with anyone in this world! The Holy One is extremely serious – the world of evil is coming to and end!

Whoever repents, keeps the Ten Commandments and clings to Hashem, will live forever in this world, and have the merit to see the revelation of Mashiach in this generation and time!

In the past two years, the Creator has been speaking to Jews throughout the world at eye level. No Jew can protest and say they didn’t understand His signs.

In parshat Ha’azinu Moshe Rabaynu bring Heaven and Earth to witness regarding the Jewish people, for the activities of heaven and earth are prominent and powerful, for through them, Am Yisrael can understand Hashem’s signs and return to Him.

The current conflicts in Arab states will continue and strengthen even more. They will continue to argue and fight with each other to no end.

The hatred of the world for the Jews – will increase! Jews must beware and consider three times whether it is worth going out of the Land! The Master of the World is warning Jews everywhere to come to Eretz Yisrael immediately!

All those who are afraid to come to Eretz Yisrael  due to the threats of the nations that surround us, should worry twice as much in the Diaspora, for there – it will be more dangerous!

No nation in the world can harm the Holy Land! Though missiles fall on Eretz Yisrael, it is done under the watchful eye of the Creator – in order to wake Am Yisrael from its slumber.

The great awakening regarding redemption has begun in Eretz Yisrael, and preparations to receive Mashiach have begun. People may or not be aware. But the Holy One continues his plan to reveal the Mashiach without pause.
Whoever has understood the signs of the Creator and has begun to believe – will merit and benefit and whoever has not – should be careful not to miss the train, there will be no other chances! There have been many opportunities from the creation of Man until today – this is the last chance!

Jews in the Diaspora – money and materialism imprison you in the hands of the Other Side (sitra achra). If you don’t wake up and throw away the vanities of the world and come to the Holy Land immediately – all your money and possessions – will cease and you will come to Eretz Yisrael in an airlift with nothing!

Everywhere where Jews live – will be most greatly affected, so that all Jews will come to Eretz Yisrael! The Holy One will harm every place – except for the Holy Land. These are the signs being done by the Creator.

On Rosh Hashana, the Creator sealed the fates of the nations for the coming year. The Holy One will do the same for the Jewish people after Sukkot. In the merit of the holy Yom HaKippurim, let there be positive developments for Am Yisrael.

Gedolai Yisrael, leaders of Israel, Men of Spirit and Rabbis: You are messengers of the Creator, upon you is placed the responsibility of unifying and bringing closer every Jewish man and woman to our Father in heaven! Forego honor, pride and control, and do what you can for the sake of heaven, and be blessed from Above!

The floods, volcanic eruptions, fires, hurricanes and storms, tsunamis and earthquakes, tremendous confusion and chaos in the world – will happen much more intensely than last year, until the revelation of King Mashiach, whom God will crown as King over the entire world!

Translation provided by Rabbi Elan Adler.